Thursday, August 31, 2023

Back to school prayers


he following is a collection of prayers related to the start of school. As both a professor of worship and a parent of two school-age children, I tried to imagine the sorts of things that parents and kids, teachers, school administrators, and community leaders might be feeling in light of the unpredictable realities that face them this fall.

My hope is that, in praying these prayers, they will sense in palpable and deeply personal ways the care-filled love of the Good Shepherd who knows them by name. In the end, the goal is simply to pray as one can and when one can, trusting always that the Spirit prays in and for us when we can no longer find the right words or even the will to pray.

A prayer for a new day.

O God, you who make things new, again and again, enliven the thoughts of my mind, revitalize the cells of my body, and cause a fresh outburst of praise to surge in my heart so that I might taste the Life that is truly life this day. In the name of the one whose face is like the shining sun. Amen.

A prayer for children going to school.

Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me today as I go to school. Bless my going and my coming. Bless my learning and my playing. Please protect my heart from fear. Please keep me safe. Please give me good friends. Give me joy this day, and thank you for loving me from head to toe. In your name. Amen.

A prayer for children schooling at home.

Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me at home today as I do my schoolwork. Please help me to do my best, help me not to feel alone, and help me to be with patient with my family. Give me joy this day, and thank you for loving me from head to toe. In your name. Amen.

A prayer for high school and college students.

O Lord, you who promise to be with me always, be with me this day as I begin my schoolwork. Keep me in health, I pray, and keep me from harm. In all that I do and say, may I love you with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength, and may I love my neighbor as myself, so that I might fulfill your purposes for me and your calling on my life as a student. In Christ’s name. Amen.

A prayer for parents.

O Lord, you who promise to guide us through the wilderness and to protect us through the storm, we ask that you would make us wise when we cannot clearly see the way forward, make us brave when we feel afraid, make us strong in the face of our weakness, and make possible what to us seems impossible, so that we might joyfully entrust ourselves and our children into your tender care in these trying and troubling times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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A prayer for teachers.

O Lord, you who are the Good Teacher, I ask that you would help me to love my students well this day and to be patient with things that don’t go according to plan. May I help my students to feel afresh the wonder of our subject matter, to be humble in the face of ignorance, to be gracious with themselves in the light of mistakes that they may make, to delight in things newly discovered, and to love the truth with all their hearts and minds, so that they might be wise and compassionate citizens of this world that you so love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A prayer on behalf of teachers.

O Lord, you who have called and equipped the teachers in our community, we pray for them today. Watch over them, provide for them, guide them, sustain them. May you be their sun and shield, so that they might do the work that you have entrusted to them and sense your care in these uncertain times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A prayer for school administrators.

O God, you who have promised wisdom to all who would ask it, we pray today for school administrators, that you would grant them clarity of mind, unity of spirit, strength of will, a heart of wisdom and the gift of your truth-bearing Spirit, so that they might be enabled to make decisions that lead to the flourishing of their teachers, staff, and students and to the wellbeing of the whole community. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A prayer for frustrated school-related relationships.

O Lord, you who told us that we would have trouble in this world, we confess to you our worries over things that we cannot control, our distress over things that seem wrongheaded, and our frustration with those who oppose us on things that we hold dearly. Grant us the ability to bear with one another in love, and may the peace of Christ guard our hearts, so that together we might trust your leading and walk in the way of unity that only the Spirit of God can make possible. Amen.

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A prayer for the time of pestilence.

O Lord, you who are the refuge of the poor and needy, we ask that you would save us from the pestilence that stalks in the darkness and the plague that destroys at midday. Be our sun and shield. Be our fortress. Be our comfort this day. May we not fear any evil but rather trust in your might to save and your wisdom to guide, so that we might rest always in the shadow of the Almighty. In the name of the one who heals our diseases. Amen.

A prayer for nightly care.

O Lord, you who guard me through the watches of the night, I entrust to you all that I said and left unsaid this day, all that I did and left undone, all that I wished this day could have been but was not, and I ask that you would grant me your peace, so that I might trust you in all things. In the name of the one who holds my life in tender care. Amen.

W. David O. Taylor teaches theology at Fuller Theological Seminary and is the author of Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life(Thomas Nelson) and accompanying illustrated psalms prayer cards.

This piece was adapted from a post that appeared on The Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others on Aug. 5.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Waiting 4

 One of the many qualities I admire in you, Nick, is your desire to be close to our Lord. Your passion to love Him deeply is contagious. Your passion is to rid anything that may be holding you back because He loves you. The restless spirit in you wants to do more for Him and be all in for Him, yet you are content and accepting of the responsibilities God has provided you. I’m praying that God will infuse you with His wisdom as you wait in Him to make the next best decisions that chart yiur journey and walk with Jesus. 

Theology 4

 After watching the Chosen series, I think the Scriptures came even more alive, especially with the way Jesus communicates. He restrained what He would say, yet said volumes. The weight of His words has depth from all of history, and with His eternal presence. The two walking on the road listened to what Jesus aid, then their hearts burned with the truth. I’ve often red the Bible in a casual manner, or wanting to find information. But the presence of Jesus, the Eternal One, in the word, should fire us up like nothing else. 

Verses 14

 Living for the next deal to be made is a great motivator for many. We all need to work hard to get ahead and provide for our future. But the reality of everything going up in smoke on the last day is a sober reminder that we might be working for the temporary, not the eternal. It’s not wise to sit around waiting for the second coming. Our work efforts and deals to be made should be responsible actions that produce good in us and around us. We have a responsibility to help the less fortunate, pursue justice and mercy, and to influence others for the good. 

Apologetics 7

 I’ve wrestled whether my belief in Christ has been a cultural expectation or is it based on historical fact. I’ve had plenty of personal doubts but the fact of the physical resurrection of Jesus cannot be disputed. The power of His rising from the dead is the same miraculous power demonstrated in changes lives, and the many good accomplishments through combined Christian efforts. Families, communities and nations can be rescued from disaster. The only logical way to live is to follow Christ. Let’s be all in as we live each day. 

Apologetics 6

 North Americans are not used to thinking that living under someone’s authority is a good thing. We like to think we are independent and self sufficient. But we need traffic laws to maintain order on the highway. I can drive under the speed limit with a fear of getting caught by the authorities, or I could obey traffic laws because I do not want to hurt anyone else or be hurt. Being accountable to an authority is living with a conscience and being responsible. 

Apologetics 5

 Relativism sounds good because it allows each person to discover their own truth. It claims that no one has edge on truth. But the reality of relativism is that it never leads to stability in a family, community or culture. If everyone does their own thing we will soon have no law and order, ending in anarchy. No one takes responsibility for anyone else, every person for themselves. There is no live in relativism, only selfishness. But following Christ brings greater love and responsibility, bringing freedom to grow together. 

Apologetics 4

 A culture where it is acceptable to do and say whatever comes to mind sounds like a culture of tolerance and freedom. Each person can say they have their right to do as they please but in reality, that person takes no responsibility for anyone else. Such freedom is being a slave to their own sin and depravity. God creates moral order for our own protection and flourishing. Families and communities would end in disastrous chaos without moral guidelines. No one could trust anyone. But thankfully, following Christ is serious business for an entire culture to be stable and resilient. Following Christ is the only sane and responsible way to experience meaning and purpose, influencing others to live for eternal treasures. 

Trusting 5

 Our culture offers so many temptations to wreck our lives. We can get overwhelmed with the pressures to cave in on any number of issues if we do not maintain our focus and rhythm of trusting our Father. We can get sidetracked with others’ opinions, politics, looking good, possessions and power, or ooze own patsy is. But how could we forsake Hos call in our hearts when He loves us so much. 

Unpack 4

 It’s so easy to get side tracked on who or what we live for. We can live for the approval of others, strive for prestige or perfection, live for our possessions, or want power in life. All the while we may miss the joy of living for the audience of the One who has the greatest treasures awaiting us. Searching for His treasures is the most important of all, influencing others to do the same. 

Trusting 4

 Joseph must have had a calm presence about himself, directly related to the presence he felt with our Father. He sensed God’s hand in his life and a great sense of purpose and meaning g to what he did each day. Those around him were watching, noticing his character and non anxious presence. We can learn a lot from his example, that we live in a fish bowl. The world is watching as we react to what is going on in our culture, and more closely, in our family. Words don’t always communicate the message of His presence, but our actions do. 

“They saw how their Master denied himself many of the comforts and pleasures of the world and became a servant among them. They saw how the things they cherished—physical satisfaction, popular acclaim, prestige—he refused; while the things which they sought to escape—poverty, humiliation, sorrow, and even death—he accepted willingly for their sake.

Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Trusting 3

 Most of us have had a crisis per two. Experiencing chaos and trauma seems to be a natural part of living, even if we call ourselves ‘Christian’.  There is no guarantee for a stress free life. If we seriously follow Christ and live the way of the Kingdom, we may even experience more trouble. But there are rock solid reasons to live for Christ, trusting that good will result because of our faithfulness and trust in His plan. We may not realize what Hos Ian doing but it’s sure reality that He ia working. We live in a world with tension between the sun in us and around us, and the reality of being led by the Holy Spirit. 

“There is grace for everything: grace to come and grace to go, grace to speak and grace to keep silent, grace to mourn and grace to dance, grace to weep and grace to laugh, grace to pack and grace to unpack, grace to be sick and grace to heal, grace to plant and grace to harvest, grace to tear down and grace to build up, grace to love and grace to hate, grace to live and grace to die. From beginning to end, life becomes a rhapsody of grace. Even the desire for grace comes by grace.” - Robert E. Coleman, The Heart of the Gospel

Theology 3

 I feel like a music illiterate even though I participated in vocal and instrumental music. But the stories of real people in the Bible demonstrate God’s mercy and grace in the depths of human experience. Each person has the choice to make their own decisions but they cannot control the consequences. Others experience the worst of life as a victim yet God shows up for those who desperately call out to Him.  Jesus experienced the very worst of what life offers, including total rejection, abuse, and persecution. Yet His suffering was for you and me, that we might have purpose and meaning for each day. We rewards of trusting His plan for us can not be calculated in earthly measurement.  

Verses 13

 Since Covid, I’ve noticed how fear is a true snare to get me off track. I’ve always had my what if list, identifying a variety of negative scenarios that could happen. But it seems like our entire culture has become obsessed with fear and anxiety. Many news organizations are driven by how much fear they can capitalize on and many politicians are driven by creating greater fear in the voter. Last week I was invited to a political / Christian rally, with the idea that we had better gather behind one or more candidates if we are going ‘save’ our culture. Nothing is mentioned about surrendering to a righties Creator in humility. I’m thinking that my sanity does not east in any of these movements, but only in my adoration and worship of our Almighty God. 

Apologetics 3

 Great questions with great answers from Scripture. Our Creator created everything with order and purpose. He is more than a genius because He creates the genius. He created each person with unique characteristics designed with a purpose. Each person has a God sizes vacuum that can be filled only by surrendering to Him. Our unique identity is found in His design as we live for Him and love Him. His moral order keeps civilizations, communities and families flourishing, as long as each honors His moral design. Our Creator is working to restore and redeem what He created according to His plan, despite the sin and rebellion. 

Trusting 2

 Joseph was the favorite child. His impulsive nature to share his dreams didn’t go over very well.  I’ve over shared at times, leaving those in the room wondering how to respond if at all. Perhaps we have all had those experiences or been with someone who shocked you with their story. Perhaps Joseph thought about his impulsiveness many times as he was sold into slavery. What should he have done different?  But God changed him into a planner and organizer, carefully using what God showed him in a dream to administer an entire nation. Who knows how God will use us, even though we may not make the best decisions every time. 

Monday, August 28, 2023

Unpack 2

 If we live for the ‘someday’ hype of what would be the ultimate over the top experience, we could be disappointed, even when it happens. We might come to the conclusion “is that all there is to it?” Our motivation for working for then next big thing will keep us afloat for a while. I’m thinking it’s far better to make every day count, doing our best, and let God do the rest. 

Verses 12

 Paul’s advice to young Timothy must have been spot on. Timothy needed a boost of confidence and wise council. Older men need to step it up in mentoring younger men but G the same time, a lot of older guys need to sit down and listen to and watch the strong work ethic of younger men. If each church would develop a strategy to connect man in mentoring relationships, entire communities and families would be changed. 

Apologetics 2

 We seem to be surrounded by the noise of marketing strategies, each trying to pull us in one direction or another. We can Google any question, eat fast food, and follow gps anywhere. slowing down to soak in wisdom, or experience serious worship time in solitude is difficult. Developing serious relationships that have eternal impact is a rare pursuit. Developing a strategy to be wise with all the foolish options takes effort and discipline. 

Trusting 1

 How do you handle waiting?  For me it depends on the issue but my patience can run thin. I may appear to be patient but my insides are turning. My anxiety runs high while waiting, thinking the worst has happened or ai happen. Memories of phone calls with bad news haven’t helped. But on the flip side, I’m confident God is working behind the scenes to put all things together for His agenda. The only logical solution is to follow God’s lead, pray, and wait for the next best decision with His prompting  

“I often pray, “Lord, I’m your servant. I’ll follow you even if it’s into apparent failure, because I have no rights to success as I define it, or as the church defines it, or as my culture defines it. I’m only interested in pleasing you and being successful as you define it.”

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Verses 11

 We cannot shoulder the burdens of everything we know that is burdensome. Many of the factors influencing events, circumstances and people are beyond our control. Because we care, we have burdens. Because we make commitments, we have tension between good and bad, and between good things that attract us. We get weary and tires, but isn’t it great that Jesus invites us to rest?  Jesus is gentle and humble as He coaches us and nudges us. Our transformation is often painful with a lot of tense moments. But He will NEVER LEAVE US. 

Apologetics 1

 A.W. Tozer said that the most important thing about you is what you think about God. Either He is Lord, Creator of all, and Sustainer of all things, or our faith is a complete waste of time. If it’s not true, we are duped and foolish. If it’s true, we had better be all in. Half way commitments are like suggestions with a lot of excuses. Jesus does for us and rose to life that we might have life. How can we not love Him with our whole being. 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Becoming 21

 I’m not sure that I’ve been taught that confession and repentance need to be a natural rhythm to a mature Follower of Christ. Maybe some traditions do a better job at this teaching but it’s been weak in my experience. I grew up thinking that confession and repentance was a one time done event. But no knee is perfect and we continue to mess up. Confessing our inappropriate actions with a sincere turn around is important for others to see. We mature by recognizing our failures, mistakes and sins, then inching toward a transformed lifestyle. 

Becoming 20

 Doing good things, treating others right, pursuing justice and kindness are natural goals if we have been saved by His grace. If we have no interest in these pursuits, but become cynics and critics, we need to dig deeper regarding our response to the sacrifice made by Christ. Because of His live, we are changes and we live to see change happen in others. We want entire communities to be changed by the good weather than joining a negative argument. 

Seek the kingdom 7

 I can truly testify that my life has turned out far better than I ever imagined. When our twins were born, our pastor visited  us at the hospital and the quoted Ephesians 3:20 by saying we had truly been blessed abundantly. That verse has stuck with me many times as we have encountered challenges and setbacks. Despite hardship at times, God has been more than faithful. I’m grateful for God’s provision. 

Seek the kingdom 6

 Matt 6:33 is said during the sermon on the mount, between two sentences about anxiety. I’m thinking that ‘all these things will be added to you’ refers to the character qualities identified in the Beatitudes. His grace will provide what we needs in the heat of the moment and in the long haul of transformation. As we search for the Kingdom, we will be changed into the person God desires. 

Heartbeat 15

 Developing our own like ability list is hard to think about!  It’s not easy to look in the mirror and ask myself the questions listed in todays reading. But the Scripture reference is very serious. The world has a right to judge who we say we are, whether we really love our Savuor by our actions and words. Learning to be a safe and accepting person takes effort. I’ve often had to not say what I was thinking, but ask questions to get the person to talk more. Being a friend takes effort but so important. 

Again, I’m praying that your friendly example will help you Gibbs a great influence in the lives of others. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Heartbeat 14

 Developing a trusted circle of friends is a life long goal. Circles seem to change as we move through life but we get better at finding those we can trust. I’m praying that you continue to develop healthy friends who you feel safe and accepted. No one is perfect but one friend can support a few areas of your life while another supports you in other ways. I imagine that no one person can be everything other than Jesus. It seems that the only way to have trusted friends is to be a trusted friend who is loyal and resilient. 

Seek the kingdom 5

 Our Father knows every single detail of our lives. Nothing is hidden even though I hide from behind walls with a lot of people. I want to work on being fully authentic, open and vulnerable, asking God to make me fully His. There are times when I think I’ve let Him rule in every area, until an old memory or an area of un-forgiveness is revealed. Other times Gos shows me that I’m proud and arrogant, judging or dismissing what a person has said. He also shows me that I’m too hesitant to speak up and other times I’ve opened my mouth far too much. In each episode, I’ve discovered that I’ve been focusing on myself far more than how much He loves me. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Seek the kingdom 4

 Grace and mercy are the currency of the Kingdom’s economy. Asking, knocking, seeking and searching for grace are matched with the responsibility of living by mercy, treating others equitably and with fairness. We cannot ask for mercy if we are not willing to live it out each day. God’s way of doing business is upside down compared to earning our way up on the pecking order. 

House divided

 Proverbs 27:7 says "But to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet." Our nation is hurting and many loud and inviting voices are saying, "Come join my side." Be careful. God's whisper says "Come join my side and I will make you ambassadors of reconciliation." By being reconciled to God we have the best potential to be reconciled to our neighbor. 

So many voices instill fear. Resist. Reach beyond comfort lines. Make new friends. Listen well. Share your hope. Pray for transformation in hearts and cities. 

The Kingdom of God will never arrive on Air Force One. However, the kingdom breaks out little by little when beauty and redemption pierce the darkness.....As we heed the words, "do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good." May it be so Lord Jesus. May it be so.

Michael Sprague

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Seek the Kingdom 3

 Looking for the realm of the King each day and in the heat of the moment can be challenging with all of the noise surrounding us. Asking, seeking, knocking, looking are descriptors of the attitude I want to make adopt. I usually have the attitude that I’ve arrived or that I know as much as I need is wrong. The King’s rule in my heart must take root in the secret places and in the moments I’m trying to be all things to everyone. We each have our limits and the King’s presence must over rise my default to focus on me. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Kingdom meditations

 Nineteenth-century evangelist George Müller said it this way: “The believer must finish, must carry to conclusion, must apply to its fullest consequences what is already given by God in principle... He must work out what God in His grace has worked in.”

Growth 2

 The word discipline has always had a guilt feeling associated with it. But the word training seems more inspiring even though they may have the same practice. I’ve experienced passive training in godliness by hanging out with safe people, avoiding risky temptations and following the rules. But actively training my mind, emotions and body to be all in for Jesus takes effort and time. Daily connecting with you, Caleb, reading the application to Scripture, praying for daily needs, for you, my family, and writing a reflection are all part of the training. I want to get better at verbalizing the gospel through engaging conversations, not letting the time with others go by passively. 

Verses 5 Joshua 1:9

 When I’ve been intimidated by an issue or situation, it’s been hard to muster up courage in face of the consequences of doing the wrong thing. But the focus of this verse is not my courage or my ability to have nerves of steel. The focus is God’s presence and His promise to be with us. His grace may take place at the last minute but just in time. He is never late but always on time. It takes faith but His grace is the real resource leading the way. Isiah 41:10 - “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  

Missionary story

 Don't you love an inspiring missionary story? 

A. W. Milne was one of those missionaries. He went straight to the New Hebrides in the South Pacific, though headhunters who lived there had martyred every missionary who went before him. He did not fear for his life. In fact,he brought his coffin with him on the ship...packing all his belongings in it. He had already died for Jesus. He was all in.


For thirty-five years, he lived among the tribe and loved them. When he died, tribe members buried him in his coffin in the middle of their village. They wrote these words on his tombstone:


When he came there was no light.

When he left there was no darkness.


Mark Batterson writes: "When did we start believing that God wants to send us to safe places to do easy things? That faithfulness is holding the fort? That playing it safe is safe? That there is any greater privilege than sacrifice? That radical is anything but normal? Jesus didn't die to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous."

Very inspiring. Very challenging. Do you agree?

Becoming 16

 Salt livens up the taste buds and preserves for the future. At times I’ve felt like I was losing my saltiness but an author recently said you have to back to the salt mines and dig deeper to find the salt you need. What wise counsel for my personal life. I should never think I’ve arrived at a plateau and that is good enough. May you and I dig deep to find fresh salt, in all humility, finding ways to be salt and light, preserving what is good and honorable all around us. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Don’t Fear For Kids

 "He" knew, "He" knows...

Don’t feel sorry for or fear for your kids/grandkids because the world they are going to grow up in is not what it used to be.

God created them and called them for the exact moment in time that they’re in. Their life wasn’t a coincidence or an accident.

Raise them up to know the power they walk in as children of God.

Train them up in the authority of His Word.

Teach them to walk in faith knowing that God is in control.

Empower them to know they can change the world.

Don’t teach them to be fearful and disheartened by the state of the world but hopeful that they can do something about it.

Every person in all of history has been placed in the time that they were in because of God’s sovereign plan.

He knew Daniel could handle the lions den.

He knew David could handle Goliath.

He knew Esther could handle Haman.

He knew Peter could handle persecution.

He knows that your child can handle whatever challenge they face in their life. He created them specifically for it!

Don’t be scared for your children, but be honored that God chose YOU to parent the generation that is facing the biggest challenges of our lifetime.

Rise up to the challenge.

Raise Daniels, Davids, Esthers and Peters!

God isn’t scratching His head wondering what He’s going to do with this mess of a world.

He has an army He’s raising up to drive back the darkness and make Him known all over the earth.

Don’t let your fear steal the greatness God placed in them. I know it’s hard to imagine them as anything besides our sweet little babies, and we just want to protect them from anything that could ever be hard on them, but they were born for such a time as this. ~Alex Craven

Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~~Proverbs 22:6

Walking With Jesus


"Jesus, you are going to be very busy today...would it be ok if I journey with you today?"

For the past few years, before I get out of bed most mornings, I pray these words as a spiritual discipline of intent and devotion. It has been life changing. Why? Because for too many years my thought often was much more like this, "Lord, I've got a lot of plans for my day. Would you bless my plans...and by the way, please don't give me too many problems today!!!"

Lol... can you relate?

I'm slowly learning to discern where God is working and jump into the middle of what He is doing. His plans are sometimes uncomfortable, unpredictable and even messy but I'm learning His plans are always better than my plans. I'm betting the farm on God today... how about you?

The Bomb Under The Table


The Bomb Under the Table 

Alfred Hitchcock's secret to suspense 

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Hey — it’s Nathan. 

In 1970, the American Film Institute sat down with “the master of suspense” Alfred Hitchcock. They asked him two questions: 

  1. What is the difference between surprise and suspense? 

  2. How do you leverage suspense to immerse people in your stories? 

He answered both questions with one analogy — the bomb under the table (video version). 

We are now having a very innocent little chat. Let's suppose that there is a bomb underneath this table between us. Nothing happens, and then all of a sudden, "Boom!" There is an explosion. 

The public is surprised, but prior to this surprise, it has seen an absolutely ordinary scene, of no special consequence. Now, let us take a suspense situation. 

The bomb is underneath the table and the public knows it, probably because they have seen the anarchist place it there. The public is aware the bomb is going to explode at one o'clock and there is a clock in the decor. The public can see that it is a quarter to one. 

In these conditions, the same innocuous conversation becomes fascinating because the public is participating in the scene. The audience is longing to warn the characters on the screen: "You shouldn't be talking about such trivial matters. There is a bomb beneath you and it is about to explode!"

In the first case we have given the public fifteen seconds of surprise at the moment of the explosion. In the second we have provided them with fifteen minutes of suspense. 

The conclusion is that whenever possible the public must be informed. Except when the surprise is a twist, that is, when the unexpected ending is, in itself, the highlight of the story.

Alfred Hitchcock 

This is a gem, so I won’t belabor the point. Three ideas to focus on: 

1. The Power of Anticipation

Modern psychology shows anticipation can be more enjoyable (or dreadful) than the experience itself. That's why the "promise" of the boom is so engaging. 

The ticking clock isn't just a measure; it's an instrument, heightening emotion with every tick. Time is the silent amplifier. 

2. Believable Bombs

Your audience tends to have a great BS meter. So drawing them into the world you've built requires grounding your threats. But how do you make that threat believable? 

It’s about the context of your story. If you’re doing a George RR Martin impersonation, then yeah threaten to kill off the whole cast in chapter 3. But if you’re digging into a personal story, then maybe your “bomb” is that deep-rooted sense of shame you’re fighting or the fear of embarrassment you want to overcome. 

The “bomb” doesn’t need to be earth-shattering. It needs to be specific and realistic within the context of the story you’re telling. 

3. The Possibility of Relief

Further along in the interview, Hitchcock dropped this quote on the importance of giving your audience relief: 

The bomb must never go off. Because if it does, you’ve worked your audience into a state and then they’ll get angry because you haven’t provided them with any relief. That’s almost a must.

So, a foot touches the bomb, somebody looks down and says, “My god a bomb,” then tosses it out of the window before it goes off. Just in time.

At the end of The Dark Knight, the Joker has two ferries trapped in the harbor. It’s a wonderfully terrifying social experiment. But a perfect example of the ‘Bomb Under the Table.’ 

Anticipation: One ferry carries civilians and the other prisoners. The Joker gives both groups a detonator to blow up the other ship. He promises, “You might wanna decide quickly. Because the people on the other boat might not be so noble.” 

Believable: The Joker isn’t trying to blow up the entire city. But instead 300 people on a ferry. You’ve watched him commit atrocities this bad for the last two hours. If a ferry could blow up, there’d still be plenty of story left for the third movie in the already-announced trilogy. Specific and realistic

Relief: Expecting an explosion, The Joker says, “And here we go…” Then nothing happens. Watching The Joker’s grin fade, the audience instinctively takes a massive sigh of relief. That built-up tension is released. A payoff. 

If you want to see Hitchcock’s theory in action, here’s that 4-minute clip

Have an awesome weekend,


 I know that the evil one loves to create discouragement and doubt in the local church. We all need hope, encouragement and spiritual direction as we figure out how to live in a messed up world. Consistently listening to messages that point out the darkness of the human soul, the sin that is embedded in our culture, how we so often reject God’s rescue, I get weary. I’m worn out from the church talk that reinforces what I see in the news and even in television game shows. I feel that we are being bombarded by an avalanche of negativity that is missing the hope of the gospel. 

Yes, we are living in the world and we cannot have a pollyanna attitude that all will turn out okay. But we cannot live under a cloud of gloom and doom that all is evil. We are citizens of Heaven, and we are to seek first the Kingdom. We are to look for where God is working, expecting Him to show Himself to us with opportunities to live Him deeply, to participate in His work. 

Dwelling on the twisted sexual ideas of our culture is not honoring our Father. Focusing on this topic is as bad as emphasizing greed, power, possessions, pleasure, and status as goals of the church. 

From a counseling perspective, children, teens, and adults are being plunged into a vortex of sexual temptations. Porn use is becoming an obsession by all ages, makes and females. This year, the Nebraska State Patrol is warning that there is a huge uptick in sexual exploitation toward all ages with sec trafficking taking place like never before…in Nebraska. I sense a darkness that is not even hidden at all levels. Innocence is being lost, even in the church. I fear for you, that all messages from our church remain pure and above reproach, with hope, encouragement, and glory to God, rather than a focus on the depravity of the human soul. Yea, the heart is totally depraved, beyond hope. But ghe currency of God’s kingdom economy is grace.  His grace and mercy over roses our delta Ed ways of thinking. Yes we should have faith, but His grace leads the way. We are saved by grace through faith with grace leading us toward faith in our SaviOr. 

What is the point of consistently highlighting sexual topics in ten a book of the Bible?  Yes the topic is in the Bible, but why highlight it. There are so many hurting people who need help. What about those who have been traumatized by an abuser. What about a child who has been the victim of a predator. What about the person who has experiences the trauma of parental abuse for years. Such scars are fresh. Wounds are reopened whenever these sins are discussed. Such USSSA are appropriate on a gospel centered counseling session or a Bible study but not in a worship service. 

Yes the world has so much sun embedded into its way of thinking. But a worship service needed to encourage attendees to worship our King who charges us to go into the world with the hope of salvation. Our hope is to engage the world regarding issues of redemption, care, compassion, justice, and restoration. A church that hides behind walls of protection is on slippery slope of being marginalized and ineffective. 

Is viewing the sins of Sodom with an open verbal explanation during church a mature perspective. I think not because of the trauma that has been inflicted upon sexual assault victims. Perhaps a mature approach is to outline the horror of what happened, the callous nature of hardened hearts, and the intervention of God into the lives who would respond to grace.  Each person needs hope and encouragement as we face unique challenges, respectively.  Some have had horrific crises involving assault and abuse  others have felt trapped with no escape, even within church walls  others have had absolutely no support from a church person in their private struggles  

Diane Langberg. “Sexual Abuse in Christian Organizations”— It is horrifying that such words should work together. It is horrifying that such words make sense to us. They should not. Such a phrase should be the king of oxymorons.

Jason Kovacs. There are some churches where the care of people is seen as an obstacle to the mission of God. That is a false dichotomy. Our care for one another is at the very heart of the mission of God.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Warrior 14


 I so want our friendship to be described in part by the following quote. I’m picking out words in this quote as descriptions of where we are headed:  humility, dependence upon Jesus, surrender, patience, brokenness.  

“Eugene Peterson has said, “American culture is stubbornly resistant to the way of Jesus.”  The culture is strongly individualistic; the church is to be strongly communal. The culture is impatient; the church is to be persevering. The culture is celebrity-ridden; the church is to be a culture of humility. The culture celebrates competence; the church’s first priority is dependence. The way of Jesus, then, is one of community, and submission, service, and patience in that community. Jesus’ way is the road of humility, living in a state of brokenness before God. Jesus’ way is a people anxious to depend on God rather than on competence alone.”

Becoming 15

 How can you and I develop a rhythm of repentance, that we continually self reflect where we are at with the Lord?  It seems easy to be on auto pilot and be stuck with a comfortable mindset that ‘I’m doing ok’. And it’s easy to hide  our struggles even with those closest to us. I want to get better in being vulnerable, open and honest with God and with the ones I love the most. I hope that can be true between you and me, Caleb. I’m certainly not perfect but I want to walk with you no matter what is ahead. I want to share more of how I’ve grown and changes but how God is asking more of me. 

Becoming 14

 Who knows if we will confess and repent, like David?  It’s a scary and slippery slope to be tempted into sin, with the possibility that we could become hard hearted and not confess, or hurt so many others as a consequence to our wrong doing. Even though David repented and returned, his family suffered division and anger as a result of his sin. The best perspective is maintain our love and awe of Christ in us, pray for protection from evil, and develop rythyms of confession and repentance. Connecting with like minded brothers like you helps us grow in love and trust. 


 Michael Sprague


According to naysayers, Kingdom hope should be impossible. The prediction of the demise of the Jesus Movement has been declared rigorously.

 In 1917 Communists came to power in Russia, declaring by the 21st century the entire world would welcome communism and Christian faith would die out. In the 1930’s the Nazi’s boldly stated they would outlast the followers of Jesus. In the 1960’s John Lennon said, “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue with that; I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first – rock and roll or Christianity.” 

 Well, it is the twenty-first century. Lennon is entombed. The Third Reich is gone; the Beatles are defunct, but the work of Jesus Christ marches on.

 It was the same in the first century. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote about how Nero thought he would annihilate the Christians, “Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.” 

 In fact, if you would have asked almost anyone in the Roman Empire in the first century who are the greats living who will be remembered in history and through the centuries … they would have said, “Caesar and Nero.” If you asked them, “What about the followers of Jesus?” They would have vehemently declared, “They are nobodies. They will soon be dead and gone!” Well, 2,000 years have come and gone. We name our kids, Peter, James, John and Mary. We name our dogs Caesar and Nero. The Faith is indestructible and unstoppable.

 The Bible, likewise, is unique in its durability. It has survived burnings, bans, ridicule and criticism. Countless rulers and kings have attempted to eradicate it, yet it endures. Name another book that has been such a blockbuster and tops on the best seller list every year for 300 years!

 In the 1700’s, Voltaire, the noted French Philosopher, held a Bible up in the air and said that in 50 years there would not be a Bible on the face of the earth and Christianity would be swept from existence. Fifty years later, Voltaire was dead, and the Geneva Bible Society bought his house and began printing Bibles in it.

 The obituaries for Faith and the Bible will continue to be written. Sure, some man-made stuff will fall by the wayside. Stock Markets may get rocked, housing markets may crumble, banks may implode, but the Kingdom of God marches on. You can count on it. “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...