Friday, June 30, 2023

Bball 1

 We can learn so much from the example of Joseph in Genesis  37-50. There is a or written about the problems and issues that Joseph faces, yet he trusted God that good would eventually happen in his life. God had a purpose for him to live a life that would bring so much good to everyone he knew. Even though Joseph couldn’t see the good of being abandoned by his brothers, sold as a slave, accused of false crimes, or forgotten in prison, Joseph trusted God. Hod promises to NEVER leave us or forsake us. The same is true for you and me, Lewis. I pray that you will trust our Heavenly Father more and more. 

Context 6

 Where would we be without the Scriptures?  There would be more philosophies, theories and conspiracies to undermine order on every level. Without the Bible, it’s every person for himself. With the Bible, we have God’s directives for life and a host of examples who failed and some who were faithful. If an entire culture can be saved from total destruction through their repentence, how could we miss the point?  If our Father sacrificed His own son for our redemption and restoration, how can we disrespect what He has provided?  Knowing Scripture is far more than accumulating information or being inspired to do better. It is developing an intimate relationship with our Creator and Savior. 

Stressed 6

 Being all in for Christ often means those around us do not understand why we are responding to life. King David evidently had so much joy and excitement that he didn’t think about how to measure up to everyone’s expectations. Many may want just enough of God to get by or May rely on Him as a secondary option. I’ve had long stretches of my life when that was true for me. I tried to fit Him into a narrow part of daily life but relies on myself for the most part. What joy we will have when we see Him fully and can share together what we will know as we look back in reflection. 

Psalm 9-7/01

 I used to think that if I was nice to everyone and was responsible with my duties, everyone would like me. Following the rules and expectations meant there would be no problems. But I’ve discovered on numerous occasions that theory does not work, especially since Covid. Too many are addicted to their sense of being right and the make sure we all know they are right. Others live a lifestyle that includes conflict and gossip. I’ve thought of the song ‘God Only Knows’ by King and Country many times. Our Father sees every detail and He has placed me in His refuge. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Face to face 1

 The best of our present friendships and fellowship with each other are only a glimpse of what we will experience. What an awesome thought!  Reflecting in what really happened behind the scenes on numerous decisions will bring great story telling. Friendships may be understood from a Spirit driven effort that encouraged us in the faith. We will have many details of our lives to praise Him, but more importantly, what joy you and I will have in our worship. We will be in awe of Him. 

Your Value at the end


When you die, don't worry about your body... your relatives, they will do whatever is necessary according to their means.

They'll take your clothes off,

You will be washed up

They gonna dress ya up

They will kick you out of your house and take you to your new address.

Many will come to your funeral to say "goodbye". Some will cancel commitments and even skip work to attend your burial.

Your belongings, until you didn't like to lend, will either be sold, given away or burned.

Your keys

Your tools

Your books

Your cds

Your shoes

Your clothes...

And be sure that the

world will not stop to mourn for you.

The economy will continue.

At your job, you will be replaced. Someone with the same or better abilities, will assume your place.

Your assets will pass to your heirs....

And don't doubt that you will still be quoted, judged, questioned and criticized for the small and big things you did in life.

People who knew you just by your looks will say; Poor man! o He was having a great time!

Your sincere friends will cry for some hours or some days, but then they will return laughing.

"Friends" who used to drag you down, will forget about you quicker.

Your animals will get used to the new owner.

Your photos, for some time, will be hung on the wall or on some piece of furniture, but then they will be kept in the bottom of a drawer.

Someone else will sit on your couch and eat at your table.

The deep pain in your home will last for a week, two, one month, two, one year, two... Then you will be added to the memories and then, your story ended.

It's over with people, it's over here, it's done in this world.

But your story begins in your new reality... in your life after death.

Your life where you couldn't move with the things here because besides, when you left, they lost the value they had.









Bank Account











F A M I L Y ....

In your new life you will only need your spirit. And the value you have accumulated here, will be the only fortune you'll have there.

That fortune is the only one you'll take and accumulate while you're here. When you live a life of love toward others and in peace with others, you are loving your spiritual fortune.

So try to live fully and be happy while you're here because, as Francis of Assisi said; "From here you won't take what you have." You will only take what you gave"

Edwin Parion 📖

Context 5

 There have been so many times when I’ve blown it by saying too much or maybe I said too little to change the conversation. The reality of our lives is that evil is all around us in an attempt to discourage, divide and disappoint us. But the reality also is that our Father promises to NEVER. Leave us or forsake us. I’m slowly learning to have the motto ‘sH less and pray more.’  No matter what we do at times, others can misinterpret our efforts but as we pray for grace, He will take care of what we cannot control. He is still on the throne despite the chaos we are in at times. 

Psalm 8-6/30

 Waiting for circumstances to improve can be as painful as the trauma. A crisis can be overwhelming and we can feel alone in the dark with few options. Yet His presence is always with us, giving hope of full healing and restoration. There will be a day with no pain or tears as we fall on our knees in worship before our Lord. 

“God will give you everything you’ve  asked for if you knew everything he knows.” - Timothy Keller

Stressed 5

 Life events and circumstances can be overwhelming. We can feel surrounded and alone but our Father has promised His presence. Evil is ever trying to discourage, divide and disappoint us but He is our hope, not the circumstances in our lives. We are living for Him not ourselves, reflecting His love and redemption, not our power or importance. It is impossible to understand why events unfold before us but I pray that you and I have our eyes open to His presence, even in the darkest of times. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Stressed 4

 As I read this devotional, I thought of what it might have been like to be Moses, taking on the responsibility of a judge, listening to all the disputes and complaints. His father in law observed the stress and gave some great advice to choose others to bear the load. Maybe there are a lot of times we need help to handle the burdens we are carrying. There is no way any one person can have all the answers to complex issues in our home or at our jobs. I’m glad you are seeking counseling and are willing to talk things out with others. There is nothing wrong with saying and feeling I cannot handle this by myself. Saying ‘I don’t know the answers and I’m not the best at this, but I’m trying and learning.’  Being vulnerable and honest is letting your barriers down to be hurt, yet they are opportunities to love others unconditionally. 

Stressed 3

 Not worrying about what cannot be controlled is very difficult. I’ve often felt like an orphan, standing alone during pressure situations. I’ve felt like all eyes were on me for my response and many being critical, no matter what I said or did. But talking it all out with our Father has helped over and over, empowering me to say less, ask more questions, calm the situation down by listening. Even though I felt nothing changed right away, she’s weee eventually opened. I hope that is true for you, Stephen. 

Context 4

 I used to think of the Bible as a rule book, making me feel guilty and ashamed for not measuring up. But I’ve learned that those standards were community and family expectations, resulting in the idea that I had to fit into that culture more than following Christ. Professing Christian standards and beliefs may be a good thing but if I’m not listening to Him or surrendering my life to Him everyday, how can be following Him. I’m discovering more joy and peace by allowing the Spirit to move in my life, and not worry about what everyone thinks. Living for the audience of One is freedom from the rules that could hold us back. 

Walking 7

 We always think we have more time and too much on our agenda to be all in for Christ. I’ve had far too many wake up calls, making me more aware that we do not know how much time we have. My Dad dies in a car accident at 47 and I know several who drew their last breath in their 40‘s and 50’s. My brother in law died from cancer before his kids married. I do not want to take my days for granted at all. I want to encourage you, Caleb, to love your life with no regrets and without reservation to honor our Lord. You and I will stand before our Lord to give an account for our lives. I certainly want to be grateful to Him for the love He has shown me over and over. There will be no reason to take credit for any good that has happened in my life because He has blessed me far than I ever dreamed of. I hope the same for you. 

Psalm 7-6/29

 As much as we would like to think we have a safe place to live and a good life, there is a long list of issues or situations that could destroy this life we enjoy. Life can be unraveled in a moment’s notice with a phone call, shocking news or unforeseen events. We may have nothing to do with the cause and the outcome can be undetermined. Yet through all misfortunes, He will never leave us or forsake us. He is still in the throne and our only option is to surrender all we have to Him. 

Believers should acknowledge and wrestle with doubts... It is no longer sufficient to hold beliefs just because you inherited them.“. - Tim Keller

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Stressed 2

 Hezekiah was confident Hod was present and would listen. The Assyrians were brutal and there was good reason to be afraid. Laying it all out before God was the first step, not ghe last resort. Praying and being completely honest with our Father is the first priority of all and any stress, not an after thought. I’ve spent too much of my life praying a secondary option, after I’ve fretted about the options I should try first. Not that an angel will be sent to destroy what is bothering me, but I’m confident He will give me the wisdom and courage to meet the challenge. 

Context 3

 It’s hard to know how to respond to some who are in the know on their speciality topics. I’ve never immersed myself in sports trivia or know much about players of professionals teams. Two grandsons know far more than I could ever know about professionals football and basketball. Asking them questions probably shows my ignorance but at least I want to seek interested and respectful. For some who seem to know more than I want to know about conspiracy theories and political arguments, I’m learning to softly change the subject (if possible) to less controversial topics. More often, I’ve admitted my ignorance saying these topics are bigger than me to understand, but God is obviously doing awesome things through global missions. He is changing world events to bring His plan to completion, regardless of the political battles. I don’t want to add to foolish chatter and stupidity. 

Walking 6

 Loving our Creator with our whole heart isn’t something we do from a distance, as if reading book or knowing about Him. This is the most intimate heart felt / heart driven passion that a person can possibly experience. As we understand His love, how could we respond with anything less. For me, expressing His love to others seems to be in words but I think I’m changing. I do not want my family to question my love for them or my love for God. I sense that He wants me to hug more, be present and focused. I’m not sure we can categorize the way we love because the Spirit may prompt us to respond differently to a variety of situations and individuals. 

Psalm 6-6/28

 The Scriptures are an honest reality check to the way things really are. We do not live in a perfect world and no matter how good we can become, we will still be confronted with evil and sinful practices. The Bible is full of imperfect human examples and many who complained to our Father about the way things were. But He is still King of kings and Lord of lords and our only option is to talk all things out with Him, personal issues and situations around the globe. 

“The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” - Timothy Keller

Monday, June 26, 2023

Psalm 5-6/27

 What keeps you from sleeping at night?  My worry list at times keeps me from experiencing rest but I also get distracted by trivial pursuits. But the more I pursue His kingdom, looking and anticipating Him showing me Himself, the trivia disappears. Pursuing Him is discovering His love that transcends the chaos of today, helping me find purpose when life seems out of control. 

“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” - Timothy Keller

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Fear 7

 Making a list (written or in my head) of what I’m grateful for has been a huge help in combatting my anxiety. It’s a true battle to do this because my worry list is ever ready to be reviewed. But reminding myself of His protection through numerous issues, His provision in providing real friends who are not fake, and opportunities to participate in kingdom work each. Ring clearer thinking and rest from the weariness of fretting. I spent part of yesterday with someone who creates anxiety in me repeatedly. I am shocked at my anxiety toward this couple but i managed to not say anything and take several short walks to pray about my short fuse that could have been lit. My recent slogan - ‘say less and pray more’ helped. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Psalm 4-6/26

 For some reason I grew up thinking that if bad things happen in my life, it had to be someone’s fault. Either I had committed a sin or I had not been obedient. If I were to grow into maturity as a believer, I would avoid a lot of problems in life. Perhaps that is somewhat true but anxiety and suffering will always be present in our lives, until we meet Jesus. Our Father will provide what is needed for each trial and rest. I can trust Him completely, even if it means my life is taken because I love Him. 

“When pain and suffering come upon us, we finally see not only that we are not in control of our lives but that we never were.”  - Tim Keller

Walking 3

 Our Father knows if we are really surrendering our lives to Him. It’s pretty easy to fake it by completing a checklist of what is expected for normal Christian’s. But being normal may not be following Christ at all if normal is missing the mark of surrender. The more we grasp how much He loves us, the more we love Him. Our reputation in front of the public Amy not reflect the true character of our hearts. I’ve been and am being convicted that my heart mind and soul need editing for His glory instead of mine. 

Legacy -9

 It’s breath taking and awe inspiring to think that all nations / ethic groups/ people groups of the world could have opportunities to hear and receive the gospel in the next few years…..and then the end will come. With digital presentations of the Bible and instant communication throughout the globe, what changes will we experience in the way we do church, missions, and discipleship?  Our Father is putting all things into place for the end to begin. We cannot afford to dwell on trivial matters when we could witness dramatic events being fulfilled. Let’s be open to how we can participate in his agenda. 

Fear 6

 As much as I’ve worried and fretted about what might happen, and as much as I’ve been afraid of what people thought, you would think my treasures are on others’ opinions and a safe care free life (which will not happen). If I want a safe life, I’ll not commit to anything. My mother drilled into me the idea of being motivated by what people think. She seemed to have a list of good things we were expected to do to look good in front of others. But I’ve learned that our eternal treasure is wrapped around our love for our Father, not people, possessions or power. Situations and issues we are in may not change but our perspective can help us handle each chaotic event. 


 that this is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever. --Psalm 48:14

What a promise that He will never leave us. He is no fake made up god or illusion. He is the reality of our lives. Investing in His eternal presence is worth far more than any earthly measurement or possession. 

Andrew Murray said, "Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you.." 

Walking 2

 I’m slowly reading a book written by a Christian neuron psychologist who emphasizes our need to discipline our heart’s desires. Her writing goes along with today’s devotional and she emphasizes that our heart (mind, soul, desires, will) can be shaped into what God wants. One tool she recommends (along with Scripture) is journal writing, similar to what you and I are doing each day in this devotional. 21 says of consistent written reflections will document a changed habit, a changes focus of the heart. 63 says of consistent written reflections based on Scripture will change the trajectory of our lives. Our hearts need to be guarded, disciplines and focused toward our Father’s love. 

Fear 5

 Learning more and more about who our Father is essential. Distancing myself from the false assumption that He is distant, uncaring, even cruel at times only increases my anxiety. Thinking that He has left me to figure life out, and He will judge my effectiveness in a courtroom later isn’t helpful. Our Father wants us to seek Him, surrendering ourselves to Him. He is gentle and His humility is a stronghold. I can take refuge and safety in His loving presence, assured that He will provide grace in every chaos I encounter. 

Walking 1

 I want to be much better at listening to God’s voice, filtering out the distractions that crowd Him out. Training ourselves to listen intently, based on a solid foundation of His word, and seeking Him at all times takes a disciplined focus. There is no pride, arrogance or self sufficiency in this pursuit, but a surrender of everything about us and everyone’s burdens to Him. Our Father truly cares about us and I want to become sensitive to this unseen reality. 

Legacy 18

 I’m my own worst enemy, wandering off on a rabbit trail that gets me no where. I can slow my mind to wander and let my emotions down in the dumps incessantly. But the more I focus on my Father’s love, I am protected from the ups and downs, even though the situations remain. My safety Nd refuge are not escaping but allowing Him to give me the grace that I need for the moment. 

Psalm 3-6/25

Some want to find refuge in a political cause or in joining the right organization. Others find refuge in a hobby or their job. Addictions can be a way to handle life issues. But as Tim Keller nudges us toward the Savior, our refuge is in our Father’s love. He is patient and loving, wanting each person to seek Himself. He does not coerce or push but allows us to make up our own minds, all the while orchestrating events to show us Himself. Our safe place is in Him, as we surrender everything and everyone to Him. 

“If the God of the Bible exists, and there is a True Reality beneath and behind this life, and this life is not the only life, then every good endeavour, even the simplest ones, pursued in response to God’s calling, can matter forever.”  - Tim Keller

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Psalm2 - 6/24

 I have found myself being intimidated by the cynicism around me. With others twisting my comments to fit an agenda or political view that I do not agree with, I’ve tried to reduce my presence with these individuals. I’m not sure if this is wise, but there are few other options. Being around certain views is a set up to be hammered again with a viewpoint. Maybe our role is to say less, hold our ground, and pray intently. I think it’s wrong to be intimidated by wrong thinking but it’s wrong to be over confident that we are always right and they are wrong  

“Three things to remember 1) Life is not in my control but God is never out of God’s control 2) I can be faithful because God Himself is faithful. He will continue to keep His promise to the end. 3) Jesus is not just another king. He is the King of kings, and He deserves that role in your life.” - Josh Luce, City Lights Pastor

Fear 4

 The Scriptures are filled with the brutal honesty of people in the past who experiences the worst of life, yet our Father sustained them and provided. It wasn’t easy in their lives and we shouldn’t think it will a life of ease for us. My fat and lost of catastrophes that could happen is long, but His mercies are new every morning. By dwelling on His love, my burdens are lighter, knowing that He will never ever leave me alone. He will sustain me, even through the dark or in the fire. He will walk with me no matter hard the path is to climb. 

Nations 5

 Imagine a huge multi ethic crowd singing the Sam worship sings in unison, giving praise, kneeling at the presence of Jesus. Hearing stories of restored relationships, severe persecution and martyrdom, and how the Holy Spirit protected many from evil will be thrilling. The rewards of perseverance and continues live for our Father will be beyond anything we can imagine. 

Legacy 17

 Despite how dismal and divisive the news might seem, the reality of reaching all people groups and ethic groups with the gospel is happening. House churches and baptisms are taking place in very persecuted places while we fall asleep in our American lethargy. It is an exciting time to live as we consider what our Father is doing in the most unteaches locations. Smuggling a printed Bible has changed into hiding what someone is hiding digitally. Who knows what we will see accomplished in the next few years as mornethiv groups welcome the gospel into their hearts. 

Fear 3

 Matthew 6:33 is the key attitude and behavior to work through all fear and anxiety. Rather than looking for the next trauma, panic situation, or anxiety attack, I want to perfect my habit of looking for His kingdom and His righteousness. He is working and He is present. His method of working is beyond our complete understanding but we know that He wants what is right, pure and good to be found. Relying on His word and leaning on the Holy Spirit will open our eyes to His kingdom. My distractions are usually related to my fears, but He is drawing me close to Himself. 

Psalm 1-6/23

 The dangers and risks of becoming a negative cynic is real and in front of our faces every day. But the way the world is operating shows us the clear necessity of trusting what our Father has provided for centuries. His word is truth and He has given us access to His gift of redemption and restoration. Following Christ is often going against the grain of culgure, sometimes at a cost. Our pursuit of His kingdom and His righteousness bring rewards that this world cannot measure or calculate. 

“If you have money, power, and status today, it is due to the century and place in which you were born, to your talents and capacities and health, none of which you earned. In short, all your resources are in the end the gift of God.” - Timothy Keller

Proverbs 14-6/22

 Our worms seems to be moving away from absolute truth faster than could be imagined. Movies that end with the good not entirely winning, perhaps questioning what is good, or the popularity of dystopian novels reflect huge cultural changes. Righteousness and purity of character seem sinister to some who want to twist what is above the line for their advantage. We need a Savior to redeem and restore. We need His wisdom to navigate and we need the Holy Soirit to reach us all things. With awe and wonder if our Father, He has provided what we cannot do by ourselves.

“To be loved but not known is superficial. To be known and not loved is our great fear—but to be known and loved, that transforms you.” - Tim Keller

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Legacy 14

 Most local churches are made of people who would never meet up for any other reason. Diverse interests, backgrounds, careers and income levels are present in the local church. Many have a diverse ideas of what should happen within the building, often different than making disciple makers. Programs and budgets are calculated by numbers in the pew rather than relationships that model the love of Jesus. Perhaps I’m too critical, but hell will never defeat the power of the church linking arms to spread the gospel and reproduce itself. 

Nations 4

 One of the best things Sandy have done is taking the Perspectives Class, a fifteen week course on world missions. It was very intensive but it was the most eye opening course I’ve ever completed. The course includes speakers from a variety of missions organizations telling a first hand report of what is happening throughout the globe. It also includes the history of missions and how our Father has changed world events to spread the gospel. Political leaders and government decisions are important but everything is fall into place for every ethics group to hear the gospel. In a digital age, it’s possible that we could see this happening soon. Who knows how our Father will bring all things to completion soon. 

Fear 2

 The list of worries and fears that can squelch the hole in me is long. I often fear the next phone call that is full of bad news or the news of a tragedy happening to a family member. My mind can go to the dark places but the reality of His kingdom and power is near. Every day has new challenges yet full of opportunity to remind myself over and over of His love. Connecting with like minded followers of Christ who are all in for Him is inspiring, encouraging me to keep on keeping on. I pray that this is true for you, that you sense our Father’s love like never before in your heart. 

Legacy 15

 We have been brainwashed to think that our lives are all about us. But tbe reality of His kingdom and His righteousness is worth pursuing far beyond any other motivation. We were at Lincoln Berean last Sunday and the sermon by Jeff Peterson was ‘What is your Epitaph?’  It was based in the few verses describing Enoch from Hebrews 11 and Genesis 5. Enoch walked with God. Very thought provoking to think hat Enoch is remembered by such a description. How can we motivate each other to be all in for our Father’s agenda?  Let’s pray to be Undistracted from His kingdom. How can we participate in His work, seen and unseen?  Let’s diligently ask our Father to remake us into the men He wants, looking for what He is doing right in front of us. 

Proverbs -3-6/21

 The quest for prestige, celebrity status, more possessions, power, and the list gets long, each distracts us from the true investments that will last forever. The illusion of building our self made kingdoms will suddenly disappear with no regard to all of the time and effort we put into them. But the reality of His kingdom and righteousness will bring a return on our investments far beyond our imagination. Let’s dream more of what our discipleship efforts will bring. Let’s pray that our Father will prepare us for the opportunities He has for us. 

“What is an idol? It is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.” - Timothy Keller

Monday, June 19, 2023

Fear 1

 Being afraid of the unknown is common, at least for me. I often think about the next traumatic event that could happen, even though I know in my heart our Father has brought me through everything. I do not doubt that He has or will leave me, yet fear can grip me. My list is king but I’m working on giving all my anxiety to Him, over and over, everyday sometimes. My mind can go to the darks places, yet my respect, awe, and love for our Father is greater. This a constant battle. 

Nations 3

 It is so easy to be distracted by creates things instead of the Creator. Living a comfortable life as Americans provides t rabbit trails to no end, leading us away from a devoted life to our Father. Our negligence toward awe and wonder leaves us asleep at the table, expecting more and more to satisfy an appetite that never satisfies. We lose sight of His redemption, and do not see how He is restoring and renewing as we anticipate a full restoration at His coming again. 

Legacy 16

I e probably said this several times but I struggle with what takes place in the local church. I do not want to church hop because I’d probably be unhappy with the next group. But at the same time, I know deep to the core how we need each other as Christ followers. We need each other for encouragement, prayer, and connection to do good things, making a community or the world a better place. Overlooking others’ faults, swallowing pride, not feeling victimized by the system of programs takes real effort. But it also requires a reliance on the Holy Spirit in order to feel at home in the smallest way. 

Proverbs 12-6/20

 I’m probably going on a rant a bit but I’ve grown up in a world of spiritual sluggards, asleep to the power our Father’s love. We go to church and check it off as a spiritual obligation or think we have our ticket to heaven and that’s good enough. I feel very regretful that I’ve allowed sleepiness and a dullness to His work for a long time in my life. But on the other hand,  we are exposed to so many more God honoring resources today than ever. Today we can be more in the know to His powerful working around the globe and in discipleship relationships. May the Spirit awaken each of us to be fully awake to what our Father desires in our hearts. 

“The secret to freedom from enslaving patterns of sin is worship. You need worship. You need great worship. You need weeping worship. You need glorious worship. You need to sense God’s greatness and to be moved it — moved to tears and moved to laughter — moved by who God is and what he has done for you.” - Timothy Keller

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Legacy 13

 The wealth of our Father is beyond any earthly measurement. How we handle our lives today will have an impact on tomorrow and eternity. It’s not that I want wealth in heaven but that I love my Father more and more. May He open our eyes to the opportunities in front of us, that we will enjoy eternal values now and later. May He be honored with our looking for His kingdom and righteousness

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Looking for Pearls

 Michael Sprague

Pick Your Pearls

There is a story about a little girl with a little string of cheap pearls she wears around her neck. They are plastic and yellowed, but she is so proud of them. One night her dad comes into her bedroom and says, “Will you give me your pearls?” 

“No Daddy,” she says, “You’d look silly in pearls.” 

The next night he asks the same question, “Will you give me your pearls?” 

“No, Daddy. They are mine and they are special.” 

This goes on for three or four nights. The daughter finally gets upset and gives the pearls over to her dad and says, “If you really want them, you can have them.” 

Her dad pulls out a case and opens it. Inside the case, sitting on black velvet is a real set of glistening pearls that are beyond anything the daughter’s eyes have ever seen.

Is there anything crowding out the best in your life? Are there any fake plastic pearls you are wearing? Anything you need to hand over to the Father so you can enjoy the pearl of great price? Consider: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:45-46). It is the opportunity of a lifetime. It is priceless.

Many people, when considering commitment to Jesus, think of the decision in negative terms, not positive. The calculation is what will I lose – fun, control, status, and freedom. The parables of Jesus remind us that this decision is positive. You have to have Him, you cannot go another way … for Jesus is living … life in the Kingdom is not just noble, but the smartest decision you could ever make. It is not just good. It is the best … it is blessed even when very challenging.

At my age, I am finding Jesus more compelling than ever … surprising … interesting … shocking … confusing … attractive … awesome … mysterious … stunning … fascinating. I am not ashamed to tell you He changed my life. He is the One I most admire, respect, and follow. He is not a legend or a fable. He is the greatest person you could ever know. 

Tough, sturdy fishermen found Jesus so compelling they dropped their nets and gave up their occupations. Simon the Zealot gave up his resistance movement and became part of something more powerful. Matthew the shark in the marketplace left his cash register wide open and followed the opportunity of a lifetime. Jesus’ hands were calloused. He had some serious forearms, His fingernails were not manicured, His appearance was not anything to brag about, but people flocked to Him. Wealthy, poor, religious and irreligious, fisherman, and prostitutes ended up saying, “I’ve got to have Jesus. Whatever it takes. I’ve got to follow Him.”

Anxiety 14

 It is so easy to live our lives based on our emotional state. We can slip into a tail spin, becoming more fearful and defensive than necessary. Rehearsing offenses over and over drives us into unhealthy habits. But the same gospel that brought us to Christ is the same gospel that sustains us, remakes us and makes us a new person. Our emotional ups and downs are replaced by a calm trust in His promises and provision. 

Anxiety 13

 It is unlikely that we will ever be worry free or  un-afraid.  Living in a world with embedded sin habits and twisted ideas, we are in conflict with unrighteousness. Learning to rely on the Holy Spirit, admitting our weakness and failures is a survival skill. Surrendering to His way of doing life is giving everything and everyone to Him as we anticipate what He wants us to next. 

Legacy 12

 It is very sobering to consider our lives will end, with no idea when that fact will happen. CS Lewis said that we will never meet a mere mortal. Everyone has an eternal future, whether with Jesus or not. Im being convicted that my concern for those who do not know if they will be with Him is a bit shallow. Hell and all the evil unseen forces are more concerned about keeping the lost in the dark than most church goers being concerned  out sharing the gospel. May God prepare those around us to hear the gospel and awake our eyes to share. 

Proverbs 11-6/19

 Being at peace with those who are angry takes a great amount of discipline and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Saying less and praying more may be the best strategy, along with changing a conversation to more positive topics. It’s easy to have the right information about an issue and win an argument, but lose relationships. Peace maker skills are desperately needed but following Christ and His kingdom way will be counter cultural. Trusting the Lord with our whole heart is not relying on ourselves to feet along with trouble makers. 

“What is an idol? It is anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.” - Timothy Keller

Anxiety 12

 There have been too many times when I’ve questioned God’s presence. These times have been mostly during tough times but I’ve also been negligent to acknowledge Him in good times. But thankfully our Father is patient and long suffering, waiting for me to wake up. I hope I’m improving, acknowledging Him in good and bad times, consistently talking all things out with Him. 

Proverbs 10-6/18

 The older I get or the more I read, I’ve discovered how absent strong Biblical teaching has been in my life. On the other hand, we have access to so many resources today that we’re not available a few years ago. One thought I’ve had is that we can get so fixed on a teaching or assumption that we fail to see how Scripture counters that belief. If I’m not confronted with my wrong assumption, I can get pretty foolish seeking information that confirms my bias. I certainly do not want to be gullible to my own thinking. 

“The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” - Timothy Keller

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Proverbs 9-6/17

 Following Christ is keeping life simple. We often over complicate it with a list of should do’s, creating guilt and self doubt. Sometimes we even think that celebrity type Christians have it made and are super Christians. We think we have to find a strategy to become successful at being Christian, just like a business or CEO. But following Jesus is a process of changing our character to reflect Him, sharing how He is changing us, seeking where God is working and His right way to live. The discipline of staying out of useless chatter, working hard, and developing an intense prayer life reflects an authentic life with little blow and show. 

Chosen 6

 Connecting with like minded followers of Christ is a glimpse of being in a new family. Our Father is drawing Christ followers together in His kingdom so that we can participate in His work and righteousness. Seeing lives changed slowly or dramatically is thrilling. Like the Badi stigma of hopelessness, many around us have false hopes they are living to advance themselves through their prestige or possessions. But following Jesus is a far different life, seeing that God is bringing all things together for His purpose and plan. 

Legacy 11

Getting excited about what God is doing in missions has helped Sandy and me with giving. We could always do better but knowing that our financial support is doing what is promised is worthwhile. Investing in a race horse for the Lord is far better than whipping a mule to get up and go when the mule would rather think about it. Learning about global missions has spurred our support for a group ‘Activate Global’. It began as ‘Elevate’ located in Kearney but is now headquarters in Lincoln. The help I reached people groups start businesses among families who have come to Christ. Each business helps a family to be self supporting, yet it’s also the beginning of a house church. Activate Global began by working in India but now is in 15 countries, 9 of them ghe most dangerous places to be a Christian. It’s exciting to feel a small part of what God is doing. 

Legacy 10

 I’m very inexperienced to my shame, in thanking God in advance. I tend to worry far more than being thankful. It’s not that I don’t believe that our Father will provide everything I ask for, but that k need to accept whatever is the outcome. I have got to chew on this a bit, because I think God wants to change my attitude to trust Him with unanswered prayers, with my frustrations and disappointments. Perhaps this has been a fatalistic view, not sure. Our Father is not Santa nor does He Ofer a signed contract that if I fulfill my part, He will do His part. 

Anxiety 11

 In thick of a crisis, it’s easy to focus on the crisis, and neglect turning all the variables over to our Father. But the examples given in Scripture demonstrate that is very possible to trust God regardless of what is happening. Joseph suffered horrible circumstances time after time yet God looked out for him. Daniel trusted God despite all odds. Hebrews 11 talks about a hall of fame for those who demonstrated faith even though many never saw the outcome of being faithful. For me, I’m getting better at remembering verses that promise God is faithful and several songs help to remind me. Journaling has been a huge help, often documenting prayers. 

Toxic Leaders


7 Tips on Dealing With Toxic People

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Leadership would be so much easier, the saying goes, if it wasn’t for people. And topping off the list of difficult people to work with or lead is toxic people.

The hard part is, as much as we might wish it was otherwise, toxic people are everywhere.

Two questions spring up almost immediately when the subject of toxic people arises.

  • How do you spot them?
  • How do you deal with them?

It’s critical in leadership to think through the people aspect of what you do. I know it’s easy for visionaries to think success lies in ideas, or that progress lies in execution, but the key to getting anything done is always people.

What you accomplish in leadership is often most powerfully shaped by who you allow into leadership. If you let toxic people in, you pay a staggering price.

My guess is not everyone will like the direction or language in this post. I get that.

However, every day gifted leaders quit toxic cultures, toxic bosses and leave toxic workplaces. Every single day, amazing businesses, churches, causes, and not-for-profits miss their mission because someone allowed toxic leaders to sabotage the work.

And every day, good people go home discouraged and defeated because nobody had the guts to deal with the toxic people at work. If you don’t think our culture suffers from toxicity (and even evil), just read the headlines or scroll your feeds for a few minutes. Yep. We do.

So with all that in mind, here are 7 insights that have helped me immensely in figuring out how to spot and deal with toxic people.

What you accomplish in leadership is often most powerfully shaped by who you allow into leadership. If you let toxic people in, you pay a staggering price. CLICK TO TWEET

7 Ways to Deal With Toxic People in Your Life

1. Understand that basically there are three kinds of people

It probably seems too simple to divide the world into three kinds of people, but try as he might to avoid it, clinical psychologist and best-selling author Henry Cloud helpfully points out in his book, Necessary Endings that there are essentially three kinds of people in life and leadership.

  1. Wise People
  2. Foolish People
  3. Evil People

Essentially the difference between wise people and foolish people comes down to how they deal with the truth.

Wise people encounter truth and changeas a result. For example, after getting a speeding ticket, wise people learn and slow down. After being told their words hurt someone, a wise person will try to understand why, apologize, and work hard not to do it again. They’re open, not defensive, they learn and grow and tend not to make the mistakes over and over again.

Foolish people encounter truth and don’t change. Instead, they try to adjust the truth so they don’t have to adjust to it. Confronted with a problem, a foolish person will deny, blame, minimize, generate excuses, and do anything in his or her power to avoid having to deal with reality.

They don’t learn and rarely grow. As Cloud’s frequent collaborator John Townsend puts it, foolish people have a flat learning curve. As a result, they tend to wreak a lot of havoc and cause damage to their own lives and the lives of others.

Foolish behavior means some broke people will always be broke, some chronic procrastinators will always be late and some people keep running into the same problems again and again. They may mean well, but their lack of learning means they keep making things hard for themselves and others.

Finally, as hard as it is to admit, some people really are evil. They intend to harm you. They want to take you down. And as hard as it is to believe, they don’t have your best interests at heart and want to see you fail. I found it hard to accept this early on in leadership, but I’ve seen it often enough times to no longer dismiss it.

There are basically three kinds of people in the world: wise people, foolish people, and evil people. The sooner you accept that the easier it becomes to make progress. (We’ll talk about evil people later on in the post)

So, what do you do with this stark and unpleasant truth?

There are basically three kinds of people in the world: wise people, foolish people, and evil people. The sooner you accept that, the easier it becomes to make progress. CLICK TO TWEET

2. Realize That Some People Won’t Change

At some point in our lives, all of us behave wisely, foolishly, and with evil intent.

I know I’ve spoken words that I intended to hurt, and when I do that, I’m acting in an evil or toxic way. And sometimes I make the same mistake over and over again, and when I do, that’s foolish.

People who are generally wise sometimes do foolish things and mean things.

The good news with Cloud’s categories is that people do change with time and grow.

Evil people may have a change of heart and start helping not hurting, and when they do that, they can even become wise. Foolish people sometimes realize how much damage they do and decide to learn and grow.

But overall, most of us would have to admit that human beings fall into one of those three categories at any moment in life: you’re either generally wise, foolish, or evil in your approach to life.

And that means, as much as you want to believe otherwise, and despite your coaching and encouragement, fools often remain fools and evil people remain committed to harming others.

Yep. I know. It sounds so judgmental and terrible and I resisted it for a long time too— resisted it to my peril and to the peril of the people I lead, may I add.

Henry Cloud admits it’s a tough pill to swallow:

“If you are a responsible and loving person, then you might assume that other people are like you—responsible and loving. They do the right thing, taking responsibility for themselves, for their mistakes, for their work. And they careabout other people and how their actions affect those people…So doesn’t it make sense that everyone else would be like you and really care? 

Sure, if you lived on Mars. But this is planet Earth. And if you are going to succeed in life and business, you need to succeed on this planet, not Mars.” (Henry Cloud, Necessary Endings)

So doesn’t it make sense that everyone else would be like you and really care?  Sure, if you lived on Mars. But this is planet Earth.  @drhenrycloud   CLICK TO TWEET

Just because someone can change doesn’t mean someone will change. That’s where your leadership and discernment come in.

So what’s next? You learn how to spot toxic people.

Just because someone can change doesn't mean someone will change. CLICK TO TWEET

3. Learn How to Spot Toxic People

I’m increasingly convinced one of a leader’s key tasks is to learn how to spot toxic people and take appropriate action.

In my view, both foolish people and evil people are toxic to your culture and mission.

Fools pollute things not because they’re trying to ruin things, but because they (for whatever reason) do tend to do it again and again.

Foolish leaders keep repeating their mistakes because they’re either convinced they’re right or oblivious to the fact that they’re wrong, regardless of the fact that others have pointed that out.

And evil people, well they meant to lie, harm, and malign.

Foolish leaders are convinced they're right or oblivious to the fact that they're wrong, regardless of the fact that others have pointed that out. CLICK TO TWEET

So, how do you recognize the signs?

A few years ago, I wrote a post outlining 6 early warning signs you’re dealing with a toxic person.

I’m going to add a few more to the list I didn’t cover in that post. See if any resonate.

Behavior that’s ultimately toxic to your organization’s culture and mission includes:

  • Making the same mistakes over and over again, despite frequent attempts to help them and ample time to correct the problem and change.
  • Self-absorption.
  • Lying.
  • Manipulation.
  • An unwillingness to listen to feedback.
  • Assigning blame.
  • Refusing to accept responsibility.
  • They’re never wrong.
  • Playing the victim.
  • Frequent anger.
  • Hidden agendas.
  • A critical spirit about anything they didn’t think of.
  • Gossip or malicious talk about other people.
  • Ignoring boundaries they or other people have set.
  • Passive-aggressive behavior (what happens to your face and what happens behind your back are very different).
  • Pursuing their own mission that’s different from the organization’s mission.

The list could be much longer, but this gives you a sampling of toxic behaviors that take people and missions under.

Naturally, we all exhibit some of the behavior listed above some of the time (we’re all human), but the wise realize what they did, correct course, change, and grow.

If you allow toxic people into leadership, you can be sure a toxic culture will follow.

If you allow toxic people into leadership, you can be sure a toxic culture will follow. CLICK TO TWEET

4. Take a Good Look in the Mirror

The first place to look for wisdom, foolishness, and evil in leadership is the least comfortable place to look: In the mirror.

I’ve been in senior leadership for over two decades. As much as I don’t want to admit it, it’s still true: My organization will only ever be as healthy as I am.

Ditto for you. Fight it all you want, but your organization will only ever be as healthy as you are as the leader.

Even if you’re not the senior leader, that’s true of the team you lead, the department you run, or the crew you manage. The health of the leader tends to determine the health of the team.

Your organization will only ever be as healthy as you are as the leader. The health of the leader tends to determine the health of the team. CLICK TO TWEET

It’s hard to have a healthy organization if you don’t have a healthy leader.

So when you see foolish behavior or bad intentions inside you,  confess them and address them. Invite other people to give you feedback. Learn and grow.

Healthy leaders produce healthy teams. Unhealthy leaders don’t.

Healthy leaders produce healthy teams. Unhealthy leaders don't. CLICK TO TWEET

5. Limit Fools

So what do you do with foolish people?

Well, here’s the problem with foolish people at work: You only have so many hours in the day and so much energy. 

The problem with pouring your time and energy into foolish leaders is that after your coaching and help, they’re no better and you’re drained.

The problem with pouring your limited time and energy into foolish leaders is that after your coaching and help, they're no better and you're drained.  CLICK TO TWEET

What’s worse, is their repeated mistakes impact everybody around them and threaten the organization.

Does that mean you’ll have no fools at work? No. First, there’s an abundance of foolish people and behaviors. And second, I’m not sure that completely eliminating all fools from your life is a good idea. We should all have at least a small place in our life and leadership for building into others, even if sometimes that takes a little more grace and a lot more time than we’d like.

What that does mean, though,  is that because your time is limited, you should limit your time with fools and be really careful who you hire and recruit.

The key to fools is to limit the number and limit their impact. Otherwise, the cost is simply too great. Whether they mean to do damage or not, foolish people can do a lot of damage.

It’s hard to build the future on people who have trouble navigating the present.

It's hard to build the future on people who have trouble navigating the present. CLICK TO TWEET

6. Remove Evil People From Your Life

When it comes to evil people…people who want to wound, maim, and undo you or your organization, there’s only one option: block those attempts. Get away and stay away.

Looking back on my leadership, I realize there were seasons where—for whatever reason—people wanted to take me out or take down our mission. It hasn’t happened often, but it has happened. Clear boundaries, firm decisions, and consistent ‘no’s’ that block any attempts they make to undermine the mission are critical.

When it gets that serious, I always involve other leaders I trust to make sure that we really dealing with someone who intends to harm and that the boundaries we put in place make sense. On rare occasions, those boundaries have included the police.

And while my faith tells me to love my enemies, there are some instances where a person is best prayed for from a distance, not from up close.

Imagine reaching 100—or 1000 or 10,000 new people—in the next year if your mission continues. That’s what people who want to harm you threaten.

Taking the mission seriously means that, as a leader, you also have to take evil seriously. It’s actually that important.

Taking the mission seriously means that, as a leader, you also have to take evil seriously. CLICK TO TWEET

7. Stack the Top of Your Organization With Wise People

Do you know how to get the healthiest team and how to best move the mission forward? Stack the top of your organization with as many wise people as you can find.

Stacking the top (by that I mean your senior leaders, board, and other key players) with as many wise leaders as possible is critical. Look for honest, humble, growing leaders who love to learn and are open to feedback.

Teachability is a much greater ingredient in wisdom than IQ is. A humble, hungry, teachable leader will beat a smart leader any day. (Surprisingly, there are a lot of intelligent fools.)

Obviously, there’s a lot of work to do based on the points already covered, and the regular vigilance that you need to maintain in keeping threats at bay, but the secret is once you do that and stack the top of your organization with wise people, a natural buffer gets created.

Eventually, a multiplicity of wise leaders will help you create a healthy culture.

Here’s the truth about culture.

Create a deeply healthy culture and, over time, toxic people will leave. 

Why? Because a healthy culture spits out toxic people. Just like healthy bodies ward off disease, healthy cultures ward off toxic people.

Here’s the surprise. No one gets kicked out. When your culture is ultra-healthy, toxic people leave when they can’t get traction or validation.

Your long-term investment and vigilance finally pay off in ways you never expected.

A healthy culture spits out toxic people. Here's the surprise. No one gets kicked out. Toxic people just leave when they can't get traction or validation. 

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...