Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Ezra 7

 A bad marriage is a painful story to watch. My parents’ were split on their religious faith with my Dad as an in practicing Catholic and my Mom a strict Baptist. Unity was not a descriptor of our home on most any topic as I remember. The families that has to split up as described in Ezra undoubtedly has multiple stories of strife and conflict. At first glance, God’s rules for living life in the Old Testament may seem harsh, but provided harmony and safety.  Following Christ and living as if He were living our lives provides the goths qualities any family would want. 

Made 3

 Our culture and our up bringing leaves us with the idea that our worth and value are wrapped up in the status we achieve or the possessions we accumulate. The way to get ahead is through power and manipulation or any number of subtopics. But in reality, who we are in Christ rests in His love and our surrender to Him. If we immerse our mindset with the culture, we are in a fog, if not blind to the reality of His presence. But I as we focus on Him, our vision adjusts to the Light He provides for each step we take on our journey  

Our brains are described as anticipation machines. We fear being left alone to deal with disappointments and discouragements. Our culture works hard to train us that we do not have to suffer. There is little to no expectation that suffering actually has the power to form us into more resilient people. But God promises to NEVER leave us or forsake us, despite the mess we find ourselves in.” - Curt Thompson, The Deepest Place

Be the leader

 What makes you a leader worth following?

Your position on the org chart doesn't make you a leader. Your title doesn't make you a leader. Leadership has nothing to do with your social status, your bank account, or where you reside. It's all about one life inspiring and motivating another to become the very best version of themselves.

As John Quincy Adams puts it, "if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader."

Made 2

 Our culture if not the entire planet attempts to label and categorize everyone and everything. Unfortunately we associate our worth and value to the labels we put on ourselves or accept from others. But the reality of following Christ is that we leave behind what was and put on the new that He is developing in us. The process of becoming who He wants us to be May create tension as we leave behind the labels that no longer fit. May God give us a new vision for who He wants us to be. 

“I had long despised the Word of God and repressed the God of that Word. I came to Jesus Christ because the God of Scripture was merciful. He understood my motives, circumstances, thinking, behavior, emotions, and relationships better than all the psychologies put together. They saw only the surface of things, for all their pretension to “depth.” He cut to the heart. They described and treated symptoms (in great detail, with scholarship and genuine concern), but they could never really get to causes. He exposed causes. They misconstrued what they saw most clearly and cared about most deeply. He got it right. They could never really love adequately, and they could never really reorient the inner gyroscope. God is love, with power. They—we—finally misled people, blind guides leading blind travelers in hopeful circles, whistling in the dark valley of the shadow of death, unable to escape the self-centeredness of our own hearts and society, unable to find the fresh air and bright sun of a Christ-centered universe. Scripture took my life apart and put it back together new. The Spirit of sonship began the lifelong reorientation course called “making disciples.” The God of all comfort gave truth, love, and power. Christ exposed the pretensions of the systems and methods in which I had placed my trust. Even better, Jesus gave me himself to trust and follow.” - David A. Powlison, Speaking Truth in Love: Counsel in Community


Monday, October 30, 2023

Filled 1

 The following paragraph hit the nail- “It would, however, be useless to tell anyone how to be filled with the Spirit unless he first believes that he can be. No one can hope for something he is not convinced is the will of God for him and within the bounds of scriptural provision.”

Tozer has said somewhere else: “We experience God as much as we want to experience Him.”  

I may be wrong, but I’m not sure we could live effectively with our ordinary responsibilities if we were filled with the Spirit 24/7 all the time, every moment. But experiencing those moments and times of being filled are truly treasured, not just for personal benefit, but seeing Him work in and through us.  Not an expert, but one must have a continuous relationship with Christ that is expectant of being filled, yet totally surrendered to His call for whatever is needed in the moment  


Made 1

 If you and I had every one of our earthly roles taken away, what would be our individual identity?  If you had no job, no family or marriage responsibility, and no one could say you any responsibility, what would be your identity?  Like the song by Cain, says, ‘On our best day we are a child of Gkd and on our worst day we are a child of God.’  

How is your identity in Christ the most important thing about you?

“I seek God daily because I need to. When I don’t meet God personally, thoughtfully, and humbly, I suffer the consequences. It’s analogous to forgetting to eat. I suffer because I am hungry, not because I feel guilty. “I’m hungry and I need to eat” is different from “I really should have eaten, and I failed again.” - David A. Powlison, How Does Sanctification Work?

"Go to church once a week and nobody pays attention. Worship God seven days a week and you become strange!" - AW Tozer 

12 Words


‘We Don’t Know What to Do, But Our Eyes Are on You.’ 2 Chronicles 20:12

Do you know which high level government leader voiced these words to his constituents? Jehoshaphat. King Jehoshaphat.

Don’t worry— there will not be a spelling bee on this guy’s name at the end of the post. 

Jehoshaphat governed during national trouble and in the shadows of war. In the Situation Room, the Joint Chiefs briefed their Commander-in-Chief and the report was not good. What do you do when your enemies are on your doorstep and it seems you are in a no win situation?

The King was alarmed. Danger was all about. He chose to inquire of the Lord. Prayer was not his last resort but first response. One theologian said, “Take your Bible and take your newspaper and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.” We sometimes get that backwards. We need to filter world and life events through the filter of Scripture so our reality conforms to our theology and not to our circumstances and fears. We may shake upon the Rock but the Rock does not shake under us.

In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat declares who God is. He doesn’t just talk to God about his problems, He talks to his problems about his God. God is a promise keeper. A way-maker. All powerful. He can be counted on. In the midst of these declarations, he voices those famous Twelve words, “We Don’t Know What to Do, But Our Eyes Are on You.’ (2 Chronicles 20:12). The Spirit of the Lord encouraged Jehoshaphat and all who lived in Jerusalem, “Do not be afraid or discouraged… the battle is  not yours, but God’s.”

Do you need to say those twelve transformative words today? Go ahead and give it a try … “I Don’t Know What to Do, But my Eyes Are on You.” Politicians at times need to say these words. Pastors too. CEOs. Moms. Dads. Me. You? It’s simply acknowledging, “I can’t. He can!” Humility is not weakness. We stay tethered to God in dependence. There is probably some area of our life today that this is applicable.

In our turbulent times, will you believe? Believe that God is powerful enough to take care of what is going on in your life? Believe that God is loving enough to want to and wise enough to know when and how? Will we trust Him today?

I saw this prayer someone wrote that goes with Jehoshaphat’s prayer, “Dear God, I lift my eyes to You. Please disrupt my false sense of control and my overblown confidence in my own abilities. I humbly bow and ask for your supernatural strength, wisdom and courage so I can endure these days and lead myself and others with faith for the future. My daily prayer will be: I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on you. Lead me and use me as an agent for your glory. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Awaken 21

 I’ve made plenty of excuses why I do not pray more boldly. But I have very excuses why I don’t pray for my friends and acquaintances who are lost. My concern for their well being has been shallow in light of eternity. My self absorption idols distract me from a radical love that is described in the New Testament. Perhaps we are too comfortable in our faith, and we view telling others as optional. 

“Jesus went about his ministry with a relaxed urgency.” - Greg Ogden, Transforming Discipleship

Work of The Spirit

 Michael Horton

We must walk a tightrope—Scripture does underscore the Spirit’s role in regenerating us; of uniting us to Christ and, in him, to the Father; of indwelling us and interceding within our hearts; of stirring us to love and fellowship with the Father and the Son as well as each other. Since our first contact with the triune God is with the Holy Spirit, who raises us from spiritual death and indwells us, we can wrongly conclude that the Spirit is the approachable person of the Trinity. Instead, we should see this work of the Spirit as initiated by the Father and purchased and mediated by the Son. Through the Spirit’s operation, all three persons come near to us and bring us into their fellowship.

Curt Thompson

We have come to the expectation of being entertained. There is little or no expectation that suffering has the lotential to form us into more resilient people. When it comes to suffering, I not only anticipate the emotional state I will occupy in the hard times, but I also assume that I will be alone in my distressing affect. I’ll be powerless to change it. This reveals our insecure attachment mindset. We do not anticipate that anyone will be coming for us, to join us in our trials. We will not be seen, soothed, safe or secure as we had hoped or longed for. We fear being left alone in isolation where evil takes advantage and shame takes up residence.

Curt Thompson - as we turn more and more to the Light, we find that our eyes continually have to adjust to the Light that is becoming brighter and brighter. And it turns out that naming the sources of our trials and difficulties (what has happened to us, what we have done to ourselves, or the consequences of not conforming to the world’s standards) allows us to follow Paul’s algorithm of moving closer and closer to hope.  

Growth - one way or the other

 Arnie Cole - “ Spiritual growth is inevitable—toward Jesus or toward Satan. Intentionally growing towards Jesus isn’t a guarantee. We have to work at it diligently. That’s why I need to know what’s slowing you down or tripping you up spiritually. I think this simple check up is crucial to understanding what keeps so many from becoming Biblically engaged disciple makers.”

The ups and downs of my growth toward Christ’s love is caused by a number of factors.  I often get nerves hobby people I cannot understand, worries that a torpedo of criticism or manipulation may hit at any moment. I also get focused on what others think, and tread on thin water. Another factor is my own self absorption, thinking I’m above the next crisis, or that God has taught me more than the next guy. But the more I rest in His love, grasping how the Creator and Sustainer of the universe could love me, despite mg fickle attempts to do what is right, I’m overwhelmed. Being motivated is not about my self effort, but realizing His love. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Awaken 20

 What holds you back from fully surrendering everything about you to Christ?  In the past, I’ve worried more about what others thought of me than what Christ wants. I didn’t want to be viewed as too radical in my faith but having seen the impact of a few who are all in for Christ, God is making me restless. Gideon was not a stellar example of immediate surrender. His story demonstrates God’s intervention in the life of an ordinary man to do extraordinary work. May God do the same in each of us. 

“We have transformed the gospel into the benefits we receive from Jesus rather than the call to be conformed to the life of Jesus. We want abundance without obedience.” - Greg Ogden, Transforming Discipleship

Thursday, October 26, 2023

New man 3

 Putting on the new man, the new self, or the new clothes, is leaving the old self behind. I don’t think we are ever finished with this process because we have a sin default to depend on our smelly old self, to be self sufficient. But the more we develop a rhythm of asking for His help, gaining wisdom from Scripture, we are being renewed each day. My old self includes my frustrations, pet peeves,m, and anger that can be turned into a person of peace and calm confidence. 

What to do on the worst day


When hearing the heartbreaking news, I thought of the worst day of David’s life (1 Samuel 30). David had experienced a rough bunch of years. He was Public Enemy #1, on the run and living in enemy territory in Ziklag. David and his six hundred mighty men were returning from a three-day journey and looking forward to spending time with their families. As they got near, they saw smoke. They picked up the pace. The Amalekites had ransacked their homes, set them on fire, looted their possessions and taken captive their wives and children and did who knows what to them. All seemed lost. What do you do on the worst day of your life?

1. Weep- David and six-hundred men wept big salty tears. Grieve. Lament. Express Sorrow. One day there will be no more tears (Rev. 21:4) but for now loss, death, betrayal, divorce, job loss etc. is painful and heartbreaking.

2. Watch out for bitterness- A mutiny was brewing. David’s mighty men blamed him and wanted to kill him. Bitterness can wreak havoc in a family, community, or group.

3. Encourage yourself in God- David could have fought back, relied on himself, or gotten depressed. David strengthened himself in God. He remembered the promises of God and deeds of the Lord.

4. Seek a word from the Lord- David wanted direction and the will of God.

5. Renew strength and vision to fight for family- Everything seemed hopeless, but a fresh vision brought hope and faith. They would rise, purse their enemies, overtake them, and save their loved ones. Every loved one survived, and all their treasure was recovered. What a reunion they had. Three days later Saul was dead, and David was King.

Crisis times bring great opportunities and great dangers. Crisis often brings out the best or the worst in people. May we rise to the occasion. May we look to God first and foremost. May we get His encouragement and direction in our dark times. May we support each other like never before. May we find real solutions and not just play the blame game. May we too fight for our families in constructive ways for the glory of God.

Awaken 19

 Being bold in our faith should be Soirit driven. The times I’ve tried to be bold in my own strength has often flopped, making me look like I’m prideful. The reaction is ‘How do you think you are?’  But the times I’ve experienced His leading, despite not knowing what to say, yet words came out, resulting in greater joy and peace, bringing comfort to others. Being bold brings Him glory and honor, pointing others to His kingdom. Being bold on my own is an illusion of my own kingdom and arrogance. . Another thought is related to being with other Christians. If I’m afraid of what I saying the wrong thing, fearing that the other guy may think I’m wacky, perhaps the conversation doesn’t need any boldness, only patience. 

“Intimate, accountable relationship with other believers is the foundation for growing in discipleship.” - Greg Ogden, Transforming Discipleship

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Awaken 18

 There seems to be no end to a list of distractions, pulling us away from following Christ. As our culture becomes more secular and divided, many view following Christ as a radical and out of touch with culture way to live. We do not feel the threat of being executed for our faith, as in some areas of the world and describes in Scripture.  It we can be marginalized and shunned. The idols that draw us away from Christ are related to being self absorbed with power, status, possessions and pleasure. But following Christ is a radical upside down life that our culture does nit understand. 

“We have transformed the gospel into the benefits we receive from Jesus rather than the call to be conformed to the life of Jesus. We want abundance without obedience.” - Greg Ogden, Transforming Discipleship

Awaken 17

 When I’m most focused on my anxiety, I’m not in the Scriptures. I may be casually scrolling through the reading plan but not doing any type of self reflection. The Scriptures are clear that God is in charge. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, having great implications for our personal lives. We will never understand what is happening in the chaos and messiness of our world, but He does.  The sooner we grasp the fact that He loves us beyond our imagination, the greater His presence in our anxieties. 

“Followers of Christ are often called “the people of the book” because we believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the unique written revelation of God; the reality is that believers’ knowledge of Scripture is woefully inadequate.” - Greg Ogden, Transforming Discipleship

Awaken 15

 When I encounter a time of uncertainty, discouragement and disappointment with what God is bringing into my life, I might have lost my focus. It’s easy to feel victimized by circumstances if I’m not in a rhythm of listening to Scripture and prayer. Doing His will is being in sync with His kingdom’s lifestyle, loving God completely, loving others and making every attempt to be a disciple maker.  Building relationships that point to Jesus is rewarding and needed to counter the evil one’s attempt to discourage and undermine us. 

“Discipling is an intentional relationship in which we walk alongside other disciples in order to encourage, equip, and challenge one another in love to grow toward maturity in Christ. This includes equipping the disciple to teach others as well.” - Greg Ogden

Favorite here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp4WC_YZAuw

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Awaken 16

 Anxiety and loneliness seem to be common features of living in our culture. Most of us know more people than the previous generation and we have the capability to be well connected. Yet we rarely go deep in relationships, remaining independent and self sufficient. For me, my ‘what if…’ list is long and I’ve been negligent to share my list with God or with trusted friends. But I’d we believe Christ is our solid foundation to loving, our anxieties and fears can be matched by His presence and wisdom. How can we encourage each other to go deeper, encouraging each other to lean completely on His presence?

“The church today has been compared to a football game with twenty-two people on the field in desperate need of rest, and fifty thousand people in the stands in desperate need of exercise.” - Greg Ogden, Transforming Discipleship

Monday, October 23, 2023

Awaken 14

 How can we increase our expectation to be used by God?  I often think that God uses us in random ways that can nog be predicted. Maybe that’s true, but I wonder if we need to pray boldly to be used, to expect Him to work in us and through us by being better prepared for those experiences. The hope and anticipation of seeing His kingdom at work brings great joy and purpose to each day, countering the temptation to be distracted or bored. 

“Disciples cannot be mass produced. We cannot drop people into a program and see disciples emerge at the end of the production line. It takes time to make disciples. It takes individual personal attention.” - Greg Ogden

Paradox Thinking

 Greatness is in serving

Leadership is training others to be better leaders. 


David wood. 

Answers in genesis

Young man’s battle

Helen Keller

 Helen Keller was stricken deaf and blind after contracting a high fever at nineteen months of age. Nonetheless, she went on to graduate from college cum laude and later became the first woman to be awarded an honorary doctorate from Harvard University. She wrote numerous books, became a tireless advocate for those with disabilities, met with twelve US presidents, and was awarded the highest American honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

She explained her life’s passion this way: “I am only one, but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do.”

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Awaken 13

 Jessica Hotz, of Activate Global, recently said that God is preparing people to hear the gospel. He also needs people to be prepared to talk with these prepared hearts who are open to the gospel. What can we do to prepare ourselves to meet with anyone who God has prepared for the discussion?  Let’s immerse ourselves in the Scriptures and in prayer, asking God to lead us into those discussions. 

Ask God to help you see the world the way He sees it.” - Billy Graham

In reading today’s devotional, I think of The Bible Project and their mantra that “the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus.” Having one book doesn’t tell the story. We (I) so often quote a passage or verse but it’s the Bible as a whole, leading to our Savior, that makes all the difference. It’s a living, breathing work. And the Gospel of God’s redeeming love is the heart of it. I ran across this YouTube video a while back and it really resonated with me. https://journey.jeverett.org/salvation 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Awaken 12

 Being on call, ready to respond, is the way to live. We cannot afford to rest, thinking all is well. We are in a war that is relentless, often silently stealing young and old, convincing each person in unique ways that it’s okay to fall asleep. We must be alert to opportunities to share, to pray and care for others that God brings into our lives. 

“There is grace for everything: grace to come and grace to go, grace to speak and grace to keep silent, grace to mourn and grace to dance, grace to weep and grace to laugh, grace to pack and grace to unpack, grace to be sick and grace to heal, grace to plant and grace to harvest, grace to tear down and grace to build up, grace to love and grace to hate, grace to live and grace to die. From beginning to end, life becomes a rhapsody of grace. Even the desire for grace comes by grace.” - Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism

Friday, October 20, 2023

Nets behind

 How do you leave something you've worked for?  How do you not feel bad for breaking off relationships that you had hoped would go deeper?  Tot seemed like the. At I had been holding was t catching anything. I had prayed for baptisms in 2020. I had hoped to develop discipling relationships with fellow attendees but who would be on my list of potentials?  I had hoped to go deeper with the leader but it always seemed one way. Stated concerns and prayer requests were met with the deer in the headlight look. “Call me if you need anything” was the mantra by many. 

And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him.  --Matthew 4:19,20

Rooted question - How can I make the most of my life?  The awaken devo says that we are on call, and must be ready to respond. I do not want to lulled to sleep, thinking that we are on a cruise ship to Heaven. We are to seek His kingdom, searching for where He is working, planting and watering for a harvest that is to come. 

No need to reply. I need to apologize for hurting you with my prideful heart, and for distancing myself. I’ve thought long and hard about my choice to take a break from LFF (prior to making the actual decision). I can see that I’ve thought too much of myself in teaching Sunday School, being on the MLT, and the way others have perceived me. I’ve worried that if I died sooner than Sandy, she would be left to deal with the animosity I’ve created for myself. 

In addition, I think I mentioned to you nearly three years ago that the evil one was attacking me with an immense amount of uncertainty for the future, especially when Sandy spent several days in the hospital. That dark cloud of attack has come and gone abut I know that same evil is lurking for me. 

I’m sorry that I have hurt you with my decision to do something different with church. I do not want broken relationships, especially with you. I’m restless to disciple, to grow in love, and encourage others to be leaders. But it’s as if there are iron clad doors to make that happen for me at LFF. The only logical reason is that the blame is on me. I feel that I do not fit, or measure up to the standards as I perceive them. 

I’m asking for forgiveness for hurting you. I’ve supported you from the beginning, Paul, and I feel like I’m letting you down.  It’s me that has changed but I don’t know where that is leading me. 

I recently read “And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him.”  --Matthew 4:19,20. The question was asked in the study, “What nets so you need to leave behind?”  I want to follow Christ and I’m asking that He lead me. I have just a few years left in my life, and I want to allow Him to maximize that time. 

I’m summary, I will continue to pray for you. 
Father, You know every detail of our lives. You know my frustrations, disappointments and discouragement. Yet I acknowledge Your presence and leading in my heart. Please protect Paul from disappointment and discouragement as well. Deepen his love for You that he will lead LFF well into the future. Give him wisdom to help each person he engages with, pointing them to Jesus. May he deepen his desire to give You all glory and credit for whatever accomplishments he has.  Enable him to be a disciple making pastor, building up eternal investments in the lives of others. In the powerful name of Jesus, amen. 

Awaken 11

 I’ve been far too comfortable in the pew and in the safety of my home. I often wonder if anyone outside of my family and Sunday church attendees know that I love Jesus, because of His love. Am I really getting to know others who do not know Christ?  Am I too comfortable in my circle of friends and acquaintances? I don’t think I grasp the brief time I have to share the most important message. 

“We must learn this lesson again today. There can be no dillydallying around with the commands of Christ. We are engaged in warfare, the issues of which are life and death, and every day that we are indifferent to our responsibilities is a day lost to the cause of Christ.” - Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Awaken 10

 I’ve missed so many opportunities to share what God is doing with others. I realize that God does not need me to fulfill His plans, and He is the One who saves, not me. But missing those opportunities is also avoiding the joy and fulfillment t of participation with the Spirit’s work. I want to be more involved in His kingdom work and less concerned with any illusion of my own kingdom building. 

“If we do not make the journey from theories and ideals to concrete situations, then the concrete situations will be lost under a smog of words.” - Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism

Awaken 9

 With all of the chaotic mess in the world, one could think everything is falling apart. But maybe God is moving behind the scene to put everything in place for His agenda. It is much easier to want to hunker down and protect what we have in case there is more chaos. It’s easier to build a bunker than to fight the good fight of faith, hope, and love. Reaching out to the hurting and those who need hope is our call.  Let’s pray to be resolved and committed to a light in a darkened world. 

“We have not been called to hold the fort, but to storm the heights.” - Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Preparing the nursery

 Michael Sprague


One thing I love about being in Israel is to learn to see things more through a “Middle Eastern Lens” rather than through a “Western/Greco-Roman Lens”. Often, we are taught to read the Bible and ask, “What does it teach about me?” rather than, “What does it teach about God? Who is He? What does it mean to know Him and walk with Him?” May we read Scripture, not just to learn something but to encounter SOMEONE. 

I was reading Galatians 4:4a today and blown away by encountering the SOVEREIGNTY of God in the timing of the birth of Jesus: “But when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His son.” God readied the nursery in Bethlehem for a baby to rescue people from their sins. The dots all connected with a convergence of circumstances that would rock the world and spread the Good News quickly. Five keys on how the world was prepared for the Invasion from Glory:

1. COMMON LANGUAGE- Koine, the common Greek Language permeated the empire so people, both great and common, could communicate easily.

2. ROADS- 55,000 miles of roads were paved to create pathways for commerce and communication, including the gospel.

3. PAX ROMANO- The Peace of Rome provided a time of relative quiet peace in human history.

4. SYNAGOGUES- The emergence of the synagogue system of local worship centers throughout the empire provided a built-in launch pad for Jesus, Paul, and others to announce the Good News.


5.  INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY- The number one rule of real estate is Location, Location, Location. God positioned Israel as the Landbridge to three continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe. Commerce, trade, and travel in the ancient world went right through Israel and in particular the headquarters of Jesus in Capernaum. The nations could make money and hear about the Living God.

Only God! What timing. The stage was set. The fulness of time had come. The world would never be the same. Outwardly, it would have looked like the Roman Empire had the same problems and wickedness that characterizes our day but the Father was working. He is equally at work in our times and in your life and mine. How might He use the internet? Times of Turmoil? Your job? The ability to travel? International students coming to our campuses? May we lean into His Sovereignty. Wise men (and women) still seek Him.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Full of the Spirit / gifts

 Elevating one or more spiritual gifts as more important elevates pride. 

Tozer - In practice it has resulted in much shameless exhibitionism, a tendency to depend upon experiences instead of upon Christ, and often a lack of ability to distinguish the works of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit.

Where there is no expectation there can be no faith, and where there is no faith the inquiry is meaningless.

MO - if there is no curiosity about the kingdom, faith is meaningless. 

To give up our last idol is to plunge ourselves into a state of inward loneliness which no gospel meeting, no fellowship with other Christians, can ever cure. For this reason most Christians play it safe and settle for a life of compromise.

They have some of God, to be sure, but not all; and God has some of them, but not all. And so they live their tepid lives and try to disguise with bright smiles and snappy choruses the deep spiritual destitution within them.

The soul agony breaks up the fallow ground, empties the vessel, detaches the heart from earthly interests, and focuses the attention upon God.

Awaken 8

 It’s very humbling to experience an appointment only God could arrange. The two men in today’s reference can happen to anyone of us as we seek His moving among others, expecting to participate with Him. Yet we must be on the alert for those used by the evil one to undermine our excitement of God working around us. May we be on the alert for for His working, curious to what God will show us or teach us. Each interaction could be the training we need for a. Giver assignment or the next appointment arranged by the Spirit. 

“Love is the only way to win the free response of men, and this is possible only by the presence of Christ within the heart.” - Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism

Embarrassing leaders

 Michael Sprague

The next time you are embarrassed by your  leaders… remember Sporus! 

Nero was Caesar while many of the New Testament books were written. Nero’s cruelty, ruthlessness and depravity are well documented as well as his burning Rome and pinning the blame on the followers of Jesus. What isn’t well known was the wedding of the century. Nero kicked his pregnant wife to death and decided to marry Sporus. Sporus was a young boy whom the Roman Emperor favored, castrated (so his boyish looks wouldn’t change) and wed.  It was said Sporus had an uncanny resemblance to his first wife. The wedding was public with all the pomp and circumstance of royalty … rose colored veil and long dress. Think Prince Charles and Lady Diana. When the officiating officer asked, “Does anyone object to this union? Speak now or forever hold your peace.” You can bet everyone bit their lip. Nero and Sporus paraded around the city making out. Nero made everyone address Sporus as “Empress.”

We increasingly live in a Post-Christian society and grabble with how to respond. Rage, withdrawal and grumbling are often the modus operandi. Maybe we need to remember Nero and Sporus the next time an elected leader embarrasses us. This will keep things in perspective. Interestingly, Paul didn’t protest, boycott or even mention the wedding of the century in his writings. He knew that King Jesus had given clear cut marching orders, “Go and make disciples…” I know … those words are not as nifty as the cool, sexy, shiny, new things coming down the pike. Take note! We must not confuse the sensational with the significant. 

At Capitol Commission Louisiana… we have never been nor will ever be sensational. However, we endeavor to do something eternally significant – Jesus Centered Disciplemaking.

It’s what we do

With everyone



As long as we have breath

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Awaken 7

 I’m being convicted that I do not make myself available to share my faith with others. In the past I’ve been afraid of what people might think, fearing rejection. But at this point, what is there to be scared of. I do not want someone to say “HS didn’t care enough to tell me.”  I’m fully aware that someone’s salvation does not depend on me, because God I the one who saves. But how will a person understand if you and I aren’t willing to listen and HRs our story. 

“There is no place in the Kingdom for a slacker, for such an attitude not only precludes any growth in grace and knowledge but also destroys any usefulness on the world battlefield of evangelism.” - Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism

Tozer - a deeper life

 More than a quarter of a century of pastoral work has taught me that most Christians simply will not cultivate their souls. They will not discipline their lives to bring them under the control of the Spirit. They will not die to self. The will not “make the knowledge of God the single passion of their days and years. A few will and do, and they are the salt and seed of the truth in every generation.”

“make the knowledge of God the single passion of their days and years. A few will and do, and they are the salt and seed of the truth in every generation.”

“Before we can know God in growing intimacy it will be necessary that we do some vigorous rejecting. We shall need to reject everything that hinders our progress. We shall need to reject the sin that doth so easily beset us, the world in all its subtle forms, and every claim of the flesh to indulgence, however refined and pleasurable it may seem to be. We shall need to deny our ego and repudiate every carnal ambition.”

“The aggressive seeker after God will need to make and keep certain resolutions. He will vow to honor God in every moment of his life and to accept any honor that may come to him as actually belonging to God. He must determine to surrender everything to God, to permit himself to be treated unjustly by others, to see other persons pushed to the front, to be treated with contempt by the popular leaders of the religious world and looked upon as something of a relic from another and quainter age. And all this he must accept without resentment or inward irritation.”

The poetry of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, Frederick Faber, and St.Bernard

Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. They mourned for Him, they prayed and wrestled and sought for Him day and night, in season and out, and when they had found Him, the finding was all the sweeter for the long seeking. 

Excerpt From

The Deeper Life

A. W. Tozer


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Excerpt From

The Deeper Life

A. W. Tozer


This material may be protected by copyright.

Excerpt From

The Deeper Life

A. W. Tozer


This material may be protected by copyright.

Excerpt From

The Deeper Life

A. W. Tozer


This material may be protected by copyright.

Think like a farmer

 Think like a FARMER... 🚜

Shouting at the crops rarely works, but caring for their nutrition and health does work.

Shouting at yourself during your struggles does not work, either. Growth and maturity take time. 

Never blame yourself or the crop for not growing fast enough. Waiting for the harvest takes time.

Don't uproot your progress prematurely; let your work flourish.  Let the growth happen.  We may not always see the lessons being learned.

Choose the best plants or the best seeds for the soil.  Prepare the soil for optimum growth.

Irrigate and fertilize.  The best crops take the most care.  Take care of yourself yet manage your responsibilities.  Irrigate your mind with a positive outlook and research in the best practices.  Build on the success of what works.  

Remove the weeds.  This takes constant vigilance and the latest research.  Be on guard for what could easily sap the strength and nutrition away from everything you are doing. Root out negativity and bitterness from your thinking.  Yesterday’s regrets can blossom into lessons learned. .  

Remember there will be good seasons and bad seasons.  You can only prepare ahead for the fortune or misfortune.  You cannot control what cannot be controlled.  You can prepare for yourself for the proper response.  Never gloat over the neighbor’s misfortune nor brag about your own.  Storms, hail and drought happen regardless of the soil, research, planning or preparation.  

Remember, your goal in farming is ultimately to provide for the needs of others. Your work outcome will outlast your efforts. 

Choose self-care practices that nurture your well-being. 🌼

Irrigate your #mind with #positivity and fertilize it with #selflove. 💧💕

Remove the weeds of negativity from your thoughts. 🌾

Remember, life has its seasons; you can't control the weather, but you can be prepared. ☀️🌧️

If you resonate with these words and want more insights on mental health , education and parenting .Subscribe to Cognition for valuable content! 📚✨


 My Prayer for Sunday....

May we not just go to church but be the church (referring to the church as a building is like referring to a person as a 2-by-4). May we not go so much to a place as to a PERSON. May our pledge of allegiance be Jesus is Lord (remembering Caesar is not). 

May we be expectant ...for sometimes rocks cry out, donkey's talk, dead people come alive, bushes burn, stuck people get freed up, lying brothel owners and religious terrorists encounter a scandalous grace and religious know-it-alls get a black eye by hearing, "prostitutes and tax collectors will get into the Kingdom of God before you".

May we remember nothing is impossible for God. May the wildfire of heartfelt devotion honor well the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the pleasantness of brothers and sisters dwelling in unity be real. 

Do your work again, Lord. Do it again. Do it again.


Leaving / casting nets

 It is time to delete this account and leave X/Twitter. The relentless ugliness is not worth it. 

We all know it can be toxic here. But it has been the conduct of Christian leaders that has most grieved me here. Slander works, and I don’t have the will to deal with to it.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Well made quotes

 And a well-made disciple faces new challenges and situations with condence. He is skilled at connecting God’s truths to see the bigger picture. He extends discreet truths to new situations. When a well-made disciple faces the unknown, he knows that nothing is unknown to God. He understands the big picture of God’s desires, character, and values. A well-made disciple applies his understanding when he cannot nd a direct answer to a decision he faces.  Doug Burrier

The real question is, “Have we prepared people to live out Christianity, to follow, on their own?” This is the one thing that we are called to do. This is the one thing that Jesus modeled for us. He made prepared, con dent, and skilled followers whom he released into the world. Jesus took a sabbatical. He knew the plan would not be complete until he left. His followers needed to rely on the Spirit of God. The goal of discipleship is to make independent followers.

Awaken 6

 I’m not sure why but I grew up with the idea that one’s personal faith is a private thing, not to be broadcast in a public setting. The only people who has the right or the privilege to share in public were pastors and priests. Internally I questioned that idea, but I never heard anything to counter that framework until college. Today, the public has been polluted with a variety of ‘Christian talk’ in the public forum, often to manipulate the audience to one view or another. Rarely are we encouraged to disciple another person in the way of Jesus, to practice the presence of the Soirit in our everyday life. 

“…discipleship is a lifestyle far more than it is an event, and it is a posture from which we can engage with the world in a healthy and fruitful way.” - Bobby William Harrington, Discipleship that Fits

Friday, October 13, 2023

Running 4

 Any goal we set involves a risk. Running a race takes a lot of preparation just like any sport. We cannot expect instant success without putting the work. The same is true for our character and integrity. Practicing doing the right thing in small decisions every day leads to doing the right thing when we are tempted to take short cuts in bigger decisions. God will give us the grace we need in the moment but we need to look for His presence to receive His grace when the pressure hits. Joseph is a prime example in the Old Testament of a man who learned to trust God in the moment, which prepares him for huge responsibilities in a foreign country. Who knows what God is preparing you to do in the future as you trust him now. 

Ruth 6

 How many times have I dismissed God’s appointments as a coincidence? I’ve minimized His working in the ordinary circumstances far too much. Sometimes I think God should thump me on the head for being asleep to His presence in the everyday situations of my life. There are no accidental events if we live our Lord. We are in Christ and He is moving to bring His agenda to completion. 

One Thing 5


Oh, Father, You are our loving Father who is drawing us closer to You. Sharpen our vision of what You are doing in and around us. Lord, empower us to know Your truth, filtering out what May look good but could lead us astray. Allow us into a deep sense of Yiur presence, that we may prioritize our life in You and You alone, praying out all of our concerns and anxieties with You. May we handle all of our responsibilities in faith, honoring You with what we do and say. Amen. 

Help 1

 It’s so easy for me to be focused on the situation at hand rather than search for what God May be doing behind the scene. I can dwell on my ‘what if’ list of anxieties rather than rest in the fact God is working life out to bring others to Himself. Joseph had a long time to wait for God to restore his family. He may have had a ton of regrets for the way he had acted with his brothers and missed his father deeply. He may have been resentful while in prison, falsely accused. But he remained faithful throughout his life. 

Awaken 5

 The woman’s story impacted many. She had met Jesus and her last was out in the open, ye try she felt free to talk about Jesus. Why don’t we feel comfortable sharing more stories of how Jesus has changed us?  I’ve been hesitant to share more with those who might criticize, which is a fear of others. We will not be an influencer if we do not share our story with others. May God empower us, opening our eyes to what He wants us to tell. 

“The principle behind discipleship does involve one person influencing another, which does result in a change in heart and mind.” - Bill Hull, The Complete Book of Discipleship

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Grateful to Change

 Dear Pastor Boykin, 

Thank you for speaking into our lives through the Rooted series. We began attending Kearney EFree at the beginning of your sermon series four weeks ago. We are life long church attenders but had been struggling in our small church, hesitating to jump into a larger church setting. But we are filled with gratitude to begin the journey under your leadership. We have experienced a warm welcome by so many and purchased the Rooted workbook from the Mariners Church website. following with the study on our own.

We have so much respect for Vicki Maupin!  What an example of faithful love for our Lord  I worked with Vicki at Pleasanton School for years and we knew Eric and Vicki well. We weee moved by your compassion and empathy for Vicki and her family, especially with Vicki’s comments about your care after the funeral.  

We look forward to meeting you sometime as well as growing deeper in our walk with Christ.


Awaken 4

 The women at the well encountered God Himself. Her conversation with Him revealed that He knew everything about her. There was nothing to hide in her life confession. Jesus knows us far more than we know, yet we try to hide our secret places of the heart from Him. Most of us have not surrendered all to Him, thinking we can wait till later, or that my secret places do not matter all that much. I’ve spent far too much of my life minimizing the magnitude of His love. His sacrifice has far reaching consequences to every part of our lives. 

“The chief barrier to effective discipleship is not that people do not have the ability to become spiritually mature, but they lack the passion, perspective, priorities, and perseverance to develop their spiritual lives. Most Christians know that spiritual growth is important, personally beneficial, and expected, but few attend churches that push them to grow or provide the resources necessary to facilitate that growth. Few believers have relationships that hold them accountable for spiritual development. In the end it boils down to personal priorities. For most of us, regardless of our intellectual assent to the importance of Christian growth, our passions lay elsewhere—and our schedule and energy follow those passions. Most believers, it turns out, are satisfied to engage in a process without regard for the product.” - Bill Hull, The Disciple-Making Pastor

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

One thing 3

 My prayers have often self focused. There is probably nothing wrong with asking for less stress, or the elimination of a predicament. But the motivation for praying is to have an easier life, not to seek Him, or acquire the wisdom needed for the next issue around the corner. More than anything, the one thing our Father wants is to seek Hos presence, that He might be made famous in our lives. Our prayer life is not to promote our agenda, or elevate our ‘Christian reputation.’  

2 Chronicles 16:9. For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him…...”

Awaken 3

 On a hot dry, dusty day, we can become thirsty. But we can also be thirsty for stuff to accumulate, power, status, or pleasure. The woman at the well quickly learned there was much more to life than physical need. The presence of Jesus is the supply for our need in a screaming chaotic world. I’m guilty of minimizing the reality of His presence. Completing these devotionals each day is one way to develop a rhythm of focus, a reminder to recalibrate, and a stillness in the noise. May we become thirstier for His presence each day. 

“The local-church thinker says, “We are building a great church.” The kingdom thinker says, “We are taking the rule of Christ to the world.” - Bill Hull, The Disciple-Making Pastor

David Jeremiah wuotes

 1. “Everything in your past has prepared you for what’s next, and every promise of God will provide what’s needed.” — Forward

2. “This is the most important fact in your life. God loves you. The eternal, self-existent Being who created and sustains everything that exists dearly loves you. The profound thought of God’s love should begin and end your every day. It should define your every goal, your every action.” — God Loves You: He Always Has—He Always Will 

3. “God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. And He has given us the indwelling strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The rest is up to us.”— A Life Beyond Amazing: 9 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life Today

4. “In spite of all the perils we encounter, the mountainous crags and the desert wastelands, we can trust the Lord.” — Shelter in God: Your Refuge in Times of Trouble 

5. “You’re not finished until you’re finished. You’re not done until you’re done. Therefore, stay focused all the way through because it isn’t over until it’s over.” — Forward

6. “Retirement is simply God’s way of freeing you up for further service.” — Forward 

7. “It’s hard out there. Sometimes it feels like the world is ripping apart at the seams. Sometimes it feels like your heart can’t take any more hurt. But no matter what the world throws at you—anxiety, fear, confusion, temptation—you have a choice on how to respond. You can concede defeat or live in the victory God promises you.” — Overcomer: 8 Ways to Live a Life of Unstoppable Strength, Unmovable Faith, and Unbelievable Power

8. “We need not cower in fear of the future or worry about the present. Instead, we have a heavenly Captain who has overcome the world and knows the way to lead us through any storm.” — God Has Not Forgotten You: He Is with You, Even in Uncertain Times

9. “Which giant is giving you grief? Perhaps Fear has your number. Maybe Loneliness has locked you out. Whatever giant may be bullying you, the message of this book is that God is the greatest Giant of all. He goes before you like a consuming fire.” — Slaying the Giants in Your Life: You Can Win the Battle and Live Victoriously

10. “Revelation teaches us that regardless of what happens in this life—no matter how depressing the world news appears or how difficult life becomes—life in Christ has a joyful ending. When the heartache of this present world weighs heavily on us, we have only to look up and look ahead at the radient end of one story and the joyous beginning of a new story that will never end.” — When Christ Appears: An Inspirational Experience Through Revelation

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...