Sunday, June 2, 2024

Lord’s Prayer 1

 When we address the Lord as our Father, what are we saying?  What mental thoughts and emotions do you or I have when we call Him our Father?  If you are like me, I had a hard time sending an intimate trust because of my relationship with my biological Dad. It’s fake me a while to recalibrate my thinking and emotions. But much more than that, Jesus invites us into a relationship that He experiences as the Son of God. How does that apply to our daily lives?  He is meat and present. He waits for us to call upon Him with integrity. Amy duplicity, entitlement, manipulation or half hearted fogginess will be detected. 

Prayer is both conversation and encounter with God. We must know the awe of praising his glory, the intimacy of finding his grace, and the struggle of asking his help, all of which can lead us to know the spiritual reality of his presence.” - Tim Keller, Prayer

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