Monday, October 31, 2022

Habit Reboot 11/10

 Two verses that have hit me lately are:

“I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. “ --Psalm 16:8,9

Putting the Lord in front is top priority because He is always present. He never leaves us.  I do not want to neglect Him but I often do because I have to try something my way, leaving Him out. The discipline of knowing His presence is key to maintain joy and peace of mind when all else seems out of control. 

“Imagine the presence of one who deeply loves you and is powerful enough to deal with the things you fear. It turns fear into confidence. But, like all spiritual growth, this change only comes with practice. It comes when you say, “Amen—I believe” when you hear or read the promises of God. It comes through meditation on God’s words. It comes when the cross of Jesus Christ assures you that God is faithful. These words to the fearful are so important that Jesus makes them his final words on earth: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). The resurrection is God’s answer to fear. Jesus is alive.” - Edward T. Welch, Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness

Habit Reboot 11/9

 God is the One who brings people of all backgrounds and different interests together like the church should be.  No other place can you find this variety of people, yet with only a few common characteristics. We are all sinners who need a Savior. We all come together to worship Him and to encourage each other. We put aside our differences to focus upward, not horizontally. By reflecting on our worship throughout the week, we can make a collective difference in our world. 

We spend too much time concealing our neediness. We need to stop hiding. Being needy is our basic condition. There is no shame in it—it’s just the way it is. Understanding this, accepting it, and practicing it will make you a better helper.

Habit Reboot 11/8

 The best of relationships can happen in the church as we choose to grow together as imperfect Christ followers. I have struggled at times with finding like minded believers who truly wanted to follow Christ rather than be leaders with others admiring their leadership. Perhaps my efforts could be interpreted as self kingdom building as well. Encouraging each other often requires an admission of weaknesses, problems, hurts, and grief. We often want to look perfect and happy, preventing growth to happen. I want to get better at being authentic and open about who I am, hopefully being an encourager and being encouraged. 

God created you to trust him and love others. When you are not trusting or not loving, you are disconnected from your purpose, and hopelessness will thrive.
Edward T. Welch, Depression

Habit Reboot 11/7

 Spilling my guts to God is a great way to put how I’d like to converse with Him on a consistent basis. I’ve been thinking about the Philippians 4:5 passage and the next few verses, saying God is near, so tell Him, rely on Him for everything. I probably listen to the news far too much and get freaked out about what could happen. But God knows all and His plan is unfolding before our eyes. he is the Creator and King, so I need to trust Him with every small thing and every major issue. Talking it out with Him relieves anxiety and brings joy. I hope you experience the same truth. 

The feeling of emptiness is usually a sign that we have put our trust in something that can’t sustain us. It reminds us that we were created to trust in our heavenly Father and nothing else. We were created to enjoy the many things God gives without making them the center of our lives. When we confuse the two, our lives feel out of kilter. To feel better, we try again and search for love apart from God, but when we finally realize that it is elusive, we forsake the quest and quietly despair. Keep probing. Life is ultimately about God.
Edward T. Welch, Depression

Habit Reboot 11/6

 God knows our heart and knows every detail of our lives. There are no surprises with Him. Talking out what is on our minds or discussing a situation with our Father brings greater trust in Him. Relying on Him relieves anxiety, because He cares far more about us than anyone. He knows our weaknesses and temptations, giving us all the more reason to allow Him into our daily conversation. 

The massive interest in self-esteem and self-worth exists because it is trying to help us with a real problem. The problem is that we really are not okay. There is no reason why we should feel great about ourselves. We truly are deficient. The meager props of the self-esteem teaching will eventually collapse as people realize that their problem is much deeper. The problem is, in part, our nakedness before God.

Habit Reboot 11/5

 Thomas Watson’s advice is key to application. By making the Scripture personal, it will change me. It’s easy to think about the other guy and speculate how he/she would be different if they read it. Two verses that have impacted me lately - I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.  --Psalm 16:8,9. If I really believe He is before me and with me, my internal reaction and response will be different. 

Jesus did not die to increase our self-esteem. Rather, Jesus died to bring glory to the Father by redeeming people from the curse of sin.

Habit Reboot 11/4

 Sandy and I each have plans to read through the Bible in a year. Depending on the passage, it’s not a problem to pick up where we have left off from the day before. I’m using one this year by Nicky Gumbel, a British pastor, who has his commentary with the passage. It takes a bit longer to complete each day, but his reflection helps me to focus. 

Our daily connection is also a tremendous help to stay focused, with the habit of encouragement and focus on what is important. Writing a reflection in this devotional helps me apply some aspect of the Scripture or devotional.  Let’s challenge each other to experience freedom and joy through our small steps and habits.  

“Sin is not just about willfulness; that is, conscious stepping over God’s boundaries. Sin is also about blindness; that is, not seeing what needs to be seen in order to live as God has called me to live. The sinner is both willfully blind and blindly willful (p. 42).” Paul Tripp in “Strategies for Opening Blind Eyes” Journal of Biblical Counseling

Habit Reboot 11/03

Developing a routine of good habits can be the best way to see lasting change. Getting in shape takes a routine that takes work and effort each day. There are so many goals in life that require a routine, including growing in Christ, saving money, keeping everything clean and organized.. the list goes on. But taking small steps in the right direction is the next best thing to do if I want to make any progress  

 “In fact, the longer we struggle with a problem, the more likely we are to define ourselves by that problem (divorced, addicted, depressed, co-dependent, ADD). We come to believe that our problem is who we are. But while these labels may describe particular ways we struggle as sinners in a fallen world, they are not our identity! If we allow them to define us, we will live trapped within their boundaries. This is no way for a child of God to live (p. 260)!” Paul Tripp in Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hand

Friday, October 21, 2022

Behold 11/2

 Our new life in Christ creates a fellowship with others who have experienced the new birth. This relationship is far different than friendships outside the church. Our fellowship can become stale and murky without the fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our lives. Without His leading and promptings, our fellowship can be edgy and negative. Our differences become more important than our sameness. Let’s pray that we might be all in with the Spirit and not into ourselves. 

“We must beware the temptation to forget the reason for our unity. No one is immune from turning elements of their identity into barriers—barriers of status, of color, of class, of personality type, or personal preferences. As Christians, we must be prepared to acknowledge how easy it is to get this wrong. We must be prepared, if we find ourselves guilty of such wrong, to repent from and grieve over that which displeases God.” - Allistair Begg

Behold 11/1

 Most days I’m full of motivation to keep going. But just like running a marathon, there are moments and stretch’s requiring endurance and perseverance with few cheering you on. Loneliness and grief can be crushing without the grace and peace He provides during the dark moments. 

Only awe of him can define in you and me a true sense of what we actually need. So many of our prayers are self-centered grocery lists of personal cravings that have no bigger agenda than to make our lives a little more comfortable. They tend to treat God more as our personal shopper than a holy and wise Father-King. Such prayers forget God’s glory and long for a greater experience of the glories of the created world. They lack fear, reverence, wonder, and worship. They’re more like pulling up the divine shopping site than bowing our knees in adoration and worship. They are motivated more by awe of ourselves and our pleasures than by a heart-rattling, satisfaction-producing awe of the Redeemer to whom we are praying.

Paul David Tripp, Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do

Behold 10/31

 What an example of faith hope and respect for her master. This girl demonstrated childlike faith despite the trauma of being orphaned and kidnapped. Her emotional upheaval and slavery crushed her previous hope, leaving no option but to trust God. She had the courage to say the right thing at the right time  she knew what was the right thing to do  

Jeff Peterson: “Can we literally, fully entrust ourselves to Him, no matter what? No matter what He allows to happen in our world, no matter what He allows to happen in our lives. Can we actually trust God, no matter what?” And the answer is, “Absolutely yes!” You see, true freedom and true life are not found in getting our way. They are not found in being able to perfectly order our lives and selfishly pursue our advantage at every turn. True freedom and true life are found in Him. He alone is sufficient to meet, sustain and fully satisfy our souls, no matter what circumstances He calls us to walk through in this world. Friends, that is incredible, and that is the life of faith, and just like Paul, we too can find true joy, true hope, and true purpose by following, serving, and partnering with Jesus as He builds and advances His kingdom on earth, and accomplishes extraordinary purposes for our lives, and through us.”

So, I am all in with Him. How about you?

Behold 10/30

 If I don’t  make a conscious effort to smile, look presentable and accepting of others, those around me will think I don’t care. Being warm and accepting should be a reflection of what God is doing on the inside. Many will never consider what I think or say if they do not believe I care. His love can shine through my patience, non anxious presence, calmness, and interest in others. 

Francis Chan- “Has your relationship with God actually changed the way you live? Do you see evidence of God’s kingdom in your life? Or are you choking it out slowly by spending too much time, energy, money, and thought on the things of this world?”

Behold 10/29

 Memorizing verses has always been difficult but important. I’m trying to implement Romans 8’- live by the Spirit so that my walk and talk are connected and authentic. 

I came to see that I was wired for awe, that awe of something sits at the bottom of everything I say and do. But I wasn’t just wired for awe. I was wired for awe of God. No other awe satisfies the soul. No other awe can give my heart the peace, rest, and security that it seeks. I came to see that I needed to trace awe of God down to the most mundane of human decisions and activities.

Paul David Tripp, Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do

Behold 10/28

 Every day is a new day to remind ourselves that He will provide; that He is leading us through whatever challenge or obstacle is present. If He is indeed sovereign and the Creator, He will provide the grace needed for the moment. 

Here is one great name - Jehovah-jireh. You will find it in the story of Abraham going up into that mountain to sacrifice his only son Isaac. He was on the point of striking his son when suddenly God stopped him and said, 'Do not strike him, I have another offering.' And Abraham found a ram in the thicket. The Lord had provided the offering and the sacrifice, so he gave that name, 'The Lord Will Provide'. And so, whenever you go into the presence of God, whatever your need may be, whatever form the need may be taking, remind yourself that you are praying to Jehovah-jireh, the Lord who has promised to provide. He will be with you for He says, 'I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee' (Josh 1:5).

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Behold 10/27

 My contentment rests on who I trust and what I hold on to. If I focus on the stability of people or the tuff I’ve accumulated, my contentment can easily flip to anxiety within minutes. If I listen to too much negative news without a filter, or listen to those who are negative and angry without a filter, my anxiety shoots off the chart. But His presence and His voice is steady and sure. 

Our failure to hear His voice when we want to is due to the fact that we do not in general want to hear it, that we want it only when we think we need it.
Dallas Willard, Hearing God:

Behold 10/26

 God’s awesome presence is difficult to understand with our finite minds. We think we have life figured out and we re in control but what do we really know?? www must submit in repentance and obedience because all else is total rebellion. 

“I came to see that I was wired for awe, that awe of something sits at the bottom of everything I say and do. But I wasn’t just wired for awe. I was wired for awe of God. No other awe satisfies the soul. No other awe can give my heart the peace, rest, and security that it seeks. I came to see that I needed to trace awe of God down to the most mundane of human decisions and activities.” - Paul David Tripp, Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do

Behold 10/25

 “Always respond to every impulse to pray. The impulse to pray may come when you are reading or when you are battling with a text. I would make an absolute law of this – always obey such an impulse. Where does it come from? It is the work of the Holy Spirit (Phil 2:12-13). This often leads to some of the most remarkable experiences in the life of the minister. So never resist, never postpone it, never push it aside because you are busy. Give yourself to it, yield to it; and you will find not only that you have not been wasting time with respect to the matter with which you are dealing but that actually it has helped you greatly in that respect. You will experience an ease and a facility in understanding what you were reading, in thinking, in ordering matter for a sermon, in writing, in everything which is quite astonishing. Such a call to prayer must never be regarded as a distraction; always respond to it immediately, and thank God if it happens to you frequently." Martin Lloyd Jones

Behold 10/24

 Reordering one’s life is a life long process of repentance, submission and obedience to our Savior. We spend far too much time fixated on what could make us happy and comfortable, delaying our transformation into His man or woman. The Spirit has a way of deepening our awareness of our sin and weakness throughout life. Crisis after crisis tends to crush our self sufficient arrogant and independent attitude. 

“We truly live at the mercy of our ideas; this is never more true than with our ideas about God.” - Dallas Willard, Hearing God

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Truth for life 10/23

 I often want to hear a word from God, giving me direction and clarity on a decision. That May happen as I pray and read God’s Word, but if I’m full of anxiety and fear, listening only to those voices, I may get sucked into a vortex of more anxiety. All we can do is trust that He is leading and will provide for our needs. All we can do is trust Him during the next decision and as we walk the next step, looking for what He will do as we trust. Our finite minds cannot handle the complex working of an infinite Creator and King. 

Truth for life 10/22

 God calling me to think differently by grasping what is eternal, not what is temporary. Possessions, prestige, and pleasures seem earthly and temporary. I want to focus on building His kingdom, not my own kingdom. God reordering my heart’s affections—what I love to appreciate relationships, encouraging others to likewise go deeper with eternal realities. 

God calling me to connect with a few who will connect with a few, multiplying a deeper dependence on His presence. 

“To “grow in grace” means to utilize more and more grace to live by, until everything we do is assisted by grace. Then, whatever we do in word or deed will all be done in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17). The greatest saints are not those who need less grace, but those who consume the most grace, who indeed are most in need of grace—those who are saturated by grace in every dimension of their being. Grace to them is like breath.” - Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart

Truth for life 10/21

Many share their opinion on most any topic, often with anger or taking sides. Division over topics that once weee tolerated has now become the norm. But the way of following g Jesus is often in silence and wisdom, seeking discernment and a peaceful resolution. 

“A carefully cultivated heart will, assisted by the grace of God, foresee, forestall, or transform most of the painful situations before which others stand like helpless children saying “Why?” - Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart

Truth for life 10/20

 I wonder if our culture’s trend is to think fate is in control of our lives and that pleasure should be the driving force of our decisions. We should make ourselves happy as much as we can, recognizing that genetics, the environment and culture are forces that control us. But where does that leave the belief that we have a Creator who provides grace and mercy, listens to our prayers, and is working to bring all things into His plan. 

“I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse.” - Josh McDowell, More Than a Carpenter

Truth for life 10/19

When we catch a glimpse of the power in God’s Word, we are humbled to the awe of Him. Through Scripture, He is telling all of us that He is providing grace and mercy to anyone who surrenders to Him. His Kingdom is far different than any political or geographic entity set up by a cultural group. He is creating a culture of devotion only to Himself, should we accept His call on our hearts. 

“God is not a harsh taskmaster who simply wants obedience. His instructions in his Word for thinking and acting rightly are for our benefit. He knows that when we live according to his ways, it brings us joy, fulfillment, and meaning in life.” - Josh McDowell, God-Breathed: The Undeniable Power and Reliability of Scripture

Truth for life 10/18

 It seems apparent that a person can know a lot of information from the Bible but fail to know the author. One can know a great deal about a person, yet not know that same person in a persons way. I’m learning that knowing Christ is more than having a a ticket for eternity. It’s His kingdom taking root in my as I surrender to Him, for Him. This is a process of seeing my sin each day in a new light but seeing His grace in new ways. 

“When we begin to glimpse the reality of God, the natural reaction is to worship him. Not to have that reaction is a fairly sure sign that we haven't yet really understood who he is or what he's done.” - N.T. Wright, Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

Truth for life 10/17

 As a dad, I cannot imagine what it took for Abraham to obey God’s command to sacrifice his son. I cannot imagine what it took for Isaac to trust his father throughout the whole preparation for the sacrifice. The words that could describe their faith, trust or obedience do not explain what it took internally. Abraham’s relationship with God had to be intense, full of complete trust and love, knowing that God would provide. 

“Many of the questions we ask God can't be answered directly, not because God doesn't know the answers but because our questions don't make sense. As C.S. Lewis once pointed out, many of our questions are, from God's point of view, rather like someone asking, "Is yellow square or round?" or "How many hours are there is a mile?” - N.T. Wright, Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Fear is a liar 10/16

 I’m guilty of thinking that God will not change me or the situation I’m in. I get too impatient and want change to happen far quicker than God is allowing. I’d like change to happen after two three prayers but when I do not see progress, I often quit praying. My defeatist attitude is a layer because I’m not trusting Him completely. 

“It is the single most stunning reality in the life of a believer. God has placed his love on us and he will never again remove it. There’s a reason to continue, no matter how hard life seems and how weak you feel.” - Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional

"Count on problems; bank on grace."  - Bob Goff

Fear is a liar 10/15

 Feeling left out and alone as a Christ follower takes wisdom and discernment. There have been times I’ve been with other professing Christians but felt like a fish out of water due to the topics of discussion. It takes a while to discern what was going but I internally reacted wrong. Perhaps the reasons for each episode was different, but related to differences of views on some topics or my desire for fellowship. The enemy uses doubt, disappointment, discouragement to make us feel left out but the key is being in fellowship with the Spirit, praying through the awkward, lonely, or darker times. 

“God is with you in your moments of darkness because he will never leave you. But your darkness isn’t dark to him. Your mysteries aren’t mysterious to him. Your surprises don’t surprise him. He understands all the things that confuse you the most. Not only are your mysteries not mysterious to him, but he is in complete charge of all that is mysterious to you and me. Remember today that there is One who looks at what you see as dark and sees light. And as you remember that, remember, too, that he is the ultimate definition of everything that is wise, good, true, loving, and faithful. He holds both you and your mysteries in his gracious hands, and because he does, you can find rest even when the darkness of mystery has entered your door.” - Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional

Fear is a liar 10/14

 Our culture is filled with voices that scream the opposite of “you are loved.”  We are urged to compare ourselves to standards we cannot reach, and we are judged by our possessions, power, or prestige. Being loved has strings attached, conditions to be met. But His live is unconditional, offered with grace, dignity and mercy. There is no fear in His love. 

“For honest Christians (Can there be another kind?), becoming like Jesus Christ—or what Scripture calls sanctification—can feel more like setback than it feels like progress.

No matter how much better we become over time, no matter how much more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled we are this year compared to last year (Galatians 5:22-23), our character never seems to advance to the degree we once hoped it would.

Strangely, the more like Jesus we become, the less like Jesus we tend to feel.”  - Scott Sauls

Fear is a liar 10/13

 Guilt and shame is part of my growing up experience. I’ve often thought that the generation ahead of me came out of the depression and World War II believing they needed to work extra hard and save everything - great skills that we need today as well. But that generation often implies guilt for taking a day off to spend with the family, or fathers to enjoy time with their kids. It was the mother’s job to take kids to church and teach kids morality. I’m over dramatizing but I can see where I’ve acquired a sense of guilt and shame for many decisions, rather than feeling the freedom to move ahead in life. His grace frees us from measuring up to human and cultural standards. 

So peace is found only in trust, trust of the One who is in careful control of all the things that tend to rob you of your peace. He knows, he understands, he is in control of what appears to be chaos, he is never surprised, he is never confused, he never worries or loses a night’s sleep, he never walks off the job to take a rest, he never gets so busy with one thing that he neglects another, and he never plays favorites.

Fear is a liar 10/12

I’ve read that loneliness is rapidly increased to a high percentage of our population. Even with social media connections and rapid communication, feeling alone can creep into our minds, telling us all sorts of lies. But walking in prayer with our Father, talking life out with Him, no matter how trivial the issue, brings wisdom and a communion with Him. Because of His presence, we are empowered to reach out to others with greater energy and purpose. Let’s inspire each other to develop deeper relationships, discipling others to invest greater alone time with our Father.

“God is with you in your moments of darkness because he will never leave you. But your darkness isn’t dark to him. Your mysteries aren’t mysterious to him. Your surprises don’t surprise him. He understands all the things that confuse you the most. Not only are your mysteries not mysterious to him, but he is in complete charge of all that is mysterious to you and me. Remember today that there is One who looks at what you see as dark and sees light. And as you remember that, remember, too, that he is the ultimate definition of everything that is wise, good, true, loving, and faithful. He holds both you and your mysteries in his gracious hands, and because he does, you can find rest even when the darkness of mystery has entered your door.” - Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies

Fear is a liar 10/11

We often judge people by their appearance, position in life, or by their possessions. We constantly come up with new perfection standards to judge ourselves and others. But the Bible is clear:  God looks at the heart. As we grow in our awe of who He is, our view of ourselves changes. God is our Creator and He is the King who wants to reign in our hearts, so that we can have His perspective about ourselves.  May our hearts grow in love for Him. 

“But consider the Lord’s Prayer for a moment. This prayer is a prayer of worship and surrender. It recognizes, at the deepest level, the war that still goes on in my heart between the kingdom of self and the kingdom of God. It faces the fact that I can be so blind to the glory of God, and as I am, I become captured by the small glories of the created world. It does more surrendering and celebrating than it does asking. And the asking that it does is in the context not of self-glory wishing, but rather in the context of submission and worship.” - Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies

Fear is a liar 10/10

My fear list is long and can sidetrack me for indefinite time periods.  Other time I think I’m invincible, immune to what some are experiencing. I used to think that being strong in the Lord was based on me trying harder, praying more and memorizing Scripture. Each of those is important but the strength from Him comes from Him as we trust Him and rely upon the Spirit. God is never late providing what we need but His provision are just in time or different than we thought. His strength is not of this world and it’s purpose is for us to glorify and appreciate Him even more. 

“Don’t fear your weaknesses—God supplies all the strength you need. Be afraid of those moments when you think you’re independently strong.” - Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional

Sunday, October 2, 2022

My bitterness

 “Let all bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:31-32‬ ‭CSB‬‬

There are several individuals who I have difficulty forgiving. I want to avoid them and protect myself and others from future hurts. Letting the bitterness and anger go is hard. I’m on guard for the ne t offense, maybe out of protection for my own marriage. If I let down my guard, I could be hurt again.But I need to trust the Lord to provide the grace and humility to show mercy, no matter the potential for continued hurts. 

Redeeming Time 1

 Not everyone can carve out an hour of time to study God’s Word, but maybe should try. Today’s devotional has great insight regarding allowing Scripture to talk to us in personal ways. He is our peace in the storms and challenges, and He loves us to the core. There is no hostility and division in Him. I get caught up in the noise around me Which produces anxiety and concern for how I will react to my fearful ‘what if’ list. But He is the peace I need. The more I place Him ahead of me, because He is always with me, the more joy and gratitude I have. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Eternity 11 10/8

 Reading these verses bring excitement and lots to look forward to. The hope of heaven brings a deeper purpose for living in the here and now. What most people are living for are shallow reasons compared to following Christ. This hope redefines our identity and our relationships; it changes the way we respond to life, and our goals. Nothing could be more important. Let’s spur each other on to never be short sighted or asleep to opportunities to see God working in and through us. 

“Every kingdom work, whether publicly performed or privately endeavored, partakes of the kingdom's imperishable character. Every honest intention, every stumbling word of witness, every resistance of temptation, every motion of repentance, every gesture of concern, every routine engagement, every motion of worship, every struggle towards obedience, every mumbled prayer, everything, literally, which flows out of our faith-relationship with the Ever-Living One, will find its place in the ever-living heavenly order which will dawn at his coming.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

“O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (Psalm 63:1). We may imagine we want a thousand different things, but God is the one we really long for. His presence brings satisfaction; his absence brings thirst and longing.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 12 10/9

 Having a daily devotional reading like this one helps me to keep focused on heaven and worthwhile priorities. A lot of people would probably say that living the Christian life is going to church on Sunday, following rules, and not hurting anyone in the process. But it’s much more. Following Christ is a change of heart, living on purpose with the hope and reality of living forever in a perfect relationship with everyone, everything created, and especially with God Himself. 

The following is a short excerpt from a great book I recently read: "You have been made for a person and a place. That person is Jesus, and the place is heaven." Excerpt From Through the Eyes of a Lion Levi Lusko 

“O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (Psalm 63:1). We may imagine we want a thousand different things, but God is the one we really long for. His presence brings satisfaction; his absence brings thirst and longing.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 10 10/7

 Today’s reading is rarely talked about but it seems to be plain in the Bible that God values His creation and with that, His animals. Thinking about heaven, it does not look like we will be bored at all. There will be too much to enjoy while being useful and totally fulfilled. What incentives to live our best life now, no regrets, no reservations. We have one shot at this life which has a huge impact on our eternal life. 

“If God were to end history and reign forever in a distant Heaven, Earth would be remembered as a graveyard of sin and failure. Instead, Earth will be redeemed and resurrected. In the end it will be a far greater world, even for having gone through the birth pains of suffering and sin—yes, even sin. The New Earth will justify the old Earth’s disaster, make good out of it, putting it in perspective. It will preserve and perpetuate Earth’s original design and heritage.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 9 10/6

 One of the great pleasures of this life is enjoying a good meal. How much more will we love good food in heaven?  Maybe your great culinary skills will be enhanced in heaven!  These readings are exciting to think about - being busy, being creative, seeing others, having fulfilling relationships, and enjoying great food. Everything we we would love to have now could be fulfilled as we honor our Lord. 

“If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 8 10/5

 One thought from this reading is that we will be fully alive in heaven, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Fully forgiven with no shame, regret, or guilt but fully in worship of Christ. There will be full joy and full awareness like wehave never had. Recognizing others and having deep relationship with them will be exciting and long lasting. Everything we long for in this life will be fully realized. 

“Think of friends or family members who loved Jesus and are with him now. Picture them with you, walking together in this place. All of you have powerful bodies, stronger than those of an Olympic decathlete. You are laughing, playing, talking, and reminiscing. You reach up to a tree to pick an apple or orange. You take a bite. It’s so sweet that it’s startling. You’ve never tasted anything so good. Now you see someone coming toward you. It’s Jesus, with a big smile on his face. You fall to your knees in worship. He pulls you up and embraces you.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Eternity 7 10/4

The Bible seems to give us enough hints and leads for us to be excited about what we might be doing in heaven. One question from today’s reading is - how will responsibilities and duties be handed out to the citizens of heaven?  I wonder if the process will be similarities getting a job today- based on skills, abilities, and character qualities. I want to be found trustworthy in what I’m doing in the here and now which will have a huge impact on what I’m doing throughout eternity. Won’t it be thrilling to work with others who are just excited about the job as you?  Maybe you and I will be working on a project together!

“What we love about this life are the things that resonate with the life we were made for. The things we love are not merely the best this life has to offer—they are previews of the greater life to come.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...