Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Coaching - Tom Landry

 Tom Landry said, "A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has you see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be."

The best coaches are excellent leaders.

They connect and influence.

It's not what they say, but their actions, behaviors, and habits that set the standard.

The consistency in their habits is what makes the best coaches, the best leaders. 

That consistency permeates through the culture and everyone on the team.

7 Coaching Habits of The Best Leaders:

1. Communicate Expectations = Alignment

People perform when they know what to expect and where they are headed. When you align your team's understanding with your vision, you create purpose. This habit not only sets a clear path forward, but sets expectations and fosters unity ensuring everyone's on the same page.

2. Build Relationships = Trust

Building relationships isn't just about camaraderie, it's the foundation for trust. Great leaders understand that trust is the currency of collaboration and growth. If you don't trust someone, you won't listen and believe you have their best interest at heart. By investing in genuine connections, you lay the groundwork for a committed team. 

3. Measure Results = Accountability

When leaders hold themselves and their teams accountable for outcomes, they pave the way for growth and continuous improvement. It is not just saying the words, but consistently making accountability a habit. This means setting a target, measuring to the target, and consistently reflecting on progress. Focus on the process and the inputs that drive the results.

4. Give Responsibility = Ownership

The best leaders give responsibility and ownership to others. When people feel ownership, they take ideas and run with them because they know their voice is heard. Leaders who empower their team members to take ownership of their roles inspire creativity and dedication. Ownership turns ordinary tasks into personal missions, and that's why it's important.

5. Celebrate People and Wins = Connection

Celebrating wins shows people you care and builds gratitude for others and the team. It reminds everyone of progress, boosts morale, and strengthens the bonds within your team. This habit nurtures a culture of appreciation and togetherness. Spend time each week celebrating the small wins.

6. Get Feedback = Engagement

It's not about hearing words, it's about having people open up. Leaders who actively seek and listen to feedback demonstrate their commitment to growth and improvement. They create a structure  that allows people to be heard. It shows that every voice matters, leading to higher engagement, innovation, and commitment.

7. Be Yourself = Authenticity

People don't buy what you say, they buy WHO YOU ARE. The best leaders embrace their unique qualities and values, setting an inspiring example for their others. They don't fake their enthusiasm or energy, they are themselves. Authenticity breeds trust and creates an environment where everyone can be their best self.

"A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life." - John Wooden

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