Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Known 4

 Today’s world is full of noisy competition regarding who each of us should be. But our Father has a higher purpose for each of us  than anything offered in our culture. In Christ, you and I are a most beloved child of the Most High God and have access to spaces and a relationship which far exceeds the Oval Office. Marvel that "God Has A Plan" for each of us, no matter if you or I see it at this moment or not. Let’s go boldly into His presence for help in time of need. He delights in knowing us, and wants us to form us into His character. 

“To become wise is to become a disciplined person, given not to impulsiveness but to self-examination, to circumspection, and to clear thinking.” - Timothy J. Keller, God's Wisdom for Navigating Life

Romans 11

 The apostle Paul felt burdened to communicate to the Jews. Hardened hearts are difficult but not impossible to reach. I often wonder about those we know who seem to resist listening to the gospel. Even some who attend church seem to have a line drawn for what is accepted in their lives. My Dad often said he hates to hear a preacher on the radio but seemed ok to talk with most anyone. Every person is unique and it takes creative conversation and genuine interest to communicate the most important priorities. 

God Has A Plan

 No matter what you are experiencing … Remember…




GOD HAS A PLAN. God never calls an emergency brain-storming meeting with the angels by pulling out a whiteboard and saying, “What are we going to do?”

Do you remember this picture from yesteryear? Do you realize how hard it is to get into the Oval Office? You must pass background checks, get past the Secret Service and have an invitation. Most people will never meet with the President. How did a three-year-old get to play under the Resolute Desk? One reason—he was the beloved son of the President and had access. 

In Christ, you are a most beloved son or daughter of the Most High God and have access to spaces and a relationship which far exceeds the Oval Office. Marvel that "God Has A Plan" for you no matter if you see it at this moment or not. Go boldly into His presence for help in time of need. He delights in knowing you.

Oh, the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!  For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, OR WHO BECAME HIS COUNSELOR? Or WHO HAS FIRST GIVEN TO HIM, THAT IT WOULD BE PAID BACK TO HIM?  For from Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. (Romans 11:33-36)

Known 3

 Many of us have struggled with finding God’s will for our lives. But our Father has created us to be unique with individual finger prints, voice, and the ability to make decisions. I often wonder if He takes pleasure in seeing what creative choices we make as we reflect His character. Demonstrating His forgiveness, grace, hope, calmness, peace, and love are high priorities for each day. 

“Godly wisdom understands that God has purposes but they are deeply hidden. This keeps us from either the smugness of the moralist or the hardness of the cynic—and from the despair that both such approaches can bring to the sufferer.” - Timothy J. Keller, God's Wisdom for Navigating Life

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Extended Prayer Time

 In the midst of our busy lives, it can be incredibly valuable to go beyond morning devotions and spend extended time alone with God in prayer. God has called us into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:9). Like many personal relationships, this fellowship is nurtured by spending time together.

An extended time in prayer also gives increased opportunity to think of the world from God’s point of view, especially when going through some difficulty or making big decisions. We need God’s perspective to sharpen our vision of the unseen, and to let the immediate, tangible things drop into proper place.

Scheduling your time

Divide the time into three parts:

  • Wait on the Lord with an open heart to realize His presence and to be cleansed.
  • Pray for others. Ask specific things for them. Use Paul’s prayers in the New Testament (such as Romans 15:5-6) to pray for them and pray for them what you are praying for yourself.
  • Pray for yourself. Be totally honest with God.

What to take with you

The essential items to have with you are a Bible, paper, and a pen or pencil. Other helpful items include:

  • Prayer letters from missionaries and other Christian workers
  • A favorite devotional book
  • Your current prayer list
  • Your quiet time journal
  • Scripture memory cards
  • Notes from your last extended time in prayer

How to stay awake and alert

  • Get adequate rest the night before.
  • Change positions—sit a while, walk around, sit, walk, and so on.
  • Have variety in what you do. Read the Scriptures, then prayer, then write, and so on.
  • Pray aloud—in a whisper or soft voice if necessary.

Taking notes

Taking notes during your extended time in prayer will give you a record of the things the Lord is speaking to you, as well as helping you keep your time organized.

In addition, when we pray we often have something come to mind that we feel we should take action on, or that we have forgotten to do—perhaps totally unrelated to what we are praying about. By keeping paper ready to list these things, we can avoid prolonged distraction and act on them later.

Toward the end of your time in prayer you will want to spend a few minutes writing down some conclusions. Summarize the major impressions of your time. Keep these notes in a notebook and review them weekly for a while. This will ensure that you follow through on the things God has impressed on you.

Two questions

We quote Lorne Sanny, former Navigators President:

“The result of your day in prayer should be answers to the two questions Paul asked the Lord on the Damascus road (Acts 22:6-10). Paul’s first question was, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ The Lord replied, ‘I am Jesus.’ You will be seeking to know Him, to find out who He is. The second questions Paul asked was, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ the Lord answered him specifically. This should be answered or reconfirmed for you in that part of the day when you unhurriedly seek His will for you.

“Don’t think you must end the day with some new discovery or extraordinary experience. Wait on God and expose yourself to His Word. Looking for a new experience or insight you can share with someone when you get back will get you off the track. True, you may gain some new insight, but often this can just take your attention from the real business. The test of such a day is not how exhilarated we are when the day is over but how it works into life tomorrow. If we have really exposed ourselves to the Word and come into contact with God, it will affect our daily life.

“God bless you as you do this—and do it soon!”

This article appeared in the October 1979 issue of Navlog. It was adapted from The 2:7 Series® — Navigator Discipleship Training for Church Laymen.

He is Faithful

 God is Faithful

Isaiah 43:2

    [2] When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

        and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;

    when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,

        and the flame shall not consume you.

We all have to face hard things. It’s not if you will face them, but when. But when those challenges come, you can know you’re not alone. 

In Isaiah 43:2, God reminds Israel that His faithfulness doesn’t change with their circumstances. He was faithful in the past, and He would continue to protect and provide for them… 

“When you pass through the waters…” 

After 400 years of slavery, God empowered Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity. Just as the opposing army was closing in and all seemed lost, God made a way—right through the Red Sea. (See Exodus 14.) This is probably what the book of Isaiah is referencing to remind the Israelites of God’s power. 

“When you pass through the rivers…” 

Isaiah’s readers would have probably been reminded of the time God dried up the Jordan River for the Israelites when they were crossing over with the ark of the Lord. They even built a memorial, so that generations to come would remember God’s presence. (You can find this story in Joshua 3.) 

“When you walk through the fire…” 

In the book of Daniel, three men—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—were thrown into the fiery furnace after refusing to obey the king’s decree to bow down to an idol, instead of to God. They were miraculously delivered, and didn’t even smell like smoke. (This story is in Daniel 3.) 

Even though this event probably hadn’t happened when Isaiah was writing, God’s words still came to pass. And today, when we look at His faithfulness to the men in the fiery furnace, we can reflect on His promise in Isaiah, and remember that God is faithful to protect His people. 

Recalling God’s faithfulness in the past helps us trust Him with the future.

Even when faced with worst-case scenarios, God is not surprised. He’s already gone before you. No matter what happens, life’s trials and difficulties will not get the final say. God is still powerful, still providing, and still protecting you … and nothing can stand against our God. 

So today, as you think back on your life, how have you seen God’s faithfulness? And how can those memories help you trust Him with your future?

Romans 10

 The joys and peace we have as Christ followers are unmatched by any other fulfillment in life. As we grow deeper in love with our Savior, the burden for the lost becomes very heavy. The apostle Paul had an intense burden for his fellow Jews and struggles with how to communicate the gospel to them. I want to become skilled at communicating to those around me, to be awakened to opportunities for conversation. 

I found this quote by Greg Laurie: “If all the sleeping people will wake up, if all the lukewarm people will fire up, if all the dishonest people will confess up, if all the disgruntled people will cheer up, if all the estranged people will make up, if all the gossipers will shut up, if all the true soldiers will stand up, and if all the church people will pray up, then we can have a revival.”

Known 2

 The nature of being a sheep is to wander off, oblivious of the dangers all around. The key is to listen to the Shepherd’s voice and follow His lead. With so many competing voices with polluted messages, you and I need to filter out the competition and listen to Him with clarity. He knows each sheep individually, identifying them by their name and unique characteristics.  Oh that we would know Him.

“The word translated 'leads' in verse 2 means 'to lead gently. ' You cannot drive sheep.” - Warren Wiersbe


 In case of emergency, dial 911.

That is, Psalm 91:1 where we read 

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty” 

In the original language, the word used here for “live” speaks of quiet, resting, and remaining with consistency.

Essentially, this verse is telling us that God wants fellowship with us. He wants us to come close to Him, to be near Him, and to remain consistently in His presence.

Sometimes we are so busy doing Christian things with Christian people in the Christian church that we forget about Christ. And then one day, we suddenly realize that we’re overwhelmed. We feel burned out.

Are you living in the shelter of the Most High? There’s a time for work, of course. However, the best work will always overflow from a life of worship. At the same time, work can never take the place of worship.

Live in constancy with God.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Known 1

 We usually identify ourselves by the roles and responsibilities we fulfill each day. Our career, family, and volunteer activities help define our identity. Our growing up background has had a significant impact on what we think of ourselves. But following Christ changes everything about our identity. We are a work in progress as we allow the Potter to remake us as if we we were a clump of clay. One thing for sure, we have not arrived at our destination as we live in the here and now. Our experiences are remaking us to be someone much different than when we began following Christ. 

“The fire of God’s glorious presence that Moses saw in the burning bush and that will renew the world at the end of time has come into us, as signified by the tongues of flame over the head of every disciple on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:3). Every Christian is now a small burning bush, a new creation, being made into Christ’s image, as we behold his glory by faith.” - Timothy J. Keller, Hope in Times of Fear

Romans 9

 The last part of Romans 8 is a powerful motivator to live a changed life. Having an eternal perspective in everything we do is so important for anything and everything we experience. Reminding ourselves that nothing can separate us from His love, that all creation awaits His return are two guidelines for much of our lifestyle and the way we think or act. We have a great hope. 

Sandy has had some significant heart issues with a lot of scary moments. But we know that nothing can separate us from Him. She recently had a device implanted into her heart at UNMC which will prevent strokes, allowing her to eventually get off blood thinner meds. We are grateful to make it this far!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Romans 8

 There have been plenty of times I’ve been disciuraged in my faith, but I’m learning. Trying harder does not help my faith to grow. Following a program of five to ten steps does not work. Accomplishing every item on my checklist doesn’t help much nor does following a strict regimen of praying and memorization, though they can help. Most of my efforts are self driven, which is not following the Spirit, outlined in Romans 8. Surrender to His leading in the moment and for the long haul allows Him to change me. 

Transformed 9

 I often wonder if I’m an authentic follower of Jesus. So I come across as authentic and congruent?  Do my actions, thoughts and words match what I say that I believe?  God knows my heart and He can see every detail of my life. I’m a work in progress that has been blessed far beyond what I deserve. But if my words of fait are not supported my my moral obedience and surrender to Him, my story has very little substance. May you and I encourage each other to be totally transformed inside out. 

“The glory of God coming to earth does not only produce radically changed individuals, but a whole new kind of human community—the church. Paul writes: “But our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:19–20). The word translated as “citizenship” is politeuma, a word that is better translated as “commonwealth” or “colony.” It means a politically organized body with both laws and loyalties that govern the behavior of its citizens. Literally it tells Christians that their politics—the way they conduct themselves in society—is to be based on the life of “heaven.” - Timothy J. Keller, Hope in Times of Fear

Eternity 12

 Having a daily devotional reading like this one helps me to keep focused on heaven and worthwhile priorities. A lot of people would probably say that living the Christian life is going to church on Sunday, following rules, and not hurting anyone in the process. But it’s much more. Following Christ is a change of heart, living on purpose with the hope and reality of living forever in a perfect relationship with everyone, everything created, and especially with God Himself. 

The following is a short excerpt from a great book I recently read: "You have been made for a person and a place. That person is Jesus, and the place is heaven." - Levi Lusko 

“O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (Psalm 63:1). We may imagine we want a thousand different things, but God is the one we really long for. His presence brings satisfaction; his absence brings thirst and longing.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 11

 Reading these verses bring excitement and lots to look forward to. The hope of heaven brings a deeper purpose for living in the here and now. What most people are living for are shallow reasons compared to following Christ. This hope redefines our identity and our relationships; it changes the way we respond to life, and our goals. Nothing could be more important. Let’s spur each other on to never be short sighted or asleep to opportunities to see God working in and through us. 

“Every kingdom work, whether publicly performed or privately endeavored, partakes of the kingdom's imperishable character. Every honest intention, every stumbling word of witness, every resistance of temptation, every motion of repentance, every gesture of concern, every routine engagement, every motion of worship, every struggle towards obedience, every mumbled prayer, everything, literally, which flows out of our faith-relationship with the Ever-Living One, will find its place in the ever-living heavenly order which will dawn at his coming.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 10

 Today’s reading is rarely talked about but it seems to be plain in the Bible that God values His creation and with that, His animals. Thinking about heaven, it does not look like we will be bored at all. There will be too much to enjoy while being useful and totally fulfilled. What incentives to live our best life now, no regrets, no reservations. We have one shot at this life which has a huge impact on our eternal life. 

“If God were to end history and reign forever in a distant Heaven, Earth would be remembered as a graveyard of sin and failure. Instead, Earth will be redeemed and resurrected. In the end it will be a far greater world, even for having gone through the birth pains of suffering and sin—yes, even sin. The New Earth will justify the old Earth’s disaster, make good out of it, putting it in perspective. It will preserve and perpetuate Earth’s original design and heritage.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 9

 One of the great pleasures of this life is enjoying a good meal. How much more will we love good food in heaven?  Maybe your great culinary skills will be enhanced in heaven!  These readings are exciting to think about - being busy, being creative, seeing others, having fulfilling relationships, and enjoying great food. Everything we we would love to have now could be fulfilled as we honor our Lord. 

“If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 8

 One thought is that we will be fully alive in heaven, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Fully forgiven with no shame, regret, or guilt but fully in worship of Christ. There will be full joy and full awareness like wehave never had. Recognizing others and having deep relationship with them will be exciting and long lasting. Everything we long for in this life will be fully realized. 

“Think of friends or family members who loved Jesus and are with him now. Picture them with you, walking together in this place. All of you have powerful bodies, stronger than those of an Olympic decathlete. You are laughing, playing, talking, and reminiscing. You reach up to a tree to pick an apple or orange. You take a bite. It’s so sweet that it’s startling. You’ve never tasted anything so good. Now you see someone coming toward you. It’s Jesus, with a big smile on his face. You fall to your knees in worship. He pulls you up and embraces you.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 7

 The Bible seems to give us enough hints and leads for us to be excited for what we might be doing in heaven. One question from today’s reading is - how will responsibilities and duties be handed out to the citizens of heaven?  I wonder if the process will be similarities getting a job today- based on skills, abilities, and character qualities. I want to be found trustworthy in what I’m doing in the here and now which will have a huge impact on what I’m doing throughout eternity. Won’t it be thrilling to work with others who are just excited about the job as you?  Maybe you and I will be working on a project together!

“What we love about this life are the things that resonate with the life we were made for. The things we love are not merely the best this life has to offer—they are previews of the greater life to come.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 6

 If the thrill of His presence, comfort and hope are real in this life, how much more will they be in heaven. Cultural changes in the past three years have initiated many to rethink priorities.  Being intentional about preparing for heaven,  and encouraging others to do the same is a higher priority. I so appreciate our time reading and reflecting together!

“What we love about this life are the things that resonate with the life we were made for. The things we love are not merely the best this life has to offer—they are previews of the greater life to come.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 5

  If I’m really honest, most of my thought time is about myself and the surrounding circumstances. My thinking time is not about seeing God in the present or the future. I like the statement in today’s reading - that when we experience God’s presence fully, it will seem like we never lived prior to that experience. I’m learning to give more thought time to Him, but I get distracted easily. One verse comes to mind:

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, - 2 Corinthians 10:5

“Most of us find it very difficult to want “Heaven” at all—except in so far as “Heaven” means meeting again our friends who have died. One reason for this difficulty is that we have not been trained: our whole education tends to fix our minds on this world. Another reason is that when the real want for Heaven is present in us, we do not recognize it. (C. S. Lewis)” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Friday, May 26, 2023

Eternity 4

 One take away from today’s reading is that we cannot imagine what God has planned for those who love Him. If this is true, how important it is to love Him all the more, not because of what we can get, but because He loves us that much. We see a glimpse of how much He loves us through the cross but we really have no idea with our limitations. Imagine what it will be like to experience heaven together!!

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” God’s thoughts are indeed higher than ours, but when he reduces his thoughts into words and reveals them in Scripture, he expects us to study them, meditate on them, and understand them—again, not exhaustively, but accurately.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Transformed 8

Without question, you and will show the world the fruit of what we know or don’t know about the gospel. Is there enough evidence to convict us of being Christ followers? It’s a battle every single day whether I choose to join the crowd sourcing of anger, division, or self-righteousness… or if I will join in what the Spirit is accomplishing through joy, peace, kindness, and hope. Another temptation is to join the ranks of those who are apathetic, disinterested, and distracted. May you and I step up our passion to seek the kingdom and His righteousness.

“The fire of God’s glorious presence that Moses saw in the burning bush and that will renew the world at the end of time has come into us, as signified by the tongues of flame over the head of every disciple on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:3). Every Christian is now a small burning bush, a new creation, being made into Christ’s image, as we behold his glory by faith.” - Timothy J. Keller, Hope in Times of Fear

Eternity 3

 I’m not a very good judge of another person’s life but I’ve been to a few funerals that made the deceased person look like a real hero of the faith, which seemed contrary to what I had witnessed. On the other hand, if a person is really living for Christ, how can the hidden influence that person has had be adequately described in a short obituary. We live for Jesus, not the applause of our neighbors, church, or coworkers. Their approval is nice but not our motivation. This devotional is convicting that I need to be more assertive in sharing the gospel, not assume that others know what it’s all about. 

Eternity 2

 I’m convinced we are not curious enough about Heaven or eternity. We live and act like the here and now is all there is. The guy who has the most toys and power wins.  How we live and cactus will influence our joy and fulfillment for eternity. The here and now has a direct correlation to the not yet and later. Even though we may know we are headed for Heaven, that info should change everything about who we and what we are all about. 

Romans 6

 The idea that I’ve got my ticket to Heaven and that’s all I have to do is wrong g theology. Not that this was openly taught while growing up, it seems like many lived by that belief. Going to church seems like a Pat yiurself on the back that you are in the club. But more and more, God is showing me that following Christ is a life of surrender, allowing Him to change all facets of the way I act, think, talk, and feel. Nothing is hidden fromHim, so why shouldn’t He be allowed access to that part of my life. There is no going back to a previous stretch of my life. It’s all ahead toward Him. 

Kingdom Come 15

 The questions asked in the reading are scary: “Can you imagine what it would feel like to trust Jesus to the point of reckless abandon? Would it feel scary, thrilling, or both?” Most of my life I’ve been timid and hesitant to say my faith walk would be reckless abandonment. The responsibilities of the day and the people under my care seemed to have prevented me to Dayi would do anything for God. But in retrospect, these same responsibilities and  individuals I was caring for were the reckless abandon that we replaced before me. I was to be faithful where’s j was at, not in some platform with name recognition. God has shown me the importance of trusting Him in small decisions, preparing me for the next decision. May you find this true as well. 

Kingdom Come 14

 I hope you feel fulfilled with purpose as you work with the Todd Becker group!  Your skill and expertise contributes to a purpose beyond yiurself, all helping to bring others to full faith in what Jesus has done. Even though you have had negative experiences in past job sites, I hope you are experiencing a change life indirection, in part through your work responsibilities. I used to question the meaning of what I was doing but began to see the fulfillment in doing small tasks well, building a network of relationships and encouragement. Much of the work was unnoticed and was not appreciated by superiors or coworkers. But ghe lasting relationships and small steps of encouragement have been welll worth the chaos at times. I hope you experience the same 

Transformed 7

 Recognizing my own faults before seeing them in others is not a skill I’ve developed very well. But identifying my weaknesses, wrong ways of thinking and poor emotional reactions is a healthy part of surrendering myself to our Lord. Calling out my faults for what they actually are is a full step forward toward maturity. Remaining stuck in negatively while judging others will never move me forward. 

“None of us wants to admit that we hate someone... When we deny our hate we detour around the crisis of forgiveness. We suppress our spite, make adjustments, and make believe we are too good to be hateful. But the truth is that we do not dare to risk admitting the hate we feel because we do not dare to risk forgiving the person we hate.” - Lewis B. Smedes

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

War on Children

 Greg Laurie

If you have wondered about if a spiritual war is raging in the promotion of this kind evil to our children, here is a blatant example in this article I linked to. The Bible says, “For the Devil’s come down on you with both feet; he’s had a great fall; He’s wild and raging with anger; he hasn’t much time and he knows it.” (Rev.12:12 THE MESSAGE) We are living in the last days. Satan knows it. Do we as Christians? The Enemy is ‘upping his game” and it’s time we did the same- We need to pray for our country and preach the Gospel like never before. I also would not give my dollars to a company that promotes this sort of thing. Let them know how you feel. Talk to your children about why we want to live by what God shows us in His word. Talk to people that don’t know the Lord about why they need Him. Time is short

Transformed 6

 An unforgiving attitude seems to have a habit of reappearing. Even though I say to myself I’ve let go of an offense, I repeat what happened over and over. When I get in those repetitive modes, I'm hurting no one but myself. The offender has no idea of damage control or what I’m thinking. By not letting an issue go, I’m drinking  a poison that destroys my gratitude and dependence on our Father. The trauma, abuse and mockery that Jesus endured leads the say for our respect and awe for the Savior we need.

“The most miserable prison in the world is the prison we make for ourselves when we refuse to show mercy. Our thoughts become shackled, our emotions are chained, the will is almost paralyzed. But when we show mercy, all of these bonds are broken, and we enter into a joyful liberty that frees us to share God's love with others.” -  Warren W. Wiersbe

Storms, Shipwrecks, Snakebites

 Michael Sprague


I am meditating upon the Apostle Paul’s STORM, SHIPWRECK and SNAKEBITE travel log in Acts 27-28. At outward appearance, the voices of the day saw Paul’s calamities as God was out to get him. However, a look through the Sovereignty and Providence of God-lens revealed something far different:

1. Closed Doors are often just Divine Detours.

2. God guides by a zigzag and not a straight line.

3. God sometimes takes us off-course to keep us on-course.

4. At times our plans need to fail so God’s plans can win.

5. If you want to make God laugh, tell Him too many of our plans.

6. God is never early, never late, He is right on time every time. You can trust His timing.

7. There are no coincidences, only providence. No twist of fate, only divine appointments.

If Paul would have tried, as a preacher-boy or a jailbird, to get an appointment with Governor Publius of Malta or Nero of the Roman Empire, it would have been impossible. Yet, SUFFERING, a STORM, a SHIPWRECK and a SNAKEBITE changed everything. Is it no wonder an angel would tell Paul beforehand, “Do not be afraid Paul, you must stand before Caesar” (Acts 27:24)? This was all part of the fulfillment of Paul’s calling to be a chosen instrument of Jesus to bear His name to Jews, Gentiles and Kings.

I cannot miss God’s sovereignty and providence in my life. I have experienced a few rogue winds, shipwrecks and snakebites for God to get me where he wants me. If I would have asked for an appointment with elected officials many years ago, they would have probably laughed, and I would have had nothing to say. I think back upon the divine appointments with elected leaders, pastors and business leaders over the last eleven years. Only God could open these doors to have me at this place, in this time, in these ways.

Have you seen God use STORMS, SHIPWRECKS and SNAKEBITES in your life? Which one of the seven principles stand out to you?

Transformed 5

 It is so easy to be smug with an arrogant attitude that I’m better than the average. I’ve had stretch’s of time in my life when I thought “that will never happen to me or my family.”  But like a torpedo out of nowhere, my illusion of my own kingdom was blown up. There seems to be little guarantee that any of us are protected from hard times nor can we judge another person’s life by what ‘seems’ to be happening. It is so easy to be the arm chair quarterback and critic of others but we haven’t walked in their shoes. All we can do is be humble and in awe of our Lord’s example and teachings. 

“The truth is that we are not good people who make mistakes; we are sinful people in need of mercy. Because it requires humility to accept what our hearts are truly like, those same hearts will tend to prefer to be deceived by preachers of self-esteem and self-confidence rather than listen to prophets such as Jeremiah.” - Alistair Begg, Truth for Life - Volume 1: 365 Daily Devotions

Kingdom Come 13

 I’ve not been aware of the term slacktavism but I have seen evidence of people shooting a tweet or saying a comment in person that cuts down a person’s credibility. I like the comment in today’s reading - “We have been called to generously pour out our time, resources, and energy to partner with God to bring healing and renewal to this broken world. We’ve been blessed to bless and changed to bring change.“ it’s easy to get stuck in a lifestyle of negativity, criticism and joining a crowd mentality. But being in awe of what Jesus has done on the cross and through His resurrection changes everything. I’m comfortable standing alone while others are negative and divisive. I want to join others who are in love with our Lord. 

Romans 5

 The eight results of salvation identified in the reading are life changing. I cannot dredge up enough energy or work myself into a lifestyle of joy, love, patience, kindness, inner peace, or hope without access to our Father’s overwhelming love. I may be able to fake these qualities for a short time with self effort, but the more I realize what Jesus has done on the cross and through His resurrection, I’m in awe of Him, and He overcomes my weakness and frailty. Instead of trying to do better, He takes over as I surrender to Him. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Transformed 4

 Showing mercy is a tell tale sign that I’m practicing what I believe. It seemed to be far easier to practice mercy in the classroom or in the community than it is with some relatives or angry church goers. Working with students each day, it is easy to figure out who might need more mercy than others. Each day is an opportunity to start fresh with individual students, showing repetitive mercy and forgiveness. But some adults require a strong reliance on the Holy Spirit to start anew. Rehearsing Jesus’s words could be the antidote to repeating past offenses in my mind. 

“The truth is that we are not good people who make mistakes; we are sinful people in need of mercy. Because it requires humility to accept what our hearts are truly like, those same hearts will tend to prefer to be deceived by preachers of self-esteem and self-confidence rather than listen to prophets such as Jeremiah.” - Alistair Begg, Truth for Life - Volume 1: 365 Daily Devotions

Romans 4

 It’s so humbling that the Creator of the universe loves us enough to provide the sacrifice for our rebellion and sin. How could He love us that much?  My wayward wandering attitude is often shameful, even when I believe what He has done on the cross. The same grace that saved me is the grace that keeps me going each day. There is no room for arrogance and self sufficiency. I can think pretty well of myself until I make a mess of an issue, showing my need for His grace. 


 As Luke 17:20 states, the kingdom is not something you can observe. It’s unlike any political or government authority we are used to seeing and hearing about. The power and privileges in His kingdom are far different, yet more real and transforming than any other leader or group could hope to have. Surrendering to kingdom authority is freeing, leaving behind guilt, shame and past regrets. The freedom available is also in the moment of chaos and confusion, offering grace and peace to handle difficult issues like no other power. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Tim Keller legacy

 What would it look like for us to follow in the steps of @timkellernyc? A few thoughts. (Feel free to add your own.)

1. Live lives of fervent prayer.

2. Be faithful to our spouses. Cultivate deep mutual friendship and collaboration.

3. Take steps of bold faith-filled risk, when we sense God’s call.

4. Invest in building networks and long-term institutions over personal platforms.

5. Acknowledge where we are gifted or not — and delegate to others. 

6. Release and distribute our power to the next generation.

7. Seek to truly understand others, even those we most strongly disagree with.

8. Focus our energy on the center, rather than the periphery.

9. Work within historic streams and traditions.

10. Innovate for each new context.

11. Build bridges outside our own tribes.

12. Influence through personal relationships and offline conversations, rather than trolling on social media.

13. Think out the many applications and implications of our faith.

14. Always be reading. Stay curious.

15. Remember to continually tend to our own hearts with the gospel.

16. Be generous with words of encouragement.


I used to minimize my responsibility in the great commission. I have a long way to go to practice what disciple making but this devotional with you helps. I haven’t always seen the importance of this mission in my personal life. It seems like few believe that there will be a day of accountability with no excuses for anyone’s guilt and shame. No one can say my Mom never told me or I had no idea that I would be judged for what I’ve said and done. I often do not think about the gravity of my sin and I am often not concerned enough for those around me to pray for them, much less talk to them about the gospel. It’s sobering to think about the day when every knee will before Him and the joy of seeing the ones who you and I have influences for His glory. 

Romans 3

 It seems like few believe that there will be a day of accountability with no excuses for anyone’s guilt and shame. No one can say my Mom never told me or I had no idea that I would be judged for what I’ve said and done. I often do not think about the gravity of my sin and I am often not concerned enough for those around me to pray for them, much less talk to them about the gospel. It’s sobering to think about the day when every knees will before Him. 

Transformed 3

 The Message version of today’s Scripture reference hit me hard. I’m not sure that I let the ugliness of someone’s comments or behavior being out the best in me. I’ve seen progress in myself but I sure have a long way to go. My temptation isn’t always to spite back but it may to keep my distance and stay aloof. My assertiveness with demonstrating love and concern needs a lot of improvement. I need to stop being on the defense about myself and focus on Christ’s character, listen to how the Holy Spirit wants me to apply Scripture. 

“Before we open our mouths, we ought to heed the advice of the missionary Amy Carmichael and ask: Is what I’m about to say kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?” - Alistair Begg, Truth for Life - Volume 1: 365 Daily Devotions

Romans 2

 You and I don’t need to look far to see or hear how ungodly our world is or is becoming. Like the reading indicates, one could get depressed if we thought about it too much. But this could be a strategy by the evil one, polluting the culture to the point that Christ followers get distracted, tempted or discouraged to the point of giving up. At a softball game recently, I listened to two mothers sitting to my left with potty mouth, then overheard two junior high boys talk openly about their gay relationship with each other. Somehow, God gave me the grace to pray for both situations, not knowing any of these people. Who knows what God will do in each person’s life, but maybe that’s what we need to do more in an increasingly pagan world. 

Kingdom ?5

 Experiencing peace and calmness when chaos happens is a surreal, personal, and miraculous. For me, this has been one of the most personal confirmation that the kingdom is present and evident. A young man told me recently the same thing that his emotional life used to be all over the place but since he has been trusting our Father with his life, his emotions have calmed down into a quiet trust. At first, he wondered if something was wrong with his reactions, but later realized that he has slowed the Spirit handle the pressure. Emotions cannot always be trusted to make decisions, but they can be evident of changes made in our heart. 

Kingdom Come 11

 Ephesians 4:2-3. [2] with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, [3] eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

It’s rare to find a safe person to confide in, to be vulnerable and honest. Trusting your life story to someone else can be very scary, but the risk of sharing parts of your life can be the most healthy risk ever taken. Finding safe people who are humble and gentle, willing to bear the burdens with you, is experiencing the love of Jesus in the here and now. I hope you are finding this true today. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Kingdom ?4

 Living in the kingdom is not a few behaviors that are emphasized to fit into a circle of believers. It’s not acting a certain way or becoming well versed in church words. Living out our faith, hope and love is life transforming. The experience of righteousness, peace and joy developing in our lives is none other than the power of the Holy Spirit taking residence in us, recalculating everything we do and say. No longer manipulating our career and relationships for self advancement, we become concerned that our efforts reflect His character and love. 

Romans 1

 The apostle Paul had a way with words, cutting to the heart of what needed to be said. He wanted to spread the gospel to as many as possible but he also wanted to encourage each follower of Christ to be strong and bold for Christ. Perhaps if he were writing to Americans instead of Romans, the message would be the same. He wants us to encourage each other deeply, to be resilient and loyal in the face of all kinds of challenges. Maybe that is what we are doing each day in our devotional (verse 12). May you and I have no regrets as we live our lives for Him. 

Kingdom Come 10

 Developing a healthy fear of God is life changing. The awe and beauty of who He really is draws us to Him. I used to have an unhealthy view that God was always angry with me, and life’s obstacles were tests to see if I had the stamina to endure them. He was not available to do much because He wanted me to figure life out. But I’m learning that He wants to be in my life and He wants me to participate with His Kingdom work. He wants me to look for what He is doing, in me and around me, and He assures me that He will never leave me. 

Transformed 2

 A part of being transformed into a citizen of the kingdom is persecution. Christ followers in the west have had an easy life, making it possible to blend into the culture without many obstacles. That could change as the culture loses morality and integrity. If we seek to live a life of integrity and we are prepared to speak and obey God’s word with boldness, there is no middle way between an obedient life and a popular one. We will collide with those who manipulate and twist truth for personal advancement. Our priorities of fitting into culture suddenly change to loyalty to our King and His righteousness, not to what works to advance ourselves.

“I had always assumed that persecution was abnormal, exceptional, unusual, out of the ordinary. In my mind, persecution was something to avoid. It was a problem, a setback, a barrier. I was captivated by the thought: what if persecution is the normal, expected situation for a believer? And what if the persecution is, in fact, soil in which faith can grow? What if persecution can be, in fact, good soil? I began to wonder about what that might mean for the church in America—and I began to wonder about what that might mean for the potential church in Somalia.” - Nik Ripken, The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected

Friday, May 19, 2023

Gratitude 7

 It is refreshing to be around someone who is filled with gratitude. Grateful people are gracious, respectful, considerate and kind. They inspire us to be grateful as well. Many political leaders could stand to take a gratitude class, which could influence our culture to appreciate what we have and who we are. The opposite of gratitude seems to be grumbling, but motivated by fear, anxiety, comparison, and consumerism. As we grow in worship of our risen Savior, we know who holds our future and who has redeemed us, leading to an over flow of thankfulness. 



A Word from Bob 

You’re reading Post #2 in my series on Biblical Counseling Word Studies.

There are many words in the Old Testament and New Testament that relate to one-another ministry, biblical counseling, soul care, pastoral care, shepherding, spiritual friendship, and being a soul physician. In this new series I plan to post periodically about:

How we can become further equipped to counsel one another biblically by understanding and applying biblical words related to soul care.

Another Comforter/Counselor/Advocate 

The disciples hearts were troubled. Jesus would be leaving them. How could they go on?

Shockingly, Jesus tells His troubled disciples that they will be better off when He leaves.

“Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth; it is to your advantage that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the Paraclete (parakletos) will not come to you; but if I go away, I will send him to you” (John 16:7).

Jesus would not leave them (or us) as orphans. Instead, He would send them (and us) the Holy Spirit as our Paraclete—our Comforter, Counselor, Advocate, Encourager.

The Paraclete will not only be with us; He will be in us.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit 

In the New Testament, parakletos is only used in John’s writings, and only 5 times.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Paraclete (parakleton), to be with you forever” (John 14:16).

“But the Paraclete (parakletos), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will instruct you regarding all things, and cause you to remember everything that I have told you” (John 14:26).

“But when the Paraclete (parakletos) comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who comes forth from the Father, he will bear witness about me” (John 15:26).

“Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth; it is to your advantage that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the Paraclete (parakletos) will not come to you; but if I go away, I will send him to you” (John 16:7).

“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate (parakleton) with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one” (1 John 2:1).

Parakletos Outside the New Testament 

Secular Greek used parakletos frequently for a helper in court—summoning a legal expert as ones legal representative, adviser, and court advocate. The parakletos is the defender of an accused person who pleads the case of the accused.

The Jewish Rabbis before the time of Christ used parakletos for a sinner’s advocate before God, pleading for God’s lovingkindness and forgiveness.

Christ: Our Advocate 

In 1 John 2:1, parakleton clearly highlights Christ’s role as our advocate before the Father. Christ defends us before the Father’s holiness with Christ’s own perfect righteousness.

The living Christ intercedes at the right hand of the Father (Romans 8:34). Christ places His incorruptible life at the service of His people (Hebrews 7:25).

In our biblical counseling, many counselees come to us defeated by “the accuser of the brethren”—Satan (Revelation 12:10).

When Satan speaks words of condemnation, we have the privilege of encouraging our counselees to remember the gospel and to apply it to their lives. They remind themselves that when they confess their sins, that the Father is faithful and just and will forgive them their sins and purify them from all unrighteousness—through the righteousness of Christ—their Advocate (parakleton) before the Father.

The Holy Spirit: Our Comforter and Encourager 

When applied to the Holy Spirit, parakletos seems to have less of a sense of “advocate.”

Instead, many commentators (Luther, Calvin), translators (Wycliff), and the early church fathers relate parakletos to the related word parakaleo and its emphasis on consolation, comfort, and encouragement (see Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Vol. 5, pp. 803-814). Thus the common translations in John 14-16 of the Holy Spirit as our Counselor, Comforter, Encourager.

In the context of John 14-16, where Jesus applies parakletos to the Holy Spirit four times, the focus is on comforting the hearts of the disciples (John 14:1—“let not your hearts be troubled’”). And the immediate context of John 14:16-18 highlights the role the Spirit plays in assuring the believers that they will not be left as orphans.

Their grieving hearts will be comforted by the indwelling Holy Spirit—their parakletos.

Likewise, New Testament Greek expert, William Mounce, defines parakletos as counselor, intercessor, helper, one who encourages and comforts.

The Holy Spirit: Our Indwelling Christ-Centered, Gospel-Reminding Counselor 

When I consider the meaning of the word parakletos in the context of John 14-16, I summarize parakletos as:

The Holy Spirit Is Our Indwelling Christ-Centered, Gospel-Reminding Counselor Who Applies the Gospel to Us as Sufferers, Sinners, and Saints

The parakletos is the Spirit of truth (John 15:26) who instructs us by causing us to remember the gospel teachings of Jesus (John 14:26), and by bearing witness to the life, death, burial, resurrection, and person of Christ—the gospel (John 15:26).

The Holy Spirit: Our Comforter and Consoler in Suffering 

Our Parakletos applies the gospel to our suffering.

When overcome by suffering, the Spirit—our Parakletos—reminds us that our God is our Father of compassion and the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). He reminds us that Jesus is the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with our grief, who sympathizes with us in our weakness and provides grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16). He reminds us that He groans with us and intercedes for us (Romans 8:26-27).

In our suffering, the Spirit—our Parakletos—opens our eyes to an eternal perspective, reminding us that present suffering, no matter how difficult, cannot be compared to our future glory (Romans 8:14-18). He opens the eyes of our hearts to our sure hope in Christ (Ephesians 1:17-18).

The Holy Spirit: Our Encourager and Helper 

Our Parakletos applies the gospel to our sinning.

When overwhelmed by our sin, the Spirit—our Parakletos—reminds us that there is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). He reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ (Romans 8:38-39).

When our conscience is condemned by sin and Satan, it is the Spirit—our Parakletos—who reminds us of gospel truths like Luke 15 and the forgiving Father of the prodigal son.

The Holy Spirit: Our Empowerer and Equipper 

Our Parakletos applies the gospel to our sainthood in Christ.

As we seek to become more like Christ, the Spirit reminds us of Christ’s resurrection power at work within us (Ephesians 1:19-23). The Spirit empowers us to become more like Christ’s through Christ’s power working within us (Ephesians 3:16-17).

The Spirit also reminds us of and helps us to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of God in Christ—so that we may be filled to the full measure of all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19).

Homework for Biblical Counselors: 8 Assessments of Our Parakletos-Inspired Biblical Counseling 

As we counsel Christians struggle with Satan’s condemnation, how do we direct people to Christ their Advocate before the Father?

How do we evidence that our biblical counseling is Spirit-empowered and dependent, rather than being dependent upon our own training, experience, wisdom, and strength?

How well do we reflect the Holy Spirit’s Christ-centered, gospel-reminding counseling?

How do we help our suffering counselees to apply the gospel truth that the entire Trinity consoles and comforts them in their suffering?

How well do we help our suffering counselees to apply an eternal gospel perspective to their difficult, temporal suffering?

How well do we help our counselees who are struggling against sin to remember the gospel truth that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus?

How well do we enlighten our counselees to their sainthood in Christ by encouraging them to remember and apply Christ’s resurrection power?

How well do we enlighten our counselees to their sainthood by encouraging them to ponder the infinite love of Christ for them?

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...