Monday, July 15, 2024



1. What is God teaching you right now?

Search for Him at all times. He is there. 2 groups of people - those who are searching and those who are not - be open to what God will do next. OT - the pillar of fire the cloud moved. The shofar blew - what will do? Where will He lead. He is ever present. Galatians 2:20

Kingdom building  - who is the kingdom for - why - what kingdom are we building - our own reputation, to be thought of well, or guide, a process of transformation. 

 Psalm 34:1

Taste and See That the LORD Is Good

    [1] I will bless the LORD at all times;
        his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Following Christ is experiencing His presence. It’s much more than agreeing with the correct information. It’s doing, searching, developing character, demonstrating integrity. The measurement of growth is in the fruits of the Spirit. I used to think that following Christ was a once and done decision. But it is continual change. 

Great commission - omission. Student of discipleship. What does this mean for the time I have left?  
OIKOS model - who has Hod out in my life at this point. How can I use these moments to encourage, influence, link up, mentor?

2. Are you listening to or reading anything that is particularly stimulating to your soul? - John Ortberg - what is your story. His is God transforming your story. We don’t always get the story we want because He is inviting us into His story. 
Trevor Hudson  - one day at a time - 12 steps - acknowledge I need Him  - trying harder doesn’t work. Confess my weakness and sin - acknowledge Him in all things. 

3. How can we pray for you right now?  

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