Friday, August 16, 2024

James 6

 James is a realist. Living for Christ is often faced with tough issues. Thinking that life will be filled with open doors and green lights is not a realistic mindset. No one is perfect and our world is far from perfection. Following Christ is a process of character transformation, empowering us to be Christ like, with less fear, more humility and confidence than we have ever known. His presence in us is the power of the resurrection. It is not us, but Him living in us. 

“The great “divine conspiracy” of God is to overcome the human kingdoms of this world—at both the individual and the corporate or governmental level—with love, justice, and knowledge of truth. “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and forever” (Rev. 11:15). This is an eternal reality. The question we have pursued time and again is: How can we best participate in this reality as soon as possible?” Excerpt, The Divine Conspiracy Continued by

Dallas Willard & Gary Black, Jr.

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