Monday, July 31, 2023

Winning 2

 Replacing negativity and my victim thinking is crucial for growth. I can easily allow fear and anxiety to rule a day, spiraling my mental and emotional state into a tailspin. But God has provided Scripture as the antidote to each trigger of the tailspin. God has great things planned for the future despite the storm and chaos. Instead of my fear, I want to train myself to search for Him. 

Jeremiah 29:11-13

[11] For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. [12] Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. [13] You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Growth 2

 The word discipline has always had a guilt feeling associated with it. But the word training seems more inspiring even though they may have the same practice. I’ve experienced passive training in godliness, by hanging out with safe people, avoiding risky temptations and following the rules. But active training my mind, emotions and body to be all in for Jesus takes effort and time. Daily connecting with you, Caleb, reading the application to Scripture, praying for daily needs, for you, my family, and writing a reflection are all part of the training. I want to get better at verbalizing the gospel through engaging conversations, not letting the time with others go passively by. 

Intimacy 2

 Loving our Lord with everything we have is a deepening process. Loving Him is far more than information gathering and far more than feeling good about ourselves. We can accumulate a prideful arrogance about what we know, with little humility before Jesus. I can develop a self absorbed one up attitude that is judgmental and divisive. I need His infusion everyday, reflecting on my weakness and sin, repenting, purifying my love in full naked vulnerability. I need to verbalize my hurts, weakness, half hearted attitude, and judgmental cynicism to Him afresh. With open hands and open heart, I want to seek His kingdom first. May that be for you as well, Nick. 

Prodigal 9

 Keeping life free from….the list could be long. One of the best skills we can develop is the freedom to say no. When the pressure becomes great to say yes, we can respond with ‘what part of no don’t you understand?’  I’m at a point in life, since retirement, that I have been re-evaluating my commitments and habits. I’ve backed off from several things o thought might be worthwhile, but I’m not sure what I was thinking at the time. I am so grateful to not have been hooked by so many temptations earlier in life, yet they are ever present. If I surrendered to any of those idols, maximum collateral damage could happen instantly. Faithfulness and loyalty to our Lord become stronger when I realize how much He loves me and what He has planned. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Praying 2-8/1

 I wonder if we truly realize what is meant by the adoption into God’s family. Our adoption gives us the ability to call God our Father and to connect with each other as family members. Relying on Him for our protection and provision is no slight change in our status. We have an inheritance that cannot be measured by any earthly standard. Dino really love each day as an adoptee into this family?  Do I run to my Father with everything?  Do I treat my fellow Christ followers as family?  Do I share my struggles and questions with my brothers?  I’m doing better but I’ve got a long way to go. 

“The truth is that we are not good people who make mistakes; we are sinful people in need of mercy. Because it requires humility to accept what our hearts are truly like, those same hearts will tend to prefer to be deceived by preachers of self-esteem and self-confidence rather than listen to prophets such as Jeremiah.” - Allistair Begg

Intimacy 1

 The closer we follow our Shephwr King, the more we know His voice. He may not be speaking in an audible voice, but the affirmation of His presence and the Scriptural wisdom we invest will bring a fine tuning to our listening skills. I’m addition we will be more adept at filtering out the temptations to follow any multitude of idols and addictions.  Listening to Hos voice is also worshipping Him with our whole self, wanting to love Him and honor Him, rather than our selfish ambitions and illusions. 

Growth 1

 I don’t remember throwing a temper tantrum while growing up but I do remember whining at times. I was told to suck it up and deal with it and not be so insensitive to everyone around me. Maybe I stuff my emotions too much or it takes me a while to process what has happened in an event. Developing an adult spiritual mindset is seeing the big picture. God is completing an agenda that is far more than any one person’s needs and wants. We need to trust Him for the long haul, letting go of short term answers. 

Prodigal 8

 An addiction or an idol can be all consuming, putting us into a storm that we can’t see the reason for it. It’s like the griping complaining couple who bicker all the time cannot be happy unless they are criticizing everyone and everything. They wouldn’t know what to do if they weren’t negative. But God has a way of orchestrating interventions. He may take circumstances, a series of events, or genuine caring people to shock a self absorbed individual into reality. We have a big God who lives is beyond measure. 

Praying 1

 Much of my past praying has been an after thought, an option less taken. But I’m learning how important it is to talk all things out with our Lord as a form of worship. He knows everything and every detail in my life. Who knows me better than Jesus?  As we learn to pray deeply, to worship Him with every detail of what is happening in and around us, we discover the need to worship and pray even more. Self sufficiency and independence, my usual self abosirbed idols, seem silly and foolish. MY you and I search for Him and seek Him whole heartedly in our praying. 

“A self-righteous person is not going to pray prayers of confession; there's no need to pray if you think you're good enough to earn God's blessing.” - Allistair Begg

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Theology 10

 Despite the gloom and uncertainty in the news, our future is certain and bright. The Kingdom that has taken residence in our hearts will be brought in full for all eternity. His kingdom and agenda will be for all eternity. How can you and I live in fear or follow some lame conspiracy theory, or get fixated on a political agenda, when we have so much happening with God’s kingdom. I’m praying that you and I deepen our search for His kingdom, deepening our commitment to Him, loving our Savior in full, being all in for Him. 

Winning 1

 Each day is a new battlefront in my mind. My default is to think negatively, in defeat. I often wonder what will go wrong today, what unsolved issue will flair up, or I’ll imagine a new episode of a distanced relationship. But the Philippians 4 reference has been a huge help in starting the day. Reminding myself to think and talk with what is good, honorable and truthful is a wise pattern to develop. I’m plagued less with defeat and feeling victimized, even though that is my default. May our Father be pleased with our progress in thinking patterns. 

Praying 10-7/30

We will may never know why bad things happen to us, but we can certainly learn from them. I could be angry and bitter, but God has awakened me to trust Him. I could reject God all together but when I think about all that Jesus went through in His short life, how could  I reject Him?  Taking one day at a time, continually trusting anew each day, is the only rational way to handle life. 

“Our lives are always safest, not when we have a good paying job or a big retirement account or when we live in the suburbs with a white picket fence, but when our lives are firmly placed in the hands of God.” - Louie Giglio, The Comeback: It's Not Too Late and You're Never Too Far

Friday, July 28, 2023


 An addiction depletes the person of reality. But it also destroys the joy that could have taken place between relationships that never developed. Family relationships become warped and true friendships never happen. I wonder if the idols we make out of a lot of issues are almost like an addiction. Being so focused on power or possessions can become an obsession to the point of depleting so much out of life 

Face to face 7

 Developing a praying dialogue with our Lord is far healthier than my complaining and whining that I do by talking to myself. Verbalizing all anxiety with Him reduces the worry, allowing Him to help me sort through the chaos. Talking life out with Him brings grace and wisdom in the moment of need, gives insight to where He is working and how I can participate. Complaining to myself builds walls, shutting me out of His provision. May you and I build habits of talking everything out with Him. 

Theology 9

The church universal includes people from every background and ethnicity. Many have not been reached but the number of un-reached people groups is shrinking. Imagine what it will be like to experience the joy of His presence with those who have been saved from all over the globe. I often struggle with the trivialities of getting along with those in the local church, how we can be so distracted on rabbit trails. But the reality of our future together is filled with joy and expectation. 

Praying 9-7/29

 Daily praying that I give Him all my anxiety and fear is an essential step to avoid a mental and emotional tailspin. My list of ‘what if’ catastrophes is long, with a revolving issue at the top of the list. But diligently giving every issue and every person to Him is an important part of every day. I cannot control much of what happens but I can pray and be in control of my own emotional and mental state. His strength can be displayed in my weakness. 

“Heaven will be full of the songs of worshipers who had once been broken people in a broken world, picked up and used for God’s glory.” - Louie Giglio, The Comeback: It's Not Too Late and You're Never Too Far

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Theology 8

 I’m not sure I’ve been taught much about the role the Holy Spirit plays in our redemption and transformation. Perhaps it’s been the division on how people view the Holy Spirit, so little is said. But maybe it’s partly because His role is supposed to be mysterious and Hos promptings are like the wind. We can go for a stretch of time with few promptings but as we search for God, He shows up in ways we do not expect. We can take no credit for His work, otherwise it’s self development rather than His work. 

Praying 8-7/28

We will may never know why bad things happen to us, but we can certainly learn from them. I could be angry and bitter, but God has awakened me to trust Him. I could reject God all together but when I think about all that Jesus went through in His short life, how could  I reject Him?  Taking one day at a time, continually trusting anew each day, is the only rational way to handle life. 

“This is the residue of sin on planet earth. Things are broken. People are hurting. The night is here. Darkness is upon us. Yet shining in the night is a Savior, and He has come to shine on you.” - Louie Giglio, Waiting Here for You

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Theology 7

 The more I’ve come to understand the Doctrine of Christology, or the importance Jesus to who we are , the greater humility and reverence I feel for what He has done for us and what is yet to come. There is no room for bragging about anything in our lives. Our faith is not earned or achieved because He has completed everything for our salvation, redemption and restoration. The joy, peace, and love we experience is because of Him and His presence in our lives. A religion that consists of feeling good about ourselves for all the good we are doing, fitting in to a church agenda or program, or for our accomplishments has little to do with Christ’s plan to reach the world. 

Face to face 5

 Full redemption and restoration in eternity is hard to imagine. The full experience of sight, sound, hearing, taste, and feeling may be far more ecstatic and wonderful than we can think. Colors we have never seen, and acute eyesight or hearing may enable us to enjoy His creation more than we do now. We have so much to look forward to compared to the trivial concerns and worries I build up in my mind. We appreciate our relationships now - how much more will we appreciate them in eternity!

Face to face 4

 Imagine what it will be like to experience a resurrected body?  No aches or pains  and being able to defy earthly standards of physics and chemistry. We quantify everything with math and statistics but will there be such measurements in eternity?  If our eternal body resembles our earthly body, will our earthly treatment of it have consequences in heaven?  Probably not, but how will we look?  Will we look like the best self we had during our lifetime?  So many questions, but our curiosity will be satisfied and more! The most joy will be seeing Jesus face to face and the look in His eyes. 

Prodigal 4

 I imagine that the prodigal son wouldn’t listen to anyone’s advice or concern. He wanted to have it his way when he wanted it, however it came to him. His entitlement attitude worked until the resources ran out or he was taken advantage of. Being self absorbed beings an insensitivity to anyone who might want to show love and concern. Being mad at the world, blaming everyone and everything for what’s wrong becomes a lifestyle with a hardened heart. But God’s grace is greater still. 

Praying 7-7/27

 I’m ashamed of my indifference to pray for and interact with people I know who do not know Christ. I’ve been too afraid of rejection and worried more about me than them. I need to step up my praying and plead for ways that certain individuals I know come to a saving faith. Not only that I want to be better at following up, discipling, and showing genuine care and love for them. As our culture follows through on every person doing their own thing, I wonder if we can find ways to bring them to faith. But God is the one who saves, not us. 

It doesn’t matter how messy life has become; it’s never too late for God to do a miracle. It’s never too late for God to restore your family, your health, your mind. It’s never too late for him to put your life back together. It’s never too late to heal the wounds inflicted on you over years. It’s never too late for Jesus to speak to you when you’re hanging on a cross in the middle of your guilt and the punishment you deserve. It’s not too late if you’re in a garbage dump and you don’t matter to anyone in this world.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Praying 6-7/26

 God’s forgiveness is overwhelming. It is undeserved and unearned. Looking at my list of people that I need to forgive for their offenses, I wonder if I truly understand His forgiveness for my rebellion and disobedience. I usually think of myself as a person who lets go of hurts but I have a few that I hold tightly with firm grip. Part of my tight fist is protection. I don’t want to be hurt again or experience a set up for another episode. But again, I’m living by fear and distrust with those emotions. My heart continues to need an overhaul. 

“If we live for people’s approval, we will die by their rejection.” - Louie Giglio, Goliath Must Fall: Winning the Battle Against Your Giants

Theology 5

 “Acknowledge that the Lord is God. He made us, and we are his— his people, the sheep of his pasture.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100‬:‭3‬ ‭CSB‬‬

One of our highest priorities is acknowledging God as Lord, as Creator and Sustainer of all things, and as our Shepherd. Our world seems to do the opposite by elevating ourselves above all else. Everyone seems to be interested in doing their own thing as they see fit. 

What to do 4

 For me I t’s been difficult to ask others for help. I grew up with the idea that it’s important to be independent and self sufficient. Even asking another person to pray for me was foreign. But I’m learning that no one is perfect and we are not designed to be self sufficient. We are made to depend upon our Lord and each other. God’s design for the church and for discipleship would not be needed if we’re to be independent. I’m doing better in this area of life but I’ve got a long way to go. 

Praying 5-7/25

 How can how can we develop a habit and practice to “Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Take the lead in honoring one another.”?

Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭10‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Our world would be much different if we practiced God’s word, especially in reference to relationships. Finding ways to connect in deeper ways with each other encourages to be better ourselves, discovering His love in ways we never thought possible. 

simply by our proximity to Jesus, we can bring hope and life to people and places trapped in discouragement and despair.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Face to face 2

 Dwelling on the presence of evil forces who are always working to undermine us is probably not a healthy way to think each day.  Being obsessed with the devil’s power is exactly what he wants, creating fear, discouragement and disillusionment. But the more we maintain focus on the presence and power of Jesus, Satan is limited. I’m not sure if I have interpreted some past experiences correctly, but I’ve felt a dark evil presence looming, yet knew the power of the Holy Spirit was with and in me. These were opportunities to be victimized through following certain people or a ways of thinking. But His grace and wisdom found ways to overcome. 

Face to Face 1

 The best of our present friendships and fellowship with each other are only a glimpse of what we will experience in eternity. What an awesome thought!  Reflecting on what really happened behind the scenes with numerous decisions will bring great story telling. Friendships may be understood, events and circumstances may be understood as Spirit driven effort that encouraged us in the faith. We will have many details of our lives to praise Him, but more importantly, what joy you and I will have in our worship. We will be in awe of Him. 

What to do 3

 I like what the reading states about patience and endurance. These qualities are not a passive acceptance about the way things are but a resolute determination to trust God for the good that will happen as a result of the bad. Life’s trouble adds a depth and maturity that is a process of transition. Wounded Christ followers are able to care for others who have been wounded. Our wounds may have scars and the wound may need periodic attention if re-opened. 

Theology 4

 The Bible is the most amazing written text available to humanity. It communicates who God is but it can be far more than information if we allow the Holy Spirit to work the words in our hearts. It will grip us and transform us, infusing us with the power of His love. Counseling and therapy can be helpful, but the Scriptures will change the way we think and act. Instead of living for ourselves, the Bible transforms us to live for our Father. 

A quote from Rich Villodas - “When Jesus was tempted, scripture flowed from his lips. When Jesus was challenged, scripture flowed from his lips.  When Jesus was crucified, scripture flowed from his lips.  One of the ways to live like Jesus is to internalize scripture, so that when we are cut, it spills out.

Prodigal 1

 An addiction can be a slow process of getting hooked on a distraction. What once was an escape, a hobby, or a way to unwind can turn into an obsession. Blinders and ear plugs would be easier to take of than seeing the problem for what it is or listening to advice. An obsession can be a secret adventure that no one but Hod knows about. Such a prodigal could live a secret life of saying all the right things and living up to everyone’s expectations, yet have no reality to authenticity. I know a husband and dad who has felt victimized his entire life, obsessed with what the next terrible event that could happen. It’s as if he has been addicted to the lies he was told growing up. Being drunk with self delusion can be just harmful as an addiction to pornography, shutting out all the good that could happen by seeking God. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Praying 4

 It is sometimes difficult to overcome our financial anxiety, considering the threats to our nation’s economy and global uncertainties. We can do our best to work hard, save and invest, but one event can jeopardize our planning. But I’m learning that I cannot control so many variables and factors. I can only control what I can do. He is the calming force in my turbulent thoughts, helping me trust Hos provision and His plan. 

“I am His. My struggles are His. My future is His. My reputation is His. My needs are His. Everything is His!” - Louie Giglio, I Am Not But I Know I Am: Welcome to the Story of God

Context 28

 God’s word is lamp to my feet, enlightening the path. The light shows where I might stumble or fall but it may not show much farther down the path than my immediate steps. I’m living in the here and now, and I cannot control what’s ahead. I can control where I’m stepping but May not see where I’m going. As long as I am staying in the path where He is showing, I’m safe. 

Theology 3

 The more you and I learn about God, the more we want to know Him in the depths of our heart. Information about His character and His holiness develops a humility and willingness to surrender to Him. As the reading stated, the more we know Him, the more we can detect the cheap substitutes that try to distract us. We become less interested in the temptations that scream attention and we want to grow in our love for Him. 

What to do 2

 Philip Yancy has so many great insights. Our Hope and joy are in our Lord and nothing else. Our suffering, turmoil, and grief will come in waves or could be long term. But His presence in the chaos is constant and sure. Wondering why bad things happen may never have an answer but God is shouting to us in our pain to trust Him. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

Context 27

 My week this week has been hangry as I’ve tried to windrow some prairie hay. Equipment failure, wrong parts ordered, and I could go in but I’m hungry to get the job done, yet restless and frustrated. I’ve told myself this is a test of patience, just hand it over to God. Just like a lot of issues, I have limited control, so just persevere. There are better days ahead and I’m grateful for so many things in my life. All material things not only depreciate in value but deteriorate. It’s better to prioritize eternal treasures, the value of what our Lord has done and is doing, and the value of encouraging others to do the same. 

Theology 2

 The triune God is one and I am so grateful that we are invited to love Him deeply. I am so grateful that you love Him, Caleb. What love is this, that our Creator would die for us?  All we can do is worship Him with our lives in light of the hope He gives us. What an awesome presence He is to live in us and for us. He dwells in our hearts just as He dwelt among the Hebrews wandering in the desert or in the temple at the time of King Solomon. 

Praying 3

 Each day is a fresh struggle to manage fear and anxiety. My ‘what if…’ list is long with rotating topics at the top of the list. Talking my anxiety out with our Lord is key, asking for wisdom and grace. He experienced every kind of pressure before enduring the crucifixion and understands our needs. 

“I am His. My struggles are His. My future is His. My reputation is His. My needs are His. Everything is His!” - Louie Giglio, I Am Not But I Know I Am: Welcome to the Story of God

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Praying 2

 There have been plenty of times I’ve been worried and scared about a family member’s health concerns. I continue to fret even though I have confidence in the physicians. Some family members distrust all medical personnel because they say have been corrupted by pharmaceutical corruption and big government. But I lean in on their Oath commitment to help the patient and believe God has appointed these professionals to be in our lives. Suffering may happen to us but He will NEVER leave us. 

 “The gospel is about living in the light of Jesus’ resurrection power every day. It’s about who we trust in every moment with our life and eternity.” - Louie Giglio, The Comeback

Praying 1

 It’s nearly impossible to live without anxiety and fear. No one is perfect and sin is embedded into our world, offering temptations and distractions at all levels. But our God is greater than all anxiety. Each day is a new battle front to surrender, not to the fear or anxiety, but to His presence. This devotional is a great reminder to me as fear can grip my attention quickly. 

“The gospel is about living in the light of Jesus’ resurrection power every day. It’s about who we trust in every moment with our life and eternity.” - Louie Giglio, The Comeback

What to do 1

 Thankfully, God arranges for the cold ice water in our face so that we wake up. Hopefully we wake up enough to see that the turmoil we are experiencing is temporary. There is a light at the end of the tunnel as we persevere through the pain. God’s word is the ice water we need so that we finally get it together and wake up. We may still have pain, ups and downs, taking three steps back, then four steps forward. 

Storms 10

 One of the most helpful phrases to me is ‘He is our refuge.’ God is good, safe, and loving. He is calling us to trust Him that good will be the result but not everyone is ready to experience the good. We would like Jesus to return quickly, but not all things are in place yet. Farmers wait for the corn to grow because the harvest isn’t ready. The song or the book is not ready to be released as we wait for the final editing. Waiting is hard but trusting Him is essential. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Theology 1

 This devotional is based on a new book that encourages the reader to develop a strong Biblical theology. I’ve not read the book but thought it would be a deeper dive into what we believe. To me, I’ve thought theilogy was mostly understood by the seminary professor or the pastor who has been trained. But I’m learning that we all are theologians, but uninformed and under developed. I know a little history about some aspects of theology - enough to get me in trouble during a discussion. 

Context 26

 It’s always tempting to spend a lot of time doing nothing on my phone, time that could be used to learn something, gain wisdom, encourage someone, or even pray. I’m trying to adopt the idea that ‘instead of my phone being a tool of distraction, it is a tool for discipleship.’  I hope our daily connection is part of that plan, because I am learning the valuable discipline of reading God’s word with you and reflect a few applications or thoughts from the reading. It’s far more valuable than scrolling!  Our connection is a huge encouragement to me as apply Scripture to our daily lives. 

Heroes 14

These thoughts hit me - Words can never describe the vastness of the universe nor how awesome is our God. How could He create and sustain everything yet love is individually, knowing the number of hairs on our head?  How could He love us enough to die for us, knowing how rebellious and indifferent we are?  How could He orchestrate behind the scenes to being individuals together to encourage each other, motivating them to connect and love Him more and more?  Our Father must have big plans in His timeless eternity to take such care in His plan for redemption and restoration. Let’s cheer each other on to be our best as we love Him deeply

Context 25

 Words can never describe the vastness of the universe nor how awesome is our God. How could He create and sustain everything yet love is individually, knowing the number of hairs on our head?  How could He love us enough to die for us, knowing how rebellious and indifferent we are?  Our Father must have big plans in His timeless eternity to take such care in His plan for redemption and restoration. Let’s cheer each other on to be our best as we love Him deeply. 

I Believe 14-7/20

 It’s easy to be weary of so many topics that divide, discourage and disillusion us. I do not want to be a critical cynic who distrusts everything and everyone. The cure is focusing on the One who never has changed and will never change. He is bringing all things to His conclusion, working in unseen ways. He brings good out of horrible situations and has a plan that is without detour. 

“As many have learned and later taught, you don't realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.” - Tim Keller

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Living 5

 My list of people that k want to share what Gos is doing includes you, Lewis. I’ve invested countless hours trynkng to influence teenagers and those younger to make good decisions. I’m confident that many of those hours influences some to get fight with God. I certainly want to be an influence in you, Lewis, to love our Father deeply, above all else. 

Context 24

 Few treasures are with more than having wisdom. Even though Solomon was on the receiving end of wisdom, he stupidly chose to have wives that led him astray. He failed to guard his heart from the temptations of the world, even though he could see what God has done in his life. I pray that you will always guard your heart from the many temptations our culture has to offer, especially as you make the transition to a different life this fall. I hope you develop an even stronger passion for following Jesus and that you will sense His provision with friends and career options. MY God’s word take residence in your heart, Neil. 

Heroes 13

 Earnestly praying for someone is a huge benefit to the person being prayed for. Paul’s compliment had to be based on solid evidence that Epaphras was genuine and authentic. He didn’t just say ‘I’ll pray for you” but he followed through. It bugs me at times that someone will say in a trite way ‘I’ll be praying for you’ or ‘Call me if you need something’.  I do not want to be ‘that person’.  

Today I’m praying for you, Caleb, on these topics: being the husband and Dad God wants you to be in your home; the employee that works hard yet knows his time limits; being an effective witness among friends; being a role model of love for our Father in your family and in Dawn’s family; and knowing how to protect your family for your financial future. If there are other topics to add to this list, I’m all in to pray for you.   

Storms 8

 Having compassion for others arises from our love for our Savior, who suffered far more than we can imagine. I could easily wallow in my hurts, building anger and resentment. I could easily allow bitterness to rule my thinking but I do not want to be a bitter old man. Hebrews 12:15 came to mind last Saturday as I had thought about a number of difficult issues I’m confronted with - “ See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled;”

Focusing on Him and how He is providing so many clear thoughts to dwell on is huge. Our Savior is the only solution to my bitterness. He is not just an option, He is the only option. 

I Believe 13-7/19

 If my hope would come from the news, politics, a new President or Congress, or a better education and more income, I would be very discouraged and disillusioned. If my hole came from everyone agreeing on an issue, I’d be discouraged. But thankfully, my hope is found in a God who creates all things and is bringing all creation to a conclusion and restoration. I want to be ready because big events may begin soon regarding His remake and return. 

“It is not the strength of your faith but the object of your faith that actually saves you. Strong faith in a weak branch is fatally inferior to weak faith in a strong branch.” - Tim Keller

Monday, July 17, 2023

Living 4

 Being intentional about our faith is so important, demonstrating more than a loyalty to the Bible, to our family or the church. Demonstrating what we believe in our actions is walking our talk, and talking about our walk. If we are not practicing our faith and our beliefs, what good is our faith. Students in middle school or high school live in a fish bowl with everyone watching each move we make. Being fair and kind to everyone reflects Christ’s way of dealing with people. We have a perfect opportunity to be who God wants in a public way. 

Heroes 12

 I often wonder what would happen if every Christian did as we are doing in this devotional. Connecting each day is more powerful and life changing than a lot of church programs or groups, at least from my experience. I’m sure it’s not true for many but making an intentional effort to connect, encourage, share and pray for each other is where the Holy Spirit is working. Developing God honoring relationships is building the Kingdom here and now, but it’s also having an affect on the Kingdom that will be established in eternity. Who knows what we might be doing together in eternity, or how our connection has unseen ripple effects in others. 

Storms 7

 The storms in our lives can create havoc yet they are opportunities to filter out what we thought was important I used to think it was important to always look like I had everything figured out. I had to be the good parent and one who pleased others. But I’m learning I do not have to be perfect and there is no shame in admitting fear, doubt, and anxiety. The apostle Peter wasn’t perfect, yet God changes him to teach others about integrity and character qualities. Peter emphasizes that our end game is not our reputation or what others think. It’s about the glory and reputation of Jesus. 

Context 23

 Seeking Him is not a once in a while endeavor. If I’m not intentional each day, I can get off track so fast. Looking for God’s leading in how to respond, asking for wisdom, praying that I reflect His character, asking for forgiveness for my foolish ideas, slowing down to appreciate His creation and listing the many many blessings are each ways I am trying to do better. Being grateful rather than a whiny prideful snot nosed kid who needs a lot of supervision is not who I want to be. May God help us both to grow up. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Storms 6

 It’s certain that there is no guarantee for a stress free life. How can we escape a sin embedded world when we are sinful and weak. But we cannot escape the reality of Hos presence as we face the conflicts. If our focus is on Him, His work, His agenda, not our own frailties, our perspective changes. We experience joy, peace and calm even while the storm is raging. I don’t have to respond to every attack or have to have an answer for everything. My rest is in Him not self sufficiency. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

I Believe 12-7/18

 It’s beyond our imagination but the Creator of the universe actually loves each of us individually. He knows us by name and knows the number of hairs on our head (which is far less today for me).  How He cares what we do and become in life is Hos grace and love. He loves us enough to become one of us, suffering I’ll treatment, and die for us is the mystery of His love and plan. No standard of measurement or value can compare to Him. 

“Any person who only sticks with Christianity as long as things are going his or her way, is a stranger to the cross.” - Tim Keller

Context 22

 I once read that if I think I’m the smartest person in the room, I’m in the wrong room. Even if I don’t think I gain much from those in the room, perhaps I need to listen more intently to another person’s story and discover more effective ways to respond and listen. Life is not about me but honoring Him with His wisdom and character. I need to work at this in order to be a better listener and responder when needed. 

I Believe 11-7/17

 Getting our attention in a nosier and chaotic culture could be difficult. But emsllsing down and even stopping to enjoy His creation, including the colors, smells and sounds can help. But other wake up calls can be the shocking news of a phone call or a doctor’s visit to change everything that we thought was important. For the most part, we are not in control of life events, y we we know who does bring all things to a conclusion. Let’s pray that we are living for what really matters for all eternity, not just for gain in the here and now. 

“Any person who only sticks with Christianity as long as things are going his or her way, is a stranger to the cross.” - Tim Keller

Living 3

 Having delight in the Lord is actually experiencing Hos presence in our hearts, knowing with certainty that He will NEVER leave us. He is closer than a close friend could ever be, understanding every detail of our lives. He is the closest companion we could ever imagine, bringing a joy, peace and calmness m, no matter what chaos or confusion may happen. Our delight in Him changes everything about us. I pray that you will deepen your delight in shim. 

Heroes 10

 Priscilla and Aquila were influencers who used their personalities, marriage and connections to further the gospel. Aquila was not intimidated by the leadership of his wife, allowing her to do what God placed on her heart. He didn’t need to be in the limelight nor did he want credit for accomplishments and achievements. We are not sure of the details, but it’s obvious their marriage was above the average, giving each other the space and freedom to be all they could be, yet working together. May we be like that as well. 

I Believe 10-7/16

 Nothing can be compared to our Almighty Creator who loves us with so much intensity that He died for us, and paid the penalty for all our wrong doing. No economic, political, or government standard can be used as a measurement of comparison. Our investments of time and energy into things that will never last become useless idols. May we invest our selves into treasures that will last forever. 

“Our need for worth is so powerful that whatever we base our identity and value on we essentially 'deify.' We will look to it with all the passion and intensity of worship and devotion, even if we think ourselves as highly irreligious.” - Tim Keller

Context 21

 We have said this before, but we can read a verse several times and gain new insight each time. The wisdom of the Scriptures is inexhaustible. God’s word provides the light we need even though we didn’t think we needed that insight. We can grow accustomed to the dark, and be blind to His path. But the discovery of His wisdom in a moment will show how blind we have been. We can get used to the way things are through a lack of goid habits or by listening to the wrong source of information.  His light owns up a new view, yet it’s the timeless view that our Lord knows every detail and nothing is hidden from His sight. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Living 2

 I’ve spent far too much thinking time dwelling on ‘I’m not good enough’ or feeling like I wasn’t doing enough in my faith.  Thinking like a perfectionist leads to frustration and too much comparison. But I’m learning that God loves me regardless of my weaknesses or inadequacies.  God’s grace provides peace, joy, calmness, and confidence that He will NEVER leave me or forsake me. No matter the challenge, or how alone I feel, He will walk with me through the chaos. I hope you find that true as you face challenges in life. 

Heroes 9

 The apostle Paul had great respect for Phoebe, as well other influential women he knew. I recently read one author that wondered if the author of Hebrews was written by Phoebe or Priscilla but the author’s name was omitted because of the persecution toward women. We may never know for sure. I’ve felt intimidated at times, hesitant to take a risk for Christ. I was more worried about myself than doing what was right, or what I sensed God wanted me to do. I hope you are learning to be bold for your faith much earlier in life than did. May we honor our risen Savior by everything we do. 

Context 20

 Just because we follow Christ and believe in His promises is no insurance policy against a traumatic event or chaos. We live in a sin embedded world with sinful intentions by many. We are also fallible and weak, susceptible to being victimized. But our Lord will NEVER leave us or forsake us. We can trust Him to give us the grace we need for the moment, even during pain and suffering. I used to think that there was something wrong with me when trouble arrived. What hadn’t I done right this time?  What was wrong with my prayer life?  But God is not a crocheting old man wanting to ‘get me’ in a game of chance. He loves me despite my sin or weakness and the trouble around me. 

I Believe 9-7/15

 I have spent quite a bit of time fretting about what is in the news. Quite a few news sources live to create anxiety and anger in order to generate more income. However, Scripture clearly teaches that our Father is maneuvering events according to His purposes. Despite the agendas of politicians and economics, God is in charge. What looks like an event that is catastrophic, is contributing to His change for the future. The Old Testament story of Hezekiah talks about the threat of the brutal Assyrians approaching Jerusalem, but after Hezekiah prayed, God generated a rumor among the Assyrians and they returned home without a fight. We have every confidence that our Lord will bring His agenda to completion whether we are in the middle of a nation’s chaos or not. 

“The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” - Tim Keller

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Context 19

 Sitting or walking in the dark when we’ve had no electricity can be a long stretch of time. We went two weeks without power in 1994, due to a late winter storm. Being without the light of Scripture can happen suddenly by choice or slowly by neglect. Noticing how dark our insight and wisdom becomes may not be noticeable until a crisis hits or we face a dilemma. But building a curious mindset about what God wants in our lives drives the light to brighten as we seek wisdom. 

Heroes 8

 Barnabas must have been a man you wanted on your team or with you when the going got rough. His strength might have included a hope that was contagious, an anticipation of what God was going to do. Encouragers look for the good, even though they know the liabilities and weakness of bad thinking. I’ve had Barnabas type men in my life who raised my sights to look beyond myself. Pastor Dough Shada was one who said, “life is not about me or you, but about Christ and what He wants in our lives.”  

Storms 3

 I’m not sure that we will ever understand why we have long stretches of turmoil or trauma in life. Some have longer periods and more intense crises than others. But our Lord has seen and experienced it all. He walks with us and talks with us, strengthening our stamina and resilience. The perseverance we gain, the confidence in His presence we come to know, are not earned. These qualities are because He loves us and holds us tight in His grip. Our weakness and misguided thinking is redirected to rely on Him, not ourselves. I hope you are finding this true, Stephen. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

I Believe 8-7/14

 God’s plan to redeem and restore what He creates is mind boggling and so humbling. There is no room for any of us to be proud of our accomplishments and have earned our way to eternal rewards. Our Almighty and wise Father has done it all. All other religions are crafted by humans and involve earning and effort. Jesus’ way is free grace and wants all to surrender themselves to Him. 

“The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” - Tim Keller

Storms 2

 It’s easy to let my emotions control my thinking and actions. But the closer I’ve been drawn to who God is in my life, my emotional ups and downs have smoothed out. Thinking straight about who He is in my life brings clarity in the fog and calm during the heluggg of the storm. 

Heroes 7

 Mordecai was alert to what was happening around him and was serious about doing the right thing. He took full advantage of his opportunities to save himself and his people. I often think I’m just one person and there are others who will leverage their position to do the right thing on an issue. But Mordecai was compelled to take action, yet was clandestine in his planning. Not knowing how his plans would turn out, he had faith in doing right. He had to live with his conscience before God. 

Context 18

Developing a awe of God changes my weakness into strength. Not that I’m become strong but He is my strength. Fearing, respecting, and sensing how great He is brings humility and wisdom. My weak opinions and assumptions mean nothing in light of God’s holiness and His love. His anger and wrath will take care of all unfairness and injustice. His order and planning will bring all things to His conclusion. My role is to fear Him and love Him because He first loved me

I Believe 7-7/13

Developing a awe of God changes everything. Fearing, respecting, and sensing how great He is brings humility and wisdom. My weak opinions and assumptions mean nothing in light of God’s holiness and His love. His anger and wrath will take care of all unfairness and injustice. His order and planning will bring all things to His conclusion. My role is to fear Him and love Him because He first loved me. 

“We modern people think of miracles as the suspension of the natural order, but Jesus meant them to be the restoration of the natural order. The Bible tells us that God did not originally make the world to have disease, hunger, and death in it. Jesus has come to redeem where it is wrong and heal the world where it is broken. His miracles are not just proofs that he has power but also wonderful foretastes of what he is going to do with that power. Jesus' miracles are not just a challenge to our minds, but a promise to our hearts, that the world we all want is coming.” - Tim Keller

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Heroes 6

 God can and will use the young to lead the older ones to follow God. Josiah’s example is an inspiring example of a devoted young man who listened to what God wanted in his life. His respect for what the Scriptures teach changes a nation. I hope and pray that God will raise up a young generation to lead our nation and other nations to repent and depend on God. Maybe the Asbury University revival is a beginning to a movement of many to be serious about a personal relationship with our Father. 

Storms 1

 The joy of experiencing trials is developing an intense dependence upon our Lord. Words cannot fully express the inner peace of His presence when the storms are raging. Sometimes all I can focus on is the storm but once I’ve taken a few steps back, taken a walk, re-read a passage, and talked it out with God, I regain the calmness He provides. Sometimes it takes an intentional effort to not get sucked into the vortex of a storm, but He consistently is present in my life. I hope you find that true for you. 

Context 17

 My prayers of the past are marked by weariness or panic. I wonder if God thought “Why didn’t you talk to me earlier before the mess started?”  But I think I’m learning to pray when I’m burdened by what I see around me, rather than just complain about it or play judge and jury. I cannot change anyone’s attitude but mine, and my panic or judging response helps no one. My weariness about my own mental mess has become less as I’m learning to talk everything out with Him. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Heroes 5

 I do not like confrontation or conflict. When it’s needed, I’d like to hide in the corner or leave the room. When it’s not needed but still happens, my blood pressure rises. Nathan had tact and grace and was driven by God’s hand to confront the king. David must have respected Nathan’s devotion to God, making the conversation to be successful. Our integrity and walk with God will help us find wise words and the grace we need when we need to be involved in a confrontation. Our selfish motivation to participate will end in failure. Confrontation should honor God, not us or anything else. 

Believe 5-7/11

 If we really believe in the promises of the gospel, we have the most hope possible. Even though we can experience trauma and chaos, and we may never know the reason, we have great hope in the gospel. It seems like we can forget who we are in Christ and slide into needless empty chatter or negativity. Peace and calmness can reside in us through the storms of life, even though we are upset with the way things are. 

“When we look at the whole scope of this story line, we see clearly that Christianity is not only about getting one’s individual sins forgiven so we can go to heaven. That is an important means of God’s salvation, but not the final end or purpose of it. The purpose of Jesus’s coming is to put the whole world right, to renew and restore the creation, not to escape it. It is not just to bring personal forgiveness and peace, but also justice and shalom to the world. God created both the body and soul, and the resurrection of Jesus shows that he is going to redeem both body and soul. The work of the Spirit of God is not only to save souls but also to care and cultivate the face of the earth, the material world.” - Tim Keller

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Bball 10

 It’s guaranteed that we will all face stress and a crisis during life. No one escapes stress. But God’s word is a guaranteed document that assures us of His presence. Reading it over and over, especially the Psalms, reminds us that He will NEVER Maeve us or forsake us. We may not be in the final four competition, but there will be plenty of other stressful situations that we need reminding of our true priorities. 

Stressed 14

 Worship seems to be a life changing experience that can go deeper and deeper as we love our Savior more. What I once thought was a worshipful time is nothing to what I experience today. Hard times and darkness have brought a new depth to my praise and awe of who God is in my life. I hope that is true for you, Stephen, as you reach up to our Father, asking for help in the time of trouble. King David was not a perfect hero, but he reached out to His Lord during his distress. Without stress, we get too comfortable, thinking we have it made and we are self sufficient. Worship is a humbling maturity. 

Context 15

 I can go for a stretch of time neglecting how God’s word empowers and inspires. But last night I was reading the following verse - 

Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. --Psm 86:11

This verse hit me as a prayer that I need to repeat often. I cannot walk in the right path without being taught by Him because I will wander down a rabbit trail. I need to be empowered by Him because I cannot do it on my own. My heart is often divided between loyalties, interests, or what I read. The prayer is to unite my heart, undivided, focused. This prayer is more than be inspired - it’s an intimate request to be one with Him. 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Take my yoke

 Michael Sprague

I just read a heart skipping, jaw dropping invitation that is dripping with hope. 

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Are you weary? Exhausted? Numb? Burnt-out? Stuck? Loaded down? Defeated?

Are you trying to control the uncontrollable and please the unpleasable?

How is your soul? Do you feel like you are on an endless treadmill of checking off boxes, jumping through hoops and trying to earn God’s love? 

Do you want a soul that is more peaceful, secure, whole, free, joyous, and alive? The GREAT INVITATION from the REST-MAKER is:

1. COME. Come to Jesus. He does not say Come to church, a creed, systems of theology, pastor, rules, religion. All those things have their place, but the invitation is to Come to Jesus by faith. COME not DO. Come and get attached to a Person by GRACE. You cannot have the life of God without having the life of God.

2. TAKE MY YOKE. Huh? Does that strike you as odd? Why not “Take my La-Z-Boy or Orthopedic Mattress?” No. Unyoked leads to the uneasy life and yoked leads to the easy life. Through the object lesson of the ox yoke, Jesus invites us to yoke to Him for salvation and soul-rest. If you try to run your own life you will ruin it. 

3. LEARN FROM ME. Over time we learn the WORDS and RHYTHMS of Jesus. We do not try harder but train better. We are not trying to earn but learning to cooperate.

An old legend in Israel says that Jesus built the best yokes in Israel. The sign over his carpenter shop said, “My yokes fit.” Yokes were not factory made but custom made. I do not know if the legend is true, but I know Jesus’ yokes are well fitting. The easy yoke does not mean an easy life. The offer is rest for our souls not our backs. The only joyful yokes come from union and abiding in Jesus. In Him, our vertical relationship with God is anchored and our sin debt is paid. There is peace with God and rest from guilt, shame, and hopelessness.

Will you COME and happily put your neck in His YOKE?

Stressed 13

 We cannot imagine the turmoil Joseph endured throughout much of his life. Being sold as a slave, disowned by his brothers, accused of false crimes, forgotten in prison - each would have its own set of fear. But Joseph must have trusted God that someday his life would work out to bring honor and favor to others. We do not see what is orchestrated behind the scene to bring about a plan we could never dream happening. I am praying that your faith and confidence is strengthening in a deep way, Stephen. 

Heroes 4

 Standing up for what is right is never wrong, but it may not be the popular thing to do. King David had power and privilege and he must have lost his humility before God. His pride of getting what he wanted over took him, but Uriah knew better than to allow his privilege in the moment to violate his humility before the king. May you and I deepen our humility before our King and never let our privilege, power, or privacy violate what is the right thing to do. Let’s remain close to our King. 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Heroes 3

 Ehud’s story took courage and he had to be cunning to pull it off. The evil had to be pretty bad to kill the guy in a gross way. Taking a stand does not often require a killing like this but. Sing a shepherd taking care of the sheep takes courage and action. Thinking ahead and planning for every scenario requires the shepherd to. E strategic. Leading your family or influencing others for Christ requires preparation and taking a stand. As the old saying goes - if you don’t take a stand, you’ll fall for anything. 

Context 14

 “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭105‬ ‭

The lamp is brightest when it’s dark. God’s word shines in all corners, exposing the dirt and grime in my life. It knows me better than I know myself. Old baggage gets dug out of the dark attic, boxes of ugly memories are put under the light, and deep resentments are brought to light. I once thought that being in God’s word would bring perfection. Fat chance of ghat with the sin still hanging around. But fortunately, the light shows the next step on the path, and I’m not stuck in that dark stuffy room. 

Bball 9

 Living by faith, not by sight could be counter cultural. Today we measure everything by statistical outcomes. Test scores, managing projects by cost effectiveness, and economic growth are often not motivated by faith, just power and performance. But living by faith changes everything. If God starts a project, He will finish it, blowing the stars off the prediction tables. If God has a grip on your heart, no one can predict how He will use you. 

Stressed 12

 Waiting for answers to prayer can be painful, especially when I’m impatient and need an issue resolved. But I’m reminded that waiting is training me to depend all the more on our Father. He has promised to NEVER leave me or forsake me, and He has told me to think on what is godly, pure, just and right. I’m not to dwell on negativity or hang out with critics. Idle chatter and foolish talk can destroy me if I allow myself to be influenced. My loyalty to my Father is far more important than the tends of fitting in and listening to the crowd. There are no conspiracy theories or philosophies that match the true reality of His kingdom, happening tichy now with a full take over of all things. 

God isn’t like that

 Our parents taught a lot about God - performance based living God will judge our behavior despite being a forgiving God

Accepting Christ - our responsibility, how we act and treat my others is our moral responsibility

Even though becoming a Christian is free by grace, we need to earn good standing with God for the rest of our lives  

One must be independently minded, working to improve society and the community  God is distant and not personal  we have to figure life out  

Dangerous to talk too much about Holy Sprit 

Chapm2 marriage is to be in communication with God dancing with Him…not guilt and shame  

Breakdown of family is a lack of understanding God

Adam and Eve not Steve MO

Leave and cleave vs experiment

Children a liability MO

Teaching children about God is family responsibility  but todays milt generational is separated by distance    Generation to generation can be difficult  too much competition and gossip in extended family - lack of cooperation - too much judgment  

Didn’t our hearts burn?

 Luke 24:28-32 - On the Road to Emaus

[28] So they drew near to the village to which they were going. He acted as if he were going farther, [29] but they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is now far spent.” So he went in to stay with them. [30] When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. [31] And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he vanished from their sight. [32] They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

I Believe 4-7/10

 Are we really ready to see Hod’s glory and His splendor?  Our imagination cannot stretch enough to visualize what it will be like. Are we ready with excitement or dreading that we need more time?  Moses had a few experiences getting a glimpse of His glory, resulting in his humility and meekness. No one will have anything to brag about in the face of His glory, as we are humbled, bowing on knees before Him. All earthly concerns will seem trivial for sure. 

“When we look at the whole scope of this story line, we see clearly that Christianity is not only about getting one’s individual sins forgiven so we can go to heaven. That is an important means of God’s salvation, but not the final end or purpose of it. The purpose of Jesus’s coming is to put the whole world right, to renew and restore the creation, not to escape it. It is not just to bring personal forgiveness and peace, but also justice and shalom to the world. God created both the body and soul, and the resurrection of Jesus shows that he is going to redeem both body and soul. The work of the Spirit of God is not only to save souls but also to care and cultivate the face of the earth, the material world.” - Tim Keller

I Believe 3-7/9

 I’ve often wondered how many wake up calls will it take for me to be all in for Christ, to get my life in order. Deaths of close friends, illness and accidents, crises and trauma add up to the conclusion that I am not in control of what happens in life. Everything can change and has changed by one phone call or a visit to the hospital. We all procrastinate making life important decisions but we are not guaranteed a lot of time. Preparing ourselves to meet Him face to face is the most important choice we have, along with surrendering all we have to Him. 

“When a newspaper posed the question, “What’s Wrong with the World?” the Catholic thinker G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: “Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton.” That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.” - Tim Keller

Heroes 2

 Rahab seems like an unlikely hero to be included in the lineage of Jesus, but God chooses unlikely people. Those with bad backgrounds, sinful pasts, misfits and good ups make the list of who He might choose. Rahab had heard of what God has done through the Hebrew people and she knew that she had better get her life in order, ready for whatever might happen. I wonder if I and other regular church attendees often take God for granted, minimizing what He might or will do if we do not fully surrender to Him. Rahab was all in for God, despite her background. 

Heroes 1

 Jethro had to have several qualities about him in order for Moses to listen. Metro’s love and concern for Moses was matched by keen observation skills. He had the courage to create the conversation and speak into his life. Metro’s wisdom and compassion for Moses not only influenced his son in law but the whole culture of the Hebrews. One of the most influential people I’ve known has been pastor Doug Shada. He developed connections with people in many locations and was a student of leadership skills. He did not hesitate to speak into a person’s life, suggesting opportunities, correcting wrong behavior, or helping create positions for success. At the same time he was very careful to not take credit even though it was a temptation. Perhaps you and I’ve been called to a simple quiet kind of lifestyle, yet who knows how we be able to influence others. May God open our eyes to those opportunities, just like Jethro. 

Bball 8

 Sports, music, or any career can be a platform to point people to Christ. Even though Coach Drew took the job with lots of obstacles and previous setbacks, his resilient attitude and faith made it winning seasons, but more importantly, influences many to be followers of Christ and leaders in their communities and families. No one can predict what is ahead in our lives but God knows every detail and He has promised us to supply what we need. His presence in us will be the determining factor of how we influence others. I look forward to how you will influence others to follow Christ, Lewis. I am praying that you will always be ‘all in’ for Him. 

Bball 7

 Jeremiah lives in a time of great disrespect for God and cultural turmoil. But Jeremiah received word from God that he was to live with hopeful anticipation to what God would do. The same could be said for us. Coach Jarvis lives a legacy that influenced so many and o pray that will be true for you, Lewis. I hope you have a strong hope in God’s leading; that He will orchestrate events in your life to bring Him honor and respect. God has plans for us and it’s our job to develop the listening skills to following His voice in our hearts. 

Stressed 11

 We have talked about this in prior devotional readings, but today it the words are clear about two ways to live - fear filled or faith directed. There wouldn’t be a need to live by faith if there there were no anxiety about the future. Living with potential fear and worry necessitates our need to be faith driven. Living in hopeful anticipation of what our Lord will do in our lives is exciting compared to the dread of doom and gloom. I’m so excited for what good our Lord will bring into your life, Stephen. 

I Believe 2-7/8

 Light shines brighter in the dark and freedom is appreciated more by those who have never known what it’s like to be free. I often take what I have for granted and do not express my gratitude enough. I never want to my salvation for granted, considering the punishment that is sure to come for disobedience and dishonor to God. We won’t fully appreciate His provision until eternity but we developing a consistent attitude of appreciation for His mercy and forgiveness changes the way we live now. 

“The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” - Tim Keller

Context 13

 Making decisions that honor God takes wisdom and His grace in the heat of the moment. But as we become better acquainted with the Scriptures and apply what we know, decision making that glorifies Him becomes intrinsic and natural. We will have an aversion to evil and foolishness, being able to case out the options and choices, eliminating what could harm or what is unjust. Wise thinking is a life long process, built upon habits, trust, and honesty with God. 

Context 12

 I have minimized the importance and strength of knowing the Bible. The Scriptures are inspired and written for our benefit, as if a personal message to understand God, our lives, and our future. The Bible is evidence that He loves us beyond measure. What would my life be like if I had t neglected the Bible for so long?  I hope you and I deepen our appreciation for God’s message to us. 

“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” - Tim Keller

I Believe 1-7/7

 What is it like to receive a personal letter, card, or message that encourages you?  For me, it is heart warming, encouraging me to do the same for someone else. Personal messages strengthen the friendship and help redirect an attitude or path. Today’s devotional helps refocus how we read the Scriptures. Rather than a historical document, or ancient text, these words are meant as a personalized message that has been tried and true. The Bible is evidence that our Father truly loves us beyond measure. 

“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” - Tim Keller

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Context 11

 What others think of us is far more than our reputation. We can often fake it to make it to the level that is expected. But our character Eve thallus is revealed, especially to those who know us best. Walking the talk takes time and practice, but difficult situations seem to be training sessions we need to depend upon His grace and wisdom for each crisis. Talking our walk can be just as important because others may think the way we are is because we are merely moral or have been raised right. Our words need to share the reason we are the way we are, yet point others to Christ. 

Stressed 10

 What a name sake for you, Stephen. Doing what is right, being loyal to our Savior, loving Him more than blending in to what is wanted or expected, and looking to Him for strength are qualities for every Christ follower to adopt. Stephen must have loved Christ intensely, surrendering everything to Him. May you and I be all in for Him, regardless of the situation. 

“ May God replace your painful memories with redemptive dreams; may He heal old wounds and pour in timeless wisdom; may He shore up your weaknesses and shine through your strengths. And tonight, may your sleep replenish you in every way. You're loved & blessed.” - Susie Larson

Bball 6

 Danny Siva’s example of avoiding so many problems, even without anyone in his family to encourage him, is amazing. But his story really shouldn’t me extradorinaiy because we all can be transformed into what God wants to have happen. Romans 12:2 strongly tells you and me that we know what God’s will is for us by changing the way we think, not just going with the trends or by being the average of fitting into the world. It is exciting to know that God will change us for His honor, rather than leaving us to blend into the world. 

Psalm 14-7/06”

 Jesus said go seek His kingdom first and His righteousness, not as an option or after we have tried something else. I’m guilty to not look for Him first. My default is to try to solve my issues by myself without His help or anyone else. But I’m learning that problems and chaos in life are often training sessions to learn dependence on Christ. One training session strengthens us for a life issue, yet we are often headed for another session without much rest. May we recognize His work in us and around us first, not lost or even after other options. 

“All change comes from deepening your understanding of the salvation of Christ and living out the changes that understanding creates in your heart.” - Tim Keller

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Face to Face 6

 I am certainly prone to wander away from the truth I know. I need Him everyday and need to be firmly attached and rooted to Hi love. My self sufficient and independent default is to trust in myself, talking things out with Him as an after thought. My own pride and and self centered viewpoint are huge obstacles until I recognize my my need to surrender to Him.  May we give everything about us and everyone in our care to Him.  

Context 10

 Words can create a war or they can create healing and forgiveness. Wars of words take at least two participants but so does healing. Investing time into developing wise words usually is a long haul process but God gives us the grace we need to respond to others and the wisdom to stay out of some conversations that are foolish. I often need to remind myself that God is doing the work in a persona’s heart, not me. I just have the opportunity to watch and participate in His kingdom’s work. 

Stressed 9

 Maintaining our focus on Jesus even though the storm is raging can be a huge challenge. But the power of His words and the draw of His calm assurance gives us an anticipation that He will bring us through. 

Quotes from Diane Langberg:

“God can redeem the deepest agony, the most hideous suffering, the pain beyond words, into something that gives life and brings glory to Him. But make no mistake, the transfiguring of agony cost Jesus Christ inestimably. Death does not transform into life easily.”

“Suffering people often need others to have faith and hope for them. Admonitions to hope or trust only often result in despair; if the sufferers were able, they would do so. It is often helpful to say, “I know you struggle to hope right now. I will hope for you.”

Stephen - lean in on Jesus, borrow the hope and love you need. You’ll be able to pay it forward. 

Bball 5

 One seed of faith can produce results many times multiplied. Who knows but God what our faith will produce later in our lives. My life has turned out far better than I could ever imagined as I was growing up. God is faithful to His promises and  He is wanting us to choose Him above all else. I am praying for you, Lewis, that you will deepen your faith in our Lord no matter what people you have around you, no matter what situations you find in your life. God will NEVER leave you and will provide what is needed at the moment. 

Monday, July 3, 2023

Psalm 13-7/05

 Having grown up with a few negative complaining relatives, I acquires the mistaken view of being victimized by circumstances and a long list of performance expectations. I would never measure up to what a good Christian should be, yet I shouldn’t take risks because I might blow my chances of success. It’s taken a while to develop gratitude because my life has turned out far better than I ever imagined. The Lord has been faithful over and over, even through grief and heartache.  His love is the rock solid foundation for decisions. He will NEVER leave or forsake us. 

Face to face 5

 Full redemption and restoration in eternity is hard to imagine. The full experience of sight, sound, hearing, taste, and feeling may be far more ecstatic and wonderful than we can think. Colors we have never seen, and acute eyesight or hearing may enable us to enjoy His creation more than we do now. We have so much to look forward to compared to the trivial concerns and worries I build up in my mind. 

Stressed 8

 It is so easy to feel victimized by fear and anxiety. Perhaps it’s a default for you and me while others hide behind a bravado that crushes everyone in their path, blind and uncaring. But it’s refreshing to know that God does not want us to be timid and shy in the face of evil and conflict. His power is through His love, which is strong, principled, and firm. His love is not weak and timid, but full of strong gentle justice and fairness. It’s hard to sort it all out when trauma strikes but our focus is on Him, not the chaos. 

Context 9

 If I’m not praying my concerns out with Him, I’m probably in a negative uptight twist with anxiety, or I’m comparing myself to someone else, thinking I’m better than.., or not measuring up. Talking daily issues out with God is strong mental health, deepening my dependence on God. My default is to be independent and self sufficient, which rarely works. Having a set time to pray rarely works for me, but spontaneous praying, often sticking to a mental list of topics has helped. 

Bball 4

 John Wooden had so many wise things to say. It’s obvious he knew the Bible and he was certain that God loves him beyond his imagination. The way he treated his players and why he tight came from a consistent reading of the Scriptures. I used to feel guilty if I dis not keep up with a Bible reading plan but the more understand how much God loves us and wants us to grow deeper, I want to read more. How could the Creator of the universe love each of us enough to be a sacrifice for our sin and negligence?  Growing deeper in wisdom, like John Wooden, isn’t out of guilt, but out of love and respect   


 How could the Creator of the universe know and care about the details of each of our lives?  He is more awesome than we can imagine, with no standard of comparison. How could He love us enough to sacrifice Himself for us?  He loves us enough yo allow us to make our own decisions, giving us freedom to choose. Yet He draws us to Himself in ways that we do not understand. Our sin and selfishness often limit what we see, but let’s pray that He opens our eyes to the truth in Scripture that we may seek His kingdom and His righteousness. 

“All change comes from deepening your understanding of the salvation of Christ and living out the changes that understanding creates in your heart.” - Tim Keller

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Bball 3

 Living our lives in a simple way that honors God is most important. We can earn lots of money, have power over land, corporations or governments, and be a celebrity. But our true character is in the way we treat others in a loving compassionate way. The true reality of of life is facing our Creator someday to give an account for our lives. The more we can develop awe and respect for our Creator, the more our character will reflect Hom. 

Psalm 11-7/13

 What is the best way to handle the evil trends around us. Sometimes I think we are like the frog in the pot with the temperature slowly rising. We do not think about how our culture is changing. Are we preparing the next generation to be faithful?  Am I praying fervently enough?  What will it take for the lost to see their need for Christ? But Jesus is still King of kings and is moving history toward a final conclusion. Let’s encourage each other to continue doing good, regardless of the news and what the critics get caught in their idle chatter. The Spirit has brought us this far and will not leave us in the dark. 

“A faith without some doubts is like a human body with no antibodies in it. People who blithely go through life too busy or indifferent to ask the hard questions about why they believe as they do will find themselves defenseless against either the experience of tragedy or the probing questions of a smart skeptic. A person's faith can collapse almost overnight if she failed over the years to listen patiently to her own doubts, which should only be discarded after long reflection.” - Tim Keller

John meets Jesus

As we wrap up our week on God’s heart to meet with man, today we’ll look at the encouraging story of John on the island of Patmos. Right when we think we’re unusable, a season is too dry or we’re past our prime, God comes and speaks fresh life and vision. If you find yourself like John on Patmos today, I pray God brings a new word of courage and life to you despite your season.


The story of John receiving the book of Revelation from Jesus brings tears to my eyes. I imagine an isolated, weary, and lonely John on Patmos spending his days waiting until he gets to be with his beloved Jesus again. I imagine his heart yearning just to see his friend and Savior. And suddenly, after years of serving Jesus, he appears to John once again, his Lord and King standing before him, speaking to him that which will be the final words of Scripture. In Revelation 1:12-20, John records Jesus coming to meet with him, saying:

Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.

When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades. Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this. As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”

Imagine the joy and awe in John’s heart as his Rabbi Jesus reveals himself in glory to once again share with him history-altering revelation. Imagine the passion John would feel as his last days, which he thought he would spend alone in exile, are interrupted by a final chapter of kingdom work delivered straight from the mouth of his Savior.

God loves to interrupt the seasons of our lives in which we feel most lost with glorious encounters with him. He loves to repurpose us for incredible kingdom work just where we thought we were most useless. He longs to meet with us and envision us for his plans to bring his kingdom to earth. No matter where you are or how old you are, God has tremendous plans in store for all those who will serve him. There is no work he gives us too small. There is no time in our lives that we are unusable. There is no age in which we are to stop being used by our Savior. Jesus longs to meet with you today and tell you of his plans for salvation. He longs to empower you to do a mighty work for his kingdom. He longs for you to see his kingdom come to earth all the days of your life until you take your final breath here and wake up with him. May you receive and share the revelation Jesus gives you today with a world that desperately needs to know him.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Appointments With God


  1. REFOCUS your heart and mind through confession and praise. Before coming into God’s presence, consider any sins to confess. If you’re anxious, quickly record your anxious thoughts on a piece of paper and ask God to help you focus on Him. Review the previous 24 hours and thank Him for His goodness toward you. Be as specific as possible.
  2. READ a passage from the Scriptures. Select a passage ahead of time. You might begin by reading through one of the Gospels, focusing on Jesus. Many like to read a psalm a day or a chapter in Proverbs. A daily reading program, to read the Bible in an entire year, can be a good place to start.
  3. REFLECT and think about what you’re reading. Bible meditation helps us get below the surface of the text. Ask some questions of the passage or verse using who, what, why, when, where, how. Spend a few minutes answering some of the questions.
  4. RECORD your discoveries in a small notebook. Ask the Holy Spirit to give a new insight from His Word daily. Record one take-away thought from your time of Bible meditation to reflect on during the day.
  5. RESPOND to the Father in simple, practical obedience to what you’ve read. Take time to imagine what your life would be like if you applied this new discovery today. Pray over your schedule, committing the day’s events to His glory.

Bball 2

 Stephen Curry is definitely an example of using his place in life to honor God. The words he speaks and his behavior on the court reflect Christ’s presence in his life. It’s one thing to say you are a Christian but it’s another level to actually act like it. Some criticism Curry as well as Tim Tebow for manipulating the audience to get more followers, but the same could be said of LaBron or many others who are not following Christ. A lot of athletes and business leaders are all for show and blow, even when they are doing good things. I hope that you and I are genuine in our faith, sharing our faith because it’s the most important thing about us. 

Context 7

 I’m a terrible at memorizing verses. How about you? A couple of things have helped are 1) this app - highlighting and notes. 2) the all Fighter Verse - with quizzes and games to help remember a verse. It cost $2.99 or something like that but it’s an easy place to store favorite verses for future reference. Even though I do a horrible job memorizing, I can usually find the verse I’m thinking of on these two apps. 

Face to face 4

 Imagine what it will be like to experience a resurrected body?  No aches or pains  and defying earthly standards of physics and chemistry. We quantify everything with math and statistics but will there be such measurements in eternity?  If our eternal body resembles our earthly body, will our earthly treatment of it have consequences in heaven?  Probably not, but how will we look?  Will we look like the best self we had during our lifetime?  So many questions, but our curiosity will be satisfied and more!

Stressed 7

 Being in the middle of chaos or traumatic events is like a furnace and the meat is being raised without any rest. Not being able to understand why adds to the temperature. But His calm presence assures us that He is leading us through the trauma and we will experience healing and renewal. We are continually being remade in His image. Jesus experienced the worst that life had to offer and we can trust Him through our own grief and pain. 

Face to face 3

 Talking face to face with Jesus will be a humbling yet totally fulfilling experience. Who can imagine what will be like?  He already knows me better than anyone, sees my weaknesses and flaws, the dumb things I’ve said and done, yet accepts me without reservation. He is the safest Person to be with, yet He is the Creator of the universe and has the power and force to sustain life. Seeking His kingdoms and His righteousness now gives us a glimpse of the future conversations. The presence of the Holy Spirit in us confirms with the written word that we can have those interactions mow, even though not face to face. 

Psalm 10-1-02

 There has been a shift in our conversations since Covid that leaves many participants wondering how the discussion went south so fast. So many are looking for a win with their opinion on so many issues. Part of this process includes twisting comments to fit one’s opinion or assuming that someone has an opinion without asking. Conversations like these can be a torpedo out of nowhere but I’m learning to be on guard, or better skilled at deflection, changing a negative talk into more positive topics.  At the same time I want to be a better listener, asking questions that cause self reflection on how our Savior is still the King of kings. Seeking His kingdom and His righteousness is a high priority. 

“A faith without some doubts is like a human body with no antobodies in it. People who blithely go through life too busy or indifferent to ask the hard questions about why they believe as they do will find themselves defenseless against either the experience of tragedy or the probing questions of a smart skeptic. A person's faith can collapse almost overnight if she failed over the years to listen patiently to her own doubts, which should only be discarded after long reflection.” - Tim Keller

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...