Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Mercies 1/3

 I wish I could keep the following verses at the forefront of my thinking everyday. “For we walk by faith, not by sight. In fact, we are confident, and we would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. Therefore, whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to be pleasing to him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may be repaid for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” If these verses were practiced all the time, I would listen to what He is saying rather than the world’s noise or my ‘what if…list. God truly knows our every thought and intention. May we please Him in 2023!

“We may give up on Him, but He never gives up on us. We may lose hope, but He cannot. We may forego God's calling on our life, but God will continue to pursue His purposes. We may run from God, but He will find us every time.” - Henry Blackaby

New Mercies 1/2

 This is a profound statement: “The Christian life, the church, our faith are not about us, they’re about Him—His plan, His kingdom, His glory”. It took a LONG time for me to ever hear this teaching or begin to understand this wisdom. I’ve wasted so much time and energy with my own illusions of self kingdom building. The more I can see where He is working and join in, the more rewarding. What He initiates, He will make sure that it works, regardless of my input. What I initiate often takes my ability to sustain.

“The truths of the Christian faith are not designed as a checklist to see whether you're all right. The great truths of God's Word are designed to affect every corner of your life.” - Henry Blackaby

Friday, December 30, 2022


 My resolution for 2023 is the same as my resolution from previous years.

‘I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand I shall not be shaken.’ Psalm 16:8

Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.”  --Psalm 16:1,2

Bob Russell - Dr. Luccock made this memorable application. “Where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present.” Solomon put it more simply, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (Proverbs 29:18a KJV).

Today we begin a new year. What are your hopes for 2023… and beyond? The Bible teaches that hope is one of three essential virtues. “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love…” (1 Corinthians 13:13a). Hope is confidence in the future. Hope is the expectation that something good is going to happen tomorrow. Hope gives us power in the present. Hope is so important that Romans 8:24 reminds us, “For we are saved by hope…” (KJV).

We all need hope on three different levels: short-term, long-term, and eternal.

Short-term hopes energize us. I’m invigorated if I have something to look forward to in the immediate future. I’m going to play golf on Friday. I get to preach on Sunday. Our family is getting together for a Christmas celebration next week. Those anticipated events lift spirits and energize us.

Long-term hopes enhance endurance. Perhaps you’re looking forward to getting your doctorate someday, or you dream of that day when you can be debt-free or retire. Long-term hopes give us the incentives to persevere through difficulty.

Eternal hopes are essential because they provide an ultimate purpose regardless of what is happening at the moment.

Simon Peter reminded us that through Christ, we have been reborn into “…a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you” (1 Peter 1:3-4).

An eternal hope enhances the satisfaction we get from short-term and long-term goals. It keeps other dreams in proper perspective and enriches all of life. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” (1 Timothy 6:17).

We enjoy material possessions and healthy pleasures more if they are not our primary hope. The Bible says, For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” (Romans 15:4).

A well-known hymn begins, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness,” and ends with, “All other ground is sinking sand.” Sadly, there are many who have “sinking sand” hopes. They place their hope in financial success, academic or athletic achievements, or personal relationships. While these may provide temporary satisfaction, they are not eternal hopes. They are sinking sand hopes.

We have all known people who worked hard to achieve prominence but then resisted retiring because all their hopes – their entire identities – were tied to their job. When they were eventually forced to retire, they shriveled up and died because they had nothing to live for. Truly, “All other ground is sinking sand.”

The doomed town of Flagstaff, Maine, is an example of the sense of futility people experience when there is no hope in the future. Yet the more important lesson from the now-extinct town is not one of despair but of realistic hope. The people of Flagstaff knew they could not stop the destruction of their town, but they knew they could escape it. So, they quit focusing on their present circumstances, packed up, and prepared to move. Relocating them to nearby towns on higher ground, the government built new shops and schools and helped the townspeople finance new homes. And life went on for the people of Flagstaff. In fact, for most of them, their lives were improved in a better community. They now lived on the edge of a recreational lake, and their quality of life was enhanced.

What a reminder for us! Face reality – your body is doomed. It’s going to soon be buried under six feet of dirt. The Bible says, “…outwardly we are wasting away” (2 Corinthians 4:16), and we are “…dead in trespasses and sins”(Ephesians 2:1). For “You lived in this world without God and without hope” (Ephesians 2:12bNLT).

Yet there is hope. God has provided a means of escape. Jesus paid the price for our sins and is preparing a new home for us on higher ground that can never perish, spoil, or fade, and He is keeping it in heaven for you.

So do not fear 2023. Do not wallow in despair because your days are numbered. Instead, put your trust in Christ and rejoice that the best is yet to come! And take heart. For when there is faith in the future, there is power in the present.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

Thursday, December 29, 2022

7 characteristics to finish well


1. Intimacy With Christ

Our highest calling is to grow in our knowledge of Christ and to make Him known to others. Does our desire to know Christ exceed all other aspirations? If not, whatever is taking His place in the center of our affections must yield to Him if we are to know the joy of bearing spiritual fruit. A key secret of those who finish well is to focus more on loving Jesus than on avoiding sin. The more we love Jesus, the more we will learn to put our confidence in Him alone.

2. Fidelity In The Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fellowship, study, worship, and submission are not ends in themselves, but means to the end of intimacy with Christ and spiritual formation. When left to itself, however, any one of these disciplines tends to decline and decay. An infusion of directed intentionality and effort is necessary to sustain order and growth and to bring repeated times of personal renewal.

3. A Biblical Perspective on the Circumstances of Life

Part of the purpose of our suffering and trials is to drive us to dependence on God alone. God responds by revealing more of Himself to us. This knowledge increases our faith and our capacity to trust His character and His promises through the times we do not understand His purposes and His ways. When we view our circumstances in light of God’s character instead of God’s character in light of our circumstances, we come to see that God is never indifferent to us, and that He uses suffering for our good so we will be more fully united to Christ.

4. A Teachable, Responsive, Humble, and Obedient Spirit

Those who finish well maintain an ongoing learning posture through the seasons of their lives. Humility and responsive obedience are the keys to maintaining a teachable spirit.

Humility is the disposition in which we displace self through the enthronement of Christ in our lives and realize that all of life is about trust in God. Obedience is the application of biblical faith in that which is not seen, and that which is not yet. As we mature in Christ, we learn to trust God’s character and promises in spite of ambiguity or trials.

5. A Clear Sense of Personal Purpose and Calling

God has called each of us to a purposeful journey sustained by faithfulness and growing hope. This calling or vocation transcends our occupations and endures beyond the end of our careers. As we seek the Lord’s guidance in developing a personal vision and clarity of mission, we move beyond the level of tasks and accomplishments to the level of the purpose for which we were created.

6. Healthy Relationships With Resourceful People

Relationships such as spiritual mentoring, servant leadership, and personal and group accountability are valuable resources that encourage, equip, and exhort. People who finish well do not do so without the caring support of other growing members of the body of Christ. These relationships help us to increase in intimacy with Christ, maintain the needed disciplines, clarify our long-term perspective, sustain a teachable attitude, and develop our purpose and calling.

7. Ongoing Ministry Investment In The Lives of Others

Spirit-filled living requires us to discover and develop the spiritual gifts we have received and exercise them through the Spirit’s power for the edification of others. Believers who finish well are marked by ongoing outreach and sacrificial ministry for the good of other people.

Those who squander the resources, gifts, experiences, and hard-learned insights God has given them by no longer investing them in the lives of others soon wither and withdraw.

What does it take to finish well? How can we run in such a way that we can say with Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7Acts 20:241 Corinthians 9:24-27)? Taking to heart the above seven characteristics will help you finish well day by day, as you “run with endurance the race that is set before [you]” (Hebrews 12:1).

Ken is president of Reflections Ministries, an organization that seeks to provide safe places for people to consider the claims of Christ. He has authored numerous books, including Pursuing WisdomThe Art of Living WellThe Psalms: A Journal, and The Trinity: A Journal.

Pevail 1/1

Today’s prayer is what I need - “Lord, You are a promise-maker and a promise-keeper. I trust You! Fill me with conviction, courage, and clarity. Thank you for hearing my prayer today. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”

A clear focus on Him and His Word will knock down the barriers to draw close to Him. May 2023 be filled with awe as we grow deeply into His will for our lives, that our hearts will be listening clearly to His voice, filtering out the noise of the world.


“If we keep God’s Word before our eyes, we won’t start looking in the wrong direction and doing the wrong things” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Joshua):

Prevail 12/31

Ithe following statement in the reading hit me -“The gospel of Jesus Christ is more than a four-step prayer to secure our eternity. It’s the very power and the presence of God to radically change a life—from hell-bent to heaven destined; from lost to found; from blind to sighted…”. In the past I’ve tried to reduce my faith to an equation or formula. If I did certain things in my faith, then God would be gracious and provide an answer to prayer. My faith tended to be guilt induced, that I was t good enough or doing enough. But I’m slowly learning that God is faithful regardless of my attitude, but He wants me to fully lean on Him.

“Often we fear the most difficult experiences of life only to discover that these are the experiences that bring Jesus Christ closer to us.” - Greg Laurie, Getting through the Storms of Life

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Prevail 12-30

 Opposition to our faith seems to come in a variety of forms. We are not physically persecuted openly in our culture but we can easily be shunned by fellow church goers, or not included in a group gathering. Listening to the Lord and following through with His will in our lives may cost us the comfort and ease of agreeable people. I’m finding that standing firm without wavering can be lonely at times, but well worth the risk. Joshua and Caleb knew what God could and would do  their trust in Him is an example for us every step of our journey  

The secret of Caleb’s life is found in a phrase that’s repeated six times in Scripture: “He wholly followed the LORD God of Israel

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Prevail 12/29

 My wandering mind mentality goes to the dark places, especially if I dwell on my ‘what if…list’ too long. The Hebrews journey to the Red Sea was filled with one complaint after another, despite being taken care of. It’s awesome that our God is patient and forgiving with us, always nudging us in the right direction, just like a shepherd herding sheep. Let’s pray that we will look vertical to Him in 2023, clearly listening for His voice. 

“If we keep God’s Word before our eyes, we won’t start looking in the wrong direction and doing the wrong things.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Joshua): Putting God's Power to Work in Your Life

Prevail 12/28


  1. Despite our fear and anxiety regarding 2023, how does God remind us that we are safe and secure in His leading? 

  2. How can we encourage each other to live courageously, allowing Him to lead us forward

    I waste so much time reviewing my ‘what if… list’ that I wander off on rabbit trails, not trusting Him for the outcome. My wandering does not demonstrate courage and bold praying. Let’s worry less, and pray more in /023, that we may be courageous communicators of who God is, giving all glory to Him.

    “God’s people live on promises and not on explanations. When you trust God’s promises and step out by faith (v. 3), you can be sure that the Lord will give you the directions you need when you need them.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Joshua): Putting God's Power to Work in Your Life

Monday, December 26, 2022

Prevail 12/27

I THINK I’m getting better at not trying be a control freak, but God is forever showing me more issues to surrender to Him. I sometimes think I should have said more to make an issue turn out like I wanted, but in reality, I should have prayed more. Living with open hands, letting God control the outcome, gets complicated when I think the outcome is my responsibility. I wonder if trying to be in control is one of the biggest American idols we worship.

  1. “The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God” Lk.2:20. Jesus, restore our first-love for you—when we treasured and trusted you above everything and everyone. Whether we’re poor shepherds, ranch owners, or own 1/4 of Montana—only you are worthy. Only you are essential.” - Scotty Smith

Scott Sauls

 “Because of Christ, in the life to come the abundance and flourishing we’ve always dreamed of will no longer be a dream. The regret, hurt, and fear that weary us today will be as a nightmare from which we have awakened. Like all other nightmares of the past, our future awakening will only increase our joy in the treasures of life. What we thought had been lost will be found, regained, and renewed.”

Excerpt From

Beautiful People Don't Just Happen

Scott Sauls

This material may be protected by copyright.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Stealing - don’t take what’s not yours

 Stealing possessions from others is an obvious application of this commandment but it probably extends to a lot of areas. There have been recent examples of well known celebrities / authors who have been accused of plagiarism or saying wise comments that have been taken from someone else. But maybe it includes taking credit for the work of those under one’s authority, or taking credit for the collective work of a group. One of my pet pieces work g with adults is the boss saying he had a creative solution to a problem when one of his hired teachers had the original idea. The list of applications could go on, but God wants us to respect His order and not try to take control. 

His Love

 What is it that held him on the course to the cross? It was nothing less than the great love of God in his heart for sinners like us. “Those great drops of blood that fell down to the ground,” says Edwards, “were a manifestation of an ocean of love in Christ's heart.”

He's God with us, absorbing our failures into himself, and he's God for us binding his strength to our weakness. If we want to live mightily for Jesus, we have to collapse as failures into the arms of Christ. We don't need to make deals with God. The deal was made at the cross. We don't have to distinguish ourselves from others through our zeal. It's his zeal that writes the check for our salvation. Our zeal is always writing bad checks. Here's the wonderful gospel irony: only by resting in Jesus Christ can we actually find the energy to live for the glory of God. When we discover the finished work of Christ alone for salvation, and we begin to rest in him, the natural thing that happens is a reviving of the heart that leads to the energy we didn't have before.  Barnabas Piper

Covet vs Content

 Wanting what we do not have is a struggle in our culture of affluence. We see others have more, see advertisements about deserving more, and we feel that we lack whatever it is. Being content and thankful for where we are in life is part of following Christ. Yet God may be calling us to recalculate what we are doing to serve Him better. Changes in life are to follow Him not improve our celebrity status or power status. 

Bear False Witness

 This commandment takes some deep contemplation and practice. Every person has a story of why they act the way they do and God is pursuing them to surrender to Him. Yet some have such strong agendas that we could be run over by an eighteen wheeler. It takes great discernment to know how to handle difficult people. In my mind and in private, I’ve torn them apart, but hopefully in public, I’ve been civil. I’ve come across less than loving but God is the judge. It’s even worse as a parent when I’ve pointed out the goofy things some people do and it’s wise to stay away from them. There is a difference between being discerning with godliness and being gullible


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Christmas 12/25

 Grasping the magnitude of why Jesus came to earth is an awe gripping change in our lives. Celebrating His arrival to earth and His arrival in our hearts certainly deserves all the hoopla in our get together and gift exchanges. But our Christmas celebration is only the beginning of living for Him each day with the small and big decisions we make. May we challenge and encourage each other to live for Him. 

“Everything about Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, current reign and certain return should make singing “Jesus Loves Me” both profound and easy.” - Scotty Smith

Christmas 12/24

 Anna’s thankfulness and assertive communication is an example to inspire us to be joyful and assertive in spreading the Good News. Her excitement about Jesus is ours as well as we think of His promises and His love for us. Her personal devotion to Him is our devotion as we worship Him May others know Him by watching us

“The Advent season is a season of waiting, but our whole life is an Advent season, that is, a season of waiting for the last Advent, for the time when there will be a new heaven and a new earth.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, God is in the Manger

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Preparing Room

 This week I’ve thought about some of the characters portrayed in the stories about Jesus’s birth. The angel’s messages to Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Zachariah, and the shepherds had a profound impact on their lives. The shepherds responded with immediate excitement while Zachariah lived with the consequences of his doubt and disbelief. God’s planned intervention in history was and is to change us. May we allow His work to take place in us this Christmas as we worship Him with our families and friends.  

Monday, December 19, 2022


The way we honor those in authority over us reflects our respect and honor for our Everlasting Father. It gets complicated when we have experienced unhealthy and less than God honoring behavior from family members or others in authority. Retaliation is probably not on the list of God honoring responses, but in some cases the only way to handle abusive situations could be distance and even reporting to civil authorities. Choosing role models and mentors that help us fall deeper in love with our Savior is of utmost importance. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Joseph Did You Know - Richard Blackaby

 A popular song at Christmas is “Mary, Did You Know?” written by Mark Lowry. I’m prepared to hear it often over the next few weeks. The song captures the wonder and mystery Jesus’ mother must have experienced. Mary certainly deserves a Christmas carol of such prominence. But what about Joseph? Granted, his role in Jesus’ birth was not as miraculous. But I feel he often gets lost in the holiday shuffle.

I confess, Joseph is one of my Bible heroes. He’s not listed in the Faithful Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11. He never wrote a book, preached a sermon, or engaged in battle, yet I think a lot of people could learn much from his example.

Joseph surrendered his plans to God. Joseph had plans for his future. He had won the hand of the godly teen Mary and planned to raise a family in the sleepy town of Nazareth while making a living as a carpenter. His goals were not grandiose. He had good intentions. Perhaps his and Mary’s parents lived nearby, and Joseph intended to care for them in their old age. Then an angelic visit changed everything. God revealed his plans to Joseph, and they were wildly different than his. He would marry a woman who was already pregnant. He would flee as a fugitive to Egypt. He would be unable to live in Bethlehem. Because of what God was doing, Joseph’s plans would have to change. Joseph humbly surrendered his ambitions to his Lord.

Joseph was kind. When Joseph discovered that Mary was pregnant, he could have indignantly demanded that she be stoned to death as an adulterer. Instead, he sought to put her away discreetly to preserve her honor. She had presumably betrayed him. He had every reason to treat her terribly in return. But he chose not to. That says much about the kind of person Joseph was.

Joseph obeyed God. Every time Joseph heard from God, he acted immediately. God typically spoke to Joseph in dreams. What he heard was usually difficult: Marry a woman who is already pregnant. . . Get up and flee to Egypt, immediately! We never hear of Joseph ever arguing with God or complaining that what God was asking was too hard or unfair. Joseph just went about getting it done.

Joseph fixed and made things. It is curious that God did not entrust his son to a priest. Doing so would have made sense. Why a carpenter? A working man? Well, imagine teenage Jesus eating dinner with his family when someone knocks at the door. A man is there with a broken chair. It’s a family heirloom. Can Joseph fix it? Joseph examines it closely and assures the man that all will be well. A week later, the man returns and cries out with joy when he sees his chair as good as new. Or perhaps someone speaks with Joseph about his vision for a beautiful piece of furniture. Sure enough, Joseph fulfills his customer’s dream. Jesus watched his father fixing and making things. I wonder when Jesus first realized he could do the same with people.

Joseph was righteous. The Bible says Joseph was righteous. God saw nothing in Joseph’s life that displeased him. There was nothing separating Joseph from his Creator. Joseph wasn’t a Bible scholar or traveling preacher. He was a working man who honored God in the setting where God had assigned him.

Joseph vanished from the scene. Jewish men didn’t live long in the first century. By the time Jesus was thirty, there is no longer any mention of Joseph being alive. Could he have died prematurely from injury or disease? The carpentry business could be dangerous and hard on the body. What might it have been like for a teenage Jesus to watch his father die of an illness? Joseph was not called to live a long life. He was called to live an obedient life. And he did.

Oh, that each of us would live as Joseph did! Living in simple obedience to what God asks of us. Being kind to others, even when kindness does not appear to be deserved. Obeying God, immediately. Living righteously with God and others. And demonstrating to our children what it looks like to walk humbly with our God.

Someone needs to write a song about Joseph!

While the news of Mary’s pregnancy must have been incredibly distressing, Joseph did not respond with an outburst of public anger. By choosing silence, he avoided causing trouble for Mary and made space in his heart for God to speak. When I am wronged, it is very tempting to lash out, but Joseph reminds me that knowing when to be silent is as important as knowing when to speak out.

Pause and pray

Yielding Prayer

Dear Lord, when I am hurt by others, I choose to quiet my soul to seek Your voice. In refusing to strike back, help me create space in my mind to receive Your direction, just as Joseph did.

Christmas 12/23

 What did the coming of Jesus cost? The price for His love cannot be measured when we consider an infinite God becoming Jesus in a finite body. Simeon was all in to wait for His appearing. His enthusiasm had to be evident to all who knew Him. I’m hoping that enthusiasm and sense of urgent waiting deepens in you and me.

The disappointment, brokenness, suffering, and pain that characterize life in this present world is held in dynamic tension with the promise of future glory that is yet to come. In that Advent tension, the church lives its life.” ― Fleming Rutledge, Advent

Christmas 12/22

 Simeon had waited his whole life to see Jesus, believing he would experience what was promised to him. His earnest searching and waiting has to be intensely personal. Am

I as excited for His return as Simeon was for His first appearance. Ami searching for where He is working around me? My enthusiasm and worship of Him falls short of where it should be. May we worship Him deeply in our hearts.

“At times God permits His children to experience darkness on a dead-end street where they don’t know which way to turn. When this happens, wait for the Lord to give you light in His own time. Don’t try to manufacture your own light or to borrow light from others. Follow the wise counsel of Isaiah: “Who among you fears the LORD? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely upon his God” (Isa. 50:10 NKJV).” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Patient (Job): Waiting on God in Difficult Times

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Everlasting Father

America is in need of dads and fathers who are engaged with their sons and daughters.  Nothing is more rewarding than being a parent, even with the cultural challenges we face. All dads fall short of what fathers could be, But nothing is more rewarding than our relationship with our Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6:  For to us a child is born,

        to us a son is given;

    and the government shall be upon his shoulder,

        and his name shall be called

    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

        Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.)

The presence of our Everlasting Father, eager to be engaged in our daily lives, gives us the resources we need.  He is patiently waiting for us to turn to Him, never forcing us to follow His Way.  He is always loving and forgiving, providing hope when there is no other hope.  Our Father provides Light in the darkness and confusion of our world, showing us His path one step at a time.  

Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we are welcomed into our Father’s provision.  The conscious choice to follow Him allows us to have access to His love, giving a purpose to live that is greater than ourselves. We need an Everlasting Father who never gives up on us, who is generous in wisdom, giving us guidance, warning, and grace for each day.  

Our need to be present and engaged with our sons and daughters is outmatched by our need to be present and engaged with our Everlasting Father. May we worship the One who came as a child in a manger and who is our Everlasting Father.

““The deceiver is cursed who has an acceptable male in his flock and makes a vow but sacrifices a defective animal to the Lord. For I am a great King,” says the Lord of Armies, “and my name will be feared among the nations.”

‭‭Malachi‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬ ‭CSB‬‬

we need a Father who will come to us and be generous in love and generous in wisdom, and the generosity of the Fatherhood of God is all over the Proverbs. He gives, and He gives, and He gives, guidance and warning and grace and deliverance and promises because He loves us. You're never without a father because you have a Father in heaven who loves you and will generously unfold His wisdom to you

Like moms, many dads also seem to appreciate the benefits of parenthood: 54% reported that parenting is rewarding all of the time, as did 52% of moms. Meanwhile, 46% of fathers and 41% of mothers said they find parenting enjoyable all of the time.

many of today’s fathers find it challenging to balance work and family life. About half of working dads (52%) said in 2015 that it is very or somewhat difficult to do so

men face a lot of pressure to support their family financially, while 49% said men face a lot of pressure to be an involved parent. In contrast, 77% said women face a lot of pressure to be an involved parent, and 40% said women face a lot of pressure to support their family financially.

While they’re spending more time with their children, many dads feel they’re not doing enough.

Dads are also less positive about their own parenting abilities than are moms. 

A sizable minority of childless men (44% of those 18 to 49) hope to become fathers at some point, and another 35% are unsure if they want to become parents, 

Our Everlasting Father helps us to be better Dads. Without His consistent patience, love, forgiveness, or security, I would have made a huge mess of our family. There is no comparing these qualities to my own father or grandfathers. Their short tempers and bitterness said it all. I knew that I wanted to take a different path than continue these character traits.  Our Everlasting Father knows our every flaw but loves us anyway. We have a long list of worship topics to praise Him in what He provides, never failing to be with us. 

By his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus welcomes us into his family. He is the door by which we have access to God. He lavishes his fatherly love upon us, and we are blessed with all the rights and privileges of being his children. No longer separated, lost, alienated, and alone, we live forever as the sons and daughters of the King.

we need a Father who will come to us and be generous in love and generous in wisdom, and the generosity of the Fatherhood of God is all over the Proverbs. He gives, and He gives, and He gives, guidance and warning and grace and deliverance and promises because He loves us. You're never without a father because you have a Father in heaven who loves you and will generously unfold His wisdom to you!

What is Going on Behind the Scenes of History?

In our western culture, many people assume history is aimless: ‘Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing’ (as Shakespeare put it in *Macbeth*). On the other hand many Eastern religions tend to regard history as either circular or illusory, moving toward perfection and global unity. Marxists understand history in terms of class struggle between those who have and those who do not. 

In contrast to all these views, Scripture sees history as moving in a linear trajectory towards a climax when every knee will bow to the Prince of Peace and the LORD of Armies. The birth of Jesus into poverty, to a young girl at an appointed time, should rivet our attention to the One who is coming again. 

Christmas 12/21


As a kid I thought  heistmas break would never arrive, let alone Christmas Eve.  But it seems that Christmas sneaks up on us like a rushing force of wind  my excitement is a bit different but I’m sure it does not compare to being told by an angel that the Christ child has arrives  yet we get a glimpse because of His presence in our lives  

Crowder’s new Christmas son is well worth the listen: “Thanks / Giver”

It's getting coldI'm driving homeOn interstate 3-0Mama's calling, "Where you at?"The turkey's almost doneI hang up the phone, tear in my eyeMoments like these I realizeGod You're so good to me
You make joy out of simple and ordinary thingsYou fill life up with stories I'd never think to dreamSo this holidayI wanna praiseThe One who's making a saintOut of this sinnerThe One who's turned me into this thanks giver
Just took the pumpkins off the porchThe wreath is on my doorThere's something sacred 'bout the timeOf year when You were bornThe Street's alive, it's Christmas againBut moments like these, hope I don't forgetGod You're so good to me
You make joy out of simple and ordinary thingsYou fill life up with stories I'd never think to dreamSo this holidayI wanna praiseThe One who's making a saintOut of this sinnerThe One who's turned me into this thanks giverOh oh oh oh yeah
Thank You for this life and all the joy that's in this heartFor when I get to hug my dad and punch my brother in the armThank You for the grace I know I'll never have to earnAll because You chose to come down here and save this crazy world
You make joy out of simple and ordinary thingsYou fill life up with stories I'd never think to dreamSo this holidayI wanna praiseThe One who's making a saintOut of this sinnerThe One who's turned me into this thanks giver
You're the reasonYou're the reasonWhy, the reason I'm a thanks giverYou're the reasonYou're the reasonWhy I'm a thanks giver

“The Advent season is a season of waiting, but our whole life is an Advent season, that is, a season of waiting for the last Advent, for the time when there will be a new heaven and a new earth.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "God is in the Manger"

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Rethinking Christmas Story

 You may need to rethink the Christmas story if:

You think baby Jesus was placed into a wooden feeding trough filled with hay.

A first century manger was used to water animals and was usually made of stone.

This means the source of Living Water was placed in a water trough.

You may need to rethink the Christmas story if:

You just assume the shepherds at the nativity were middle aged men. 

Culturally the shepherds were most likely middle school aged girls.

Monday, December 12, 2022

2023 Suggestions

 Brian Aspinall

1. If you’re anxious, it’s time to drop your shoulders, slow down, and dance like a crazed chimp on acid.

2. If you knew that the best lessons are found in failure, you’d be less concerned about making mistakes.

3. Stop worrying about being ‘unproductive.’ All you need to do is one thing at a time with enjoyment.

4. If you feel low, sometimes the best thing you can do is to quit being a whiny little bitch and take a small action.

5. Some of the best rewards in life come from doing things that make you feel nervous.

6. The most resilient people use life challenges as opportunities to remain calm so they can master their minds.

7. Even the most influential people are often scared and making shit up as they go along.

8. The most relaxed people are OK with uncertainty and unattached to outcomes.

9. All the solutions to your problems are within you. They appear when you allow your mind to be still for a moment.

10. At the start of each day, write down your top three priorities for that day, and you will never have a problem with aimlessness.

11. If you want to make more impact, find ways to do more with less.

12. Mental health issues diminish when you stop talking about mental health and start taking action towards massive success in your life.

13. Stop trying to achieve your goals, and become the kind of person who achieves them today.

14. Going on long walks will solve 79% of your problems.

15. Doing the same ‘boring’ thing consistently will do 100x more for you than an ‘exciting’ thing done once.

16. Incredible rewards are found when you do the things most people refuse to do.

17. If you feel others don’t give you enough respect, love and attention, give more away. 

Start by messaging just one person today without expecting anything in return.


Christmas 12/20

 Mary’s humble response to God’s call in her life equally armoire in Joseph. Their discussions with each other would make most sermons trivial chatter. Their humility and poverty do not match up to our modern celebrations of Jesus’s birthday. May we be obedient and surrender our decisions to His will, no matter how small they may be. 

Not every difficult experience in life is necessarily a personal test from God. (Of course, any experience could become a test or a temptation, depending on how we deal with it.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Christmas 12/19


The birth of Jesus was the fulfillment of o many predictions documented in the Scriptures. His birth was the beginning and fulfillment of our future. The names describing who Jesus really is leave us humbled and full of worship. May we praise Him all the more as we celebrate His birth. 

“Listen to people very long, and you’ll hear the drone of complaint far more frequently than you’ll hear the melody of thankfulness. You see, we don’t first have a grumbling problem. No, we have an awe problem that results in a life of personal dissatisfaction and complaint. When awe of self replaces awe of God, praise will be rare and grumbling plentiful.” - Paul David Tripp, Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do

Christmas 12/18


  1. How eager and excited are we to do what God tells us to do? 

  2. How can we develop the urgency to tell others about Christ, just as the Shepherds did? 

    The shepherds were more than excited to share the message delivered to them. I’m often afraid of what others may think of me and worries that I’ll drive them away by my lack of wisdom. But if I really loved Him and others, I shouldn’t hesitate. May we boldly live and communicate what we believe.

“WARNING: Satan hates you. He wants to deceive, distract, discourage & destroy you today. Put your armor on. Get prayed up. Be battle ready. “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11 - Greg Stier

Face Time with God


We are wired to crave face time with God.

Every child is born with an innate desire for face time with his parents. In 1978, researchers discovered that children who had a parent who held them, talked to them and got in their face developed properly. But if a child didn’t have a parent, or if the face of the person holding the child was expressionless, the child didn’t develop properly. The child would become agitated, frustrated and eventually withdraw. Just as you were wired to need face time with other people, you were also created and wired to crave face time with God.

All through the Bible, God calls His people to seek His face. In (Psalm 80.3, 7, 19 NIV) we read, “Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. … Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. … Restore us, LORD God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.”

(2 Chronicles 7.14 NIV) says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

(1 Chronicles 16.11 NIV) advises, “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”

(Psalm 89.15 ESV) cries out, “Blessed are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O LORD, in the light of your face.”

(Psalm 105.4 NIV) tells us, “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”

Seeking God’s face.

The priestly blessing that was spoken over Israel every day at the morning and evening sacrifices stated, “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace,” (Numbers 6.24-26 ESV). The people would hear it and reply, “Amen.” Let it be! May God’s face shine on us! 
That’s the invitation. Seek His face.

I invite you to seek God’s face in prayer, but the invitation requires a response. (Psalm 27.8 NIV) says, “My heart says of you, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, LORD, I will seek.”

Will you seek God’s face?

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Christmas 12/17

 How badly do I want to share the gospel message?  Am I really burdened for those who do not know Christ?  How worries am I that many of my friends and acquaintances may be confused about their standing with God?  If I’m not passionate about sharing what is most important with those I love, what does this say about my character?

“I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize the Lord is able to carry out His will, and His will is mine. It makes no matter where He places me, or how. That is rather for Him to consider than for me; for in the easiest positions He must give me His grace, and in the most difficult, His grace is sufficient.” - Hudson Taylor

Christmas 12/16

 The message of the angels was filled with excitement and urgency.  I wonder if we have become much too blah and ho hum regarding the birth of Jesus, reducing our celebration to worry and anxiety about our families and gifts.  The urgency of the angels message should be our passion, excited to share the good news of what Jesus did through His birth, life, death and resurrection.

“Lord Jesus, your righteousness is our surety, your love is our freedom, and your sovereignty is our sanity. From the stable of your birth, through your sufferings on the cross, to your sitting at the Father’s right hand… you have loved and cared for us. And we are SO ready for the fulfillment of everything this Advent anticipates.” - Scotty Smith

Discipleship Quotes

 “Rutledge continues, “He who congratulates himself on having done enough is precisely the one who has not. He who thinks himself safe is in the greatest danger. The man who trembles to think of himself before the judgment seat is closer to the kingdom of heaven than the one who complacently assumes he is on the side of the angels . . . There is no human merit anywhere to bail us out.”13” - Scott Sauls

“It is no use to say that we are born 2000 years too late to give room to Christ. Nor will those who live at the end of the world have been born too late. Christ is always with us, always asking for room in our hearts."

-Dorothy Day



As Mother Teresa said, ‘God does not call me to be successful; he calls me to be faithful

It's easy to become angry and indignant over world events, but much more difficult to live with the tension of desiring change while simultaneously loving everyone involved. Followers of Christ are called to live in that tension, loving the very people they work against.
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:44 (CSB)

“Faith is depending on God when you’re living in the unknown, and somehow the LORD lets us hit rock bottom so we can experience that He is the Rock at the bottom…The best thing we can do is to love God and enjoy this short life with the people we love.” - Jonathan Evans, Excerpt, Divine Disruption

It is a terrible misunderstanding of the Gospel to think that it offers us salvation while relieving us of responsibility for the life of the world, for the sin and sorrow and pain with which our human life and that of our fellow men and women are so deeply interwoven.


When people are right with God, they are apt to be hard on themselves & easy on other people. But when they are not right with God, they are easy on themselves & hard on others. 

~John Newton

The most powerful story in the world is the one you tell yourself. Shane Parrish

"Faith is living without scheming." - Warren Wiersbe

“God has foremost called me to be loved, to be receptive to his love, and to find my rest in his love. He has called me to remember that because of Jesus, I already have a name. I will be remembered and celebrated and sung over even after I am long gone, because he is my God and I am his person. He is my Father and I am his son. And on that day into eternity, there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain.”

Excerpt From

Beautiful People Don't Just Happen

Scott Sauls.

You will never meet, talk to, walk with, or work beside a human being who has not been purposefully knit together by the hands of our Father. Never. We are all one race, and in that race, all are image bearers. There are no exceptions. Diane Langberg

As a young minister I aspired to do "great" things for God.

But after years of watching friends burn out, fizzle out, and fall away from Jesus, my ambitions have been refined.

Today, I just want to grow in my love for God and make it Home to see Him.

Lord Jesus, hold me fast. - Garret Kell

“Our huffing and puffing to impress God, our scrambling for brownie points, our thrashing about to fix ourselves while hiding our pettiness and wallowing in guilt are nauseating to God and a flat denial of the gospel of grace.” Brennan Manning

Our goal is to keep the big things big and the small things small. It's not that politicians and political parties aren't important; they're just not God-of-the-Universe important. Stay focused on eternity; it changes everything.
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." 
Colossians 3:2-4 (CSB)

“Some believe that the biggest problems in the world are other people and broken systems (where indeed, problems do exist) but take no issue with themselves. ”

Scott Sauls

"If it is foolish to believe what we find in Scripture, we will remain fools to the end."

— Charles Spurgeon

"God is way less concerned about our mistakes than we are; He sees who we're becoming rather than dwelling on who we've been." - Bob Goff (stolen from the one and only Mr. Bob Bednar)

Your intelligence, your education, or your family background do not determine the holiness of your life. Everything you need to live a victorious, joyful, and abundant life is found in the Holy Spirit who resides within you. #ExperiencingGod

"Our up-look determines our out-look." - Doug Shada

"Like everyone, I want to be liked.But I wont deny God's unpopular moral standards as I fear His disapproval more than yours." - Rick Warren

“where your darkest secrets and vilest motives lie—and he does not reject you. If the most trusted person in your life told you that all these things are true, would you believe it? Would it change things for you?

Would it change you?”

“the most “disabled” among us are the ones who lack self-awareness and experience no guilt. At least those who admit their guilt know there is a better version of themselves to wish for and become.”

Beautiful People Don't Just Happen

Scott Sauls

If there is no God, then there is no higher law. And if there is no higher law, there is no basis for moral outrage about anything. All that’s left is your feelings versus the feelings of those who disagree with you. Who’s to say who is right? Scott Sauls

“According to Nietzsche, we do good not for the sake of the good itself but rather for the sake of being noticed and applauded and of gaining more power. Our best virtues, Nietzsche said, are less about serving others and more about securing a reward for ourselves. ”

“we miss out on the best things because we prefer the lesser things. We miss out on the wondrous things because we prefer the humdrum things. We miss out on the adventure because we prefer the safe, contained, controllable things. Gazing at beauty is its own reward. Looking away from beauty is its own punishment.”

“Who has time for God when there are people to please, politicians to criticize, addictions to feed, holes to dig ourselves out of, and pandemics to navigate? Who has use for God when the life he gives us turns out to be unstable and wretched?”

Excerpt From

Beautiful People Don't Just Happen

Scott Sauls

. If you are a Christian, you will never be accepted by the world. So don’t even try! Endeavor to please your Lord, who is in Heaven. Grant Castleberry

 Chuck Swindoll - The Bible doesn’t varnish over the rough realities of life with a thick coat of empty cliches  God’s Word meets the truth of unbudging troubles head- on  I think of Job’s description of life’s hardships:  “How frail is humanity!  How short is life, how full of trouble!  We blossom like a flower then wither.  Like a passing shadow, we quickly disappear” (Job 13:—2).  These aren’t t the words of some jaded cynic who just can’t see the bright side of life. These words express the deep reality of suffering in a fallen world by a man who experiences more hardship and loss than you and I ever will. P7

Luke 19 by Barnabas Piper Jesus dared to associate with a notorious sinner. Even in the first century, people didn't want to distinguish between association and endorsement. But let's notice that Jesus doesn't bring up Zacchaeus sins. He doesn't have to. Zacchaeus knows he's a sinner. Zacchaeus knows that Jesus knows he's a sinner. Zacchaeus knows that everybody else knows that he's a sinner. But here's what Zacchaeus doesn't know until Jesus calls him down from that tree: he doesn't know that God is a seeking savior.

This is the defining moment in Zacchaeus’ life. The moment that his great searching meets an even greater seeker. And notice, especially in verse five, Jesus says, “I must stay at your house today.” This word “must” carries with it a deep sense of burden and responsibility that is the heart of God for the world. Deep within the heart of the great shepherd of souls is a burden for those who are wandering for what they know not.


Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...