Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Storms Shipwrecks Snakebites

 Michael Sprague 


I am meditating upon the Apostle Paul’s STORM, SHIPWRECK and SNAKEBITE travel log in Acts 27-28. At outward appearance, the voices of the day saw Paul’s calamities as God was out to get him. However, a look through the Sovereignty and Providence of God-lens revealed something far different:

1. Closed Doors are often just Divine Detours.

2. God guides by a zigzag and not a straight line.

3. God sometimes takes us off-course to keep us on-course.

4. At times our plans need to fail so God’s plans can win.

5. If you want to make God laugh, tell Him too many of our plans.

6. God is never early, never late, He is right on time every time. You can trust His timing.

7. There are no coincidences, only providence. No twist of fate, only divine appointments.

If Paul would have tried, as a preacher-boy or a jailbird, to get an appointment with Governor Publius of Malta or Nero of the Roman Empire, it would have been impossible. Yet, SUFFERING, a STORM, a SHIPWRECK and a SNAKEBITE changed everything. Is it no wonder an angel would tell Paul beforehand, “Do not be afraid Paul, you must stand before Caesar” (Acts 27:24)? This was all part of the fulfillment of Paul’s calling to be a chosen instrument of Jesus to bear His name to Jews, Gentiles and Kings.

I cannot miss God’s sovereignty and providence in my life. I have experienced a few rogue winds, shipwrecks and snakebites for God to get me where he wants me. If I would have asked for an appointment with elected officials many years ago, they would have probably laughed, and I would have had nothing to say. I think back upon the divine appointments with elected leaders, pastors and business leaders over the last fourteen years. Only God could open these doors to have me at this place, in this time, in these ways.

Have you seen God use STORMS, SHIPWRECKS and SNAKEBITES in your life? Which one of the seven principles stand out to you?

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