Monday, September 2, 2024

Rooted 7


One of the hardest things I’ve had to learn and am learning is to stop my desire to control what is happening. Trying to manipulate events or carefully choosing words to make a story sound one way is not a truthful way to live. The weeds of self sufficiency and independence choke out seeds of faith, hope and love. God’s timing is not mine. Letting go of control and worshipping Him, trusting Him, is a rhythm I want. 

“Apprenticeship to Jesus is about turning your body into a temple, a place of overlap between heaven and earth—an advance sign of what one day Jesus will do for the entire cosmos, when heaven and earth are at long last reunited as one. This is the single most extraordinary opportunity in the entire universe: to let your body become God’s home. And it’s set before you every single day.” - John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way

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