Saturday, April 6, 2024

John 6

 Feeding so many people with such a small amount impacted the disciples…T least for a short time. 12 baskets of left overs, one for each disciple to hold. What a personal eye witness account of who Jesus was. But their next adventure in the boat brought a new crisis. What good was a basket of left overs?  But Jesus was about to show them that He was Lord of feeding everyone and Lord of the climate. He is Lord of our every need  

Certainly we should be very active in seeking God, and Jesus himself called us to 'ask, seek, knock' in order to find him. Yet those who enter a relationship with God inevitably look back and recognize that God's grace had sought them out, breaking them open to new realities.” - Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

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Uncertainty 9

 Do you find it hard to describe yourself as a clay pot?  I used to believe in the statement: “When life gets tough, the tough get tougher!’...