Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Inside Out 29

 There is very little wisdom in our self sufficient independent mindset. Thinking we are the captain of our ship and God is my assistant is a foolish way to live. Full surrender to His shepherd like authority is true wisdom, learning to wait on Him to lead, listening to His calm reassuring voice, and filtering out the noise of competing voices. Patient waiting often makes me restless in wanting to move before I’m ready. Managing my thinking time and my emotional ups and downs happens under His management as I surrender to Him, resting in His deep love. 

“Even you can’t tell yourself how to change, because you didn’t create you. To love someone is to desire and work toward their becoming the best version of themselves. The one person in all the universe who can do this perfectly for you is God. He has no other agenda. He has no unmet needs he is hoping you can help him with. And he knows what the best version of you looks like. He delighted in the idea of it, and he is already working on it. The apostle Paul said, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” Which means God is at work every moment to help you become his best version of you.” - John Ortberg, The Me I Want to Be: Becoming God's Best Version of You

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