Friday, May 31, 2024

Bible 154

 Experiencing crazy love as described in this devotional has brought me to tears several times. After my Dad was killed in a car accident, I fought I could not survive the death of my brother. We drew close after the accident. When our grandson died two days after his birth, we all sensed God’s nearness in dramatic ways. Seeing the grief of our sin was overwhelming. Jesus had and has a passion to invite us into a close relationship. His presence among the disciples must have been powerful. I can only imagine how Peter felt when Jesus looked into his eyes and restores their friendship after Peter’s denial. I’ve thought about that moment several times - what would Jesus say to each of us at a morning breakfast on the shore?  

David’s passion to unite the country after Saul’s death was not easy. He had critic, even in his own home. But Davis knew that his time has come. His love for what God has called him to do was powerful 

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