Sunday, June 2, 2024

Power over the enemy

 At the Colson Center National Conference in Dallas, I had the joy of being with Kelvin Cochran yesterday and hear his compelling testimony. Kelvin is a highly decorated and respected firefighter with 34 years experience including being Police Chief of Shreveport and Atlanta. 

He faced a serious attack on his career when he was falsely terminated for expressing his Christian beliefs at his church. The Alliance Defending Freedom represented him in this attack against Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech. He was fully exonerated. This unique experience has enabled Kelvin to inspire others to walk in courage while relying on God’s grace to stand. He challenged us to:

1. Spend more time talking about what God is doing than what the enemy is doing.

2. Be more inspired by the promises of God than the threats of the enemy.

3. Know that the power and authority of God is greater than the power and authority of the enemy.

4. Be willing to suffer worldly consequences in order to stand up for Biblical truth.

Kelvin has been deeply inspired by three groups of believers who paid the ultimate price for honoring Jesus. 1. He reminded us of the 21 Egyptian young men that were beheaded by ISSIS because they would not deny Jesus Christ. 2. He mentioned the Afghanistan Christian dads who were told by the Taliban their children would live if they denied Jesus. They honored God above all else and watched the butchers do the unthinkable. 3. Lastly, he mentioned the Islamic radicals who gunned down 125 Christian School kids in Kenya who would not deny Jesus. 

Kelvin challenged us to honor God above all else. Isaiah 59:19 says, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise up a standard.”

Michael Sprague

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