Monday, April 8, 2024

William Bordon

 William Whiting Borden was an extraordinary individual whose life story is both inspiring and poignant. Let me share his remarkable biography:

  • Childhood and Youth:

    • William Whiting Borden was born into a prominent and wealthy Illinois family on November 1, 1887. His father had amassed a fortune in Colorado silver mining. Despite their wealth, the Borden family was unrelated to the Borden Condensed Milk Company.
    • Borden’s mother converted to evangelical Christianity in 1894, leading young William to attend Chicago Avenue Church (later known as Moody Church). There, he responded to the gospel preaching of R. A. Torrey, and his life took a transformative turn.
    • After graduating from The Hill School in Pennsylvania at the tender age of 16, Borden embarked on a chaperoned trip around the world. It was during this journey that he developed a deep desire to become a foreign missionary.
  • Yale University and Missionary Calling:

    • Borden entered Yale University in 1905. Inspired by young classics tutor Henry Burt Wright, he initiated daily prayer groups that eventually reached the entire university, spanning from freshmen to seniors.
    • At a 1906 Student Volunteer Movement convention in Nashville, Borden encountered Samuel Marinus Zwemer, a passionate advocate for evangelizing the Muslim world. This encounter further fueled Borden’s missionary zeal.
    • Despite his charismatic personality, athletic pursuits, and social engagement, Borden remained committed to his faith. He was elected president of Phi Beta Kappa and actively participated in various collegiate sports.
    • Borden’s ecumenical spirit led him to fund a rescue mission in New Haven, where he personally engaged in ministry. His compassion left a lasting impression on those who witnessed his genuine care for others.
  • Brief Career and Tragic End:

    • After graduating from Yale in 1909, Borden attended Princeton Theological Seminary. However, his heart remained set on missionary work.
    • Borden turned down lucrative job offers, choosing instead to pursue his calling. He wrote two powerful words in his Bible: “No retreats.
    • His ultimate goal was to serve as a missionary in Gansu province, China. Sadly, fate intervened. Borden contracted spinal meningitis while studying Arabic in Cairo, Egypt. On April 9, 1913, at the age of 25, he passed away before reaching his chosen mission field.

William Whiting Borden’s legacy lives on as a testament to unwavering commitment, sacrificial love, and the pursuit of a higher calling. His life motto—“No reserves. No retreats. No regrets.”—continues to inspire generations of believers 

Several books have been written about the remarkable life of William Whiting Borden, the wealthy graduate of Yale who aspired to be a missionary. Let me share a few notable ones:

  1. “William Whiting Borden: A Short Life Complete in Christ” by Charles S. Campbell:

  2. “Victorious Christians You Should Know” by Warren Wiersbe:

  3. “Who Was William Whiting Borden?” by Ligonier Ministries:

These books provide glimpses into the heart and character of William Whiting Borden, a man who chose to live with no reserves, no retreats, and no regrets in his pursuit of God’s calling.


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Bible 281

 Like Nicky I do mtg like to get rid my old clothes. As a metaphor, my old way of doing life has Ben being passive aggressive at times, hold...