Sunday, August 6, 2023

Warrior 1

 Our identity as men seems to be goofed up in our culture. The pursuit of power, possessions and prestige become idols for many while many younger men and and boys are being influenced by a unisex campaign the undermines God’s design. As leaders in our immediate and extended families, as influencers in the church and community, and as leaders at work, we can have an impact on those we interact with by demonstrating the character of Christ. Our effort can be intentional or by others observing us. I have been amazed to hear stories from my students, even today, how they observed one character quality or another. In all honesty, it was not my effort, but God working through my timid effort, my 

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Psalm 7 -10

 Seeing injustice and unfair treatment is easy to identify, especially among children. There eyes are very perceptive to what is fair and wh...