Thursday, September 19, 2024

Vine 5

How has reading and meditating on Scripture changed you?  How can memorization or dwelling on a passage influence your praying?  There have been times I’ve been all wrapped up in myself, preventing me to experience the power of God’s word. Other times when I’ve been very intentional about a passage and its application, I’ve sensed His presence, yet a battle with the evil one. The Bible knows me better than I do and it knows the complex battle for our hearts. The deeper we understand Scripture, the greater wisdom we acquire. Our conversations with our Triune God becomes more intentional.

“Jesus is very plainly telling his disciples, “Until now, you’ve never really prayed, not like I designed it. But when I go to the Father, you’ll discover prayer in my name.” The ancient phrase “in my name” means “under my authority.” To pray in Jesus’ name means to pray with recovered authority. He won back on our behalf the authority we were created to carry and lost. “In Jesus’ name” was never meant to become just a fitting tagline at the end of the prayers of experienced Christians. It’s the exercise of Jesus’ victory. To pray is to experience the very same access to God the Father that Jesus has.” - Tyler Staton, Praying Like Monks

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