Sunday, September 17, 2023

Trusting 21

 This series has shown me smthat Joseph had a lot going on in his heart. He had wrestled with his own regret, bitterness, and lack of trust. But the inner turmoil was matched with God showing Joseph that He was trustworthy beyond imagination. No human effort could manipulate events and circumstances to show God’s agenda. Joseph was loved by His Father far more than Jacob. In the end Joseph wanted his brothers to grasp this fact. How much do you and I want that to be our life theme?

Is there anything more worthy of our tongues and mouths than to speak of the things of God and Heaven?"- John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress

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Bible 187

 Proverbs seems to say there are two kinds of people - those who seek God and those who couldn’t care less. Those who search for Him find wi...