Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Waiting on God 06/03

 Waiting for anything in our culture is tough. We are hyper impatient with most any material thing available at a finger’s click. Microwave ovens, instapots, and air fryers make cooking easier with minimal planning. Apps can make a lot happen quickly. But waiting for answers to prayer or receiving comfort and encouragement from a community of like minded folks is a process that takes time  the changes God wants to make in our lives do not happen with minimal effort or a finger’s click. Waiting is learning as I quiet down and quit focusing on myself, comparing my life with others. 

 “At times God permits His children to experience darkness on a dead-end street where they don’t know which way to turn. When this happens, wait for the Lord to give you light in His own time. Don’t try to manufacture your own light or to borrow light from others. Follow the wise counsel of Isaiah: “Who among you fears the LORD? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely upon his God” (Isa. 50:10 NKJV).” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Patient

Monday, May 30, 2022

Mess 06/02

Who’s going to be Lord of my life? Who’s going to call the shots? Me or Jesus Christ? God has the power I’m lacking. My default response to most anything is self sufficiency, self preservation, and the appearance that I’ve got life figured out. But God is breaking down the walls I’ve built, knocking them down, allowing me to be vulnerable, weak, needing help. The sooner I’m honest with Him, surrendering my all go Him, the sooner I experience His strength in my worst moments…and in my better moments

Quote:   “Do not sow the Word of God plus man’s philosophies, man’s theories, man’s traditions. Just sow the pure Word of God. A good farmer washes his seed before he sows it. A good spiritual farmer makes sure he does not mix God’s Word with anything defiling.” - Warren Wiersbe

Why Can’t I Stop? 6/01

 Sin is self deception, creating the delusion that I’m not hurting anyone or anything. I’m not really accountable if no one gets hurt. Following a rabbit trail leads to dark places, getting me far deeper than I ever imagined. The range of topics can be anything, including anger and resentment, or holding a grudge. Harboring sinful thoughts prevent me from experiencing His presence, but His grace is ever ready to pull me out of my stupor. My good intentions do not measure up to actually change. 

 “No one is remembered for what they only planned to do.” - Bob Goff, Everybody, Always


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Why I Do What I Don’t Want 5/31

 The first step in daily recovery from this struggle is recognizing the problem. If I’m not aware that I’m not doing what is right, my problem is much deeper than what is discussed in this devotional. The temptation to hold on to sinful desires is real everyday and giving in only leads to a drift away from the Spirit’s leading. Saying to myself, “One more time won’t hurt” or “I’ll eventually get rid of that temptation” is when my faith is weakening. I cannot master this struggle on my own, trying harder the next time, mustering up greater will power. It’s a repetitive cycle until I worship Him in all humility, living by the Sprit’s residence, praying through passage of Scripture. It’s allowing His Kingdom to reside rather than building my own self righteous kingdom. 

“Jesus never said doing these things would be easy. He just said they would work.” - Bob Goff, Everybody, Always

Friday, May 27, 2022

4 Ways 5/30

 I wonder if I get so rapped into myself and my agenda that I fail to slow down enough to listen for God’s instruction, His voice, or to sense His presence.  My check list of things to do May include Bible reading but I need to slow down and let the words ruminate in my mind. The same can be said of pastors and teachers. Once the session is done, I’m on go the next thing. However, the process of change and growth is slow, and the washing of His Word cleans us, washing the sin and selfishness away. Surrendering my will to Him is a process that needs renewed over and over with my self sufficient tendencies. 

“Jesus talked to His friends a lot about how we should identify ourselves. He said it wouldn’t be what we said we believed or all the good we hoped to do someday. Nope, He said we would identify ourselves simply by how we loved people. It’s tempting to think there is more to it, but there’s not. Love isn’t something we fall into; love is someone we become.” - Bob Goff, Everybody, Always

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Two Steps 5/29

Everyday is a fresh battle to be humble, asking God to be my Shepherd, leading me in His ways. My tendency is to go my own path, on auto pilot, thinking I’m self sufficient and independent. My arrogance of self determination goes a long way until I encounter resistance, a predicament, or until I’m hot with Scripture. God seems to be working in unseen ways to bring me to Himself, despite my independent methods of operation. My tendency is to seek comfort, minimal risk, with no controversy. But to love Him completely, to actually follow the Shepherd’s lead, will require surrendering, listening, waiting, and doing what is out of my comfort level. 

“What is it that you don't think you can do? What do you think is too big for you? Or too scary, or too risky? Sometimes God whispers it, and sometimes, he shouts it. Whatever the volume, I bet he's always using the same three words with us: Be Not Afraid.” - Bob Goff, Everybody, Always

The Next Step? 5/28

 I’ve spent a lot of mental time debating what God wanted me to do with my life, feeling like I was missing something. But it hit me that the two greatest commandments summarize much of what it means to follow Christ. My family life, career, relationships developed in the classroom and friendships are each forums to carry out my commitment to love others as myself. Scripture is clear that I need to live by the Spirit, not for my own selfish narcissism.My motivation to do anything can get twisted for my own kingdom delusions rather than allowing God’s kingdom to live in my heart.

 “We don’t need more facts to find the purpose and kindness and unselfishness we long for; we need a firmly seated faith, a few good friends, and a couple of trustworthy reminders.” - Bob Goff, Undistracted: Capture Your Purpose. Rediscover Your Joy

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Mistakes to Avoid 5/27

My main take away from this devotional is not to be fatalistic. “The idea of fatalism — that everything that happens is God’s will — leads to self-pity….fatalism leads to passivity. It makes us think, “I’m waiting on God to…

Rather than being an active courageous Christ follower, I’ve often prayed that o would respond to a situation with Christ like behavior (not wrong) but I’ve not prayed that God would receive glory and honor. It’s like I’ve been more concerned with how I look rather than how God looks. Knowing and doing His will is more about leaning in on Him than making myself look good.

“We’re following a God we can’t see, for a lifetime we can’t measure, to a heaven we can’t comprehend, because of grace we didn’t earn..” - Bob Goff, Undistracted: Capture Your Purpose. Rediscover Your Joy

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Disturb Me 5/25

 It’s scary to ask God to break and disturb my comfortable lifestyle. Most of us live a cushy life with no persecution or physical suffering because of our faith. My life has been privileged compared to most global citizens, but as our culture rapidly, changes, I wonder if we will be able to continue in such luxury. The political upheaval, distrust, anger, and loneliness we feel could be warning signs of things to come. I worry about the increase in teen depression and suicide, which can be symptomatic of so many cultural issues. I worry about my grandchildren growing up in a world that devalues integrity and character. What will their world be like with a minority knowing anything about church, Scripture or a sovereign God?  I wonder if I’m being too negative or if I’m another frog that isn’t aware of the rising temperature in the pot. I know that I cannot change our culture but I can encourage a few to be courageous Christ followers. Demonstrating kindness, justice and humility in a culture of narcissism is the least we can do. May God empower us with wisdom. 

“At some point in my life of faith I realized I knew plenty of things about Jesus but hadn’t actually done anything with Jesus. I was like a professor who taught the class but wasn’t a practitioner. I knew the verses about the poor and the widows and the orphans. Meanwhile I had never done a single thing to be like Jesus to them.” Excerpt, Undistracted, by Bob Goff

Friday, May 20, 2022

SendMe 5/24

 “He won’t be checking for titles or degrees or accomplishments or how rich or poor someone was. He’ll be asking everyone whether they found their identity in Jesus and if they really were who they said they were during their lives.” - Bob Goff, Everybody Always 

My prayers are much too safe, and I fear that I will grow too comfortable with my comfort as a retiree. I have struggled with how available I am for His use since retiring as I’ve missed being around youth so much of my life. But I now I’m burned out from the busy life of a rigorous schedule I’m praying that God will show me new opportunities to be sent.by Him. My tiredness is matched by a restlessness that wants to do more, yet not be committed to an everyday list of ‘to do’s’ to feel guilty about.

Lord. Empower us with wisdom and passion to be doing the right activities that will make a difference in your Ingdom.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Break Me 5/23

 I want life to be safe and comfortable. But statistically, I’m guessing most of us have either come out of a crisis or we are headed into one. The hazards of living in a broken world with sinful people (including my own sin) has consequences that are not pleasant. I’d like to avoid conflict, loss, and grief, but my chance of avoiding these calamities does not look good. The conclusion is that life is not about me getting my way. Our Lord is searching for those who love Him and are surrendered to Him. I wonder if most of us are too busy to even see the need to be broken and surrendered to Him. We live in a culture plagued by noise, schedules, and constant distractions. Praying to be broken, contrite, reflective, and surrendered might require waiting, quiet commitment to be unnoticed, and a rut hum of constant conversation with our Lord. 

“Do not presume to do the work of God from any foundation other than an ongoing relationship with Him. How can we possibly think we will have wisdom, untiring love, and strength to persevere unless we sit daily at the feet of the Savior?” - Diane Langberg

Fear 5/22

 It seems like our culture is filled with fear and anxiety. I’m sure there have been other times in history when fear dominated the thinking of many, but so many lack the emotional support and foundation of values to be resilient. If there could be a plan to undermine confidence in the future, from a secular view, it would include strategies for enhancing anger, division, despair and disillusionment. It’s easy to be sucked into a vortex of negativity if we are not steadfastly rooted in God’s sovereignty and love. Life is filled with tests to filter out our anxieties and trust Him more deeply. 

Lord, empower us to see through the strategies to undermine our faith in you. Help us to surrender ourselves to your sovereignty and protection from despair. 

  “God longs for us to be fully alive, soaring into the sky and bearing witness to God’s good life that is available to us. But if we hope to be shaped and changed in this way of life, we must have a root system powerful enough to hold us together.” Excerpt, The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas

Search Me 5/21

 Asking God to search my heart, revealing what is holding me back from Him, is very revealing. Knowing a lot of faith related information is not what God wants. I can feel arrogant at times that I’ve accumulated religious information but when I see my practice of kindness, patience, justice, and humility, I’m convicted of my sinful self. With such a short life, compared to eternity, let’s pray for each other that we will surrender ourselves to His Kingdom. 

“How do you think your life might change if you prayed daily a daring, faith-filled prayer of whole-life devotion to the one who gave it all for you?” - Craig Groeschel, Dangerous Prayers

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Your Will Be Done 5/20

 I have often found myself praying in a fatalistic mindset. Instead of asking God to intervene and make a way, I’ve prayed that God would help me accept what ever outcome He allows to happen. It’s as if I’ve adopted the attitude “It is what it is.”  Craig Groeschel emphasizes the point that God is in pursuit of us, wanting us to fully surrender and be available to Him. Our Father is approachable and He constantly searches for those who desire Him, who want to glorify Him, wanting to be put to good use.  Let’s commit to pray boldly with risk.  May God change my fatalism to believing that my praying matters!

Craig Groeschel:  “Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little, when we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess, we have lost our thirst for the waters of life; having fallen in love with life, we have ceased to dream of eternity, and in our efforts to build a new earth, we have allowed our vision of the new heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wider seas, where storms will show your mastery; where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. We ask you to push back the horizon of our hopes; and to push back the future in strength, courage, hope, and love. This we ask in the name of our Captain, who is Jesus Christ. Amen!.”

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Dangerous Prayers 5/19

 I’m learning that many of my prayers are half hearted at best, despite my anxiety. But if I now that my Father cares, what’s holding me back from praying boldly?  Perhaps it’s my focus and passion to surrender my will to Him deeply and fully. . Perhaps I’m too distracted with other goals that do not compare in weight or magnitude. Reading God’s Word, praying, praising Him, and searching for what He would have me do or say are daily exercises that bring great return. Neglecting them squelches my desire to listen to the Holy Spirit or the desire to honor Christ. Life becomes all about me without a desire to honor Him. Even doing good things without the right perspective can turn into a selfish rabbit trail. The need to exercise these godly habits is an everyday battle with new circumstances to work it all out. But He is faithful each and every day. I hope you sense this to be true throughout your life. 

A friend gave us the book Dangerous Prayers and I saw this devotional, and thought it might be worth doing with you. I agree that my prayers are too conservative and weak. Yet those times I’ve prayed more seriously, I can definitely see that God has made things happen. I continue to pray for you, Nolan. Your life in Christ is the miracle God is doing in you - answers to my praying for you. I’m humbled - love you, Nolan!

What if rather than avoiding brokenness we embraced it? Welcomed it? And even prayed for it? “God, break me.
Craig Groeschel, Dangerous Prayers

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Making Life Count 5/18

 Sandy and recently listened to a frown explain how she has prayed earnestly and consistently for her life to count for Christ. Having known her for several years, there is no doubt in my mind that she lives to glorify Christ in her work with students and adults. Students gravitate to her with personal problems and reassurance that life will be okay. Yet she is restless and anxious that she so everything possible to bring others to Christ. The suffering and grief she has endured through numerous tragedies defies the imagination that anyone could still be restless for Christ. Her love for Jesus is so evident and God is bringing good through so much bad. What haas been meant for evil, discouragement, anger, or disillusionment is resulting in encouragement, hope, deeper faith, and love for others. The great commission and the two great commandments are obviously being fulfilled in and through her life. 

If you would like to join us for the next devotional series, Dangerous Prayers, by Craig Groeschel, click


Please share this link with others if you like. Our goal is to engage men with Scripture, empowering each of us to be equipped disciples and disciple makers, for God’s glory. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Living To Prove 5/17

 What do people really see in us by the way we live?  Are we seen as religious, following a set of rules, judging others by our standards?  Are we seen as as shallow and naive, holding on to the vale’s of our parents?  I hope to grow in authenticity and real life wisdom, proving that my faith is real, but more importantly demonstrating that Christ is in me and I am in Him. 

“Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, and cleave to it as the highest price of every pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain. What was once foolishness to us—a crucified God—must become our wisdom and our power and our only boast in this world.” - John Piper, Don’t Waste Your Life

Risk Is Right 5/16

 I often avoid conflict but I’m learning that engaging in risky / Christ honoring adventures do not always end in conflict. I wonder if I have avoided engaging in Christ promoting discussions out of fear that I wi contribute to anger and division. The great commission and the two greatest commandments teach that we need to be take risks for Him. 

Boasting 5/15

 Bragging about myself is a huge temptation, only enhanced by social media and posting selfies. But how can we transform our conversations to promote the supremacy of Christ, even though we talk about what we are doing and what we like?  I want to develop greater innovation in my conversations, engaging others to think more deeply about what is important. In an age of division and an effort to reshape our values, perhaps we have more opportunities than ever. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Anxiety’s Remedy

 It’s not possible to live an anxiety free life. We live in the here and now, not what is to come. We are still tainted by sinful desires and we live in a world at combat with sin and evil. Yet we are commanded to keep our minds clear and focused on a passion to live for Christ. Greater is He in us than the evil one of this world. Each day is presented with new challenges that clearly present fear or faith as a choice. Despite the anxiety, joy and peace can equally be present with His presence in us. Some days the joy overwhelms the fear and worry, while other days are lessons to be learned, that I need to depend on Hom far deeper than ever. . 

Crystal Clear 5/14

 I spent quite a bit of my younger self searching for God’s will in my life. As a school counselor, I’ve emphasized the importance of making wise economic, career and educational decisions with students. Helping others to choose worthy goals has been worthwhile and fulfilling. But I often wonder if I have not reminded students of their God given assignment and purpose, to glorify God in all things.  Perhaps I over analyze myself, but I do not want to waste my life at this point. John Piper has a disdain for retirees spending their vacations looking for sea shells.  I hope to avoid fruitless efforts, but look forward to your interaction on John Piper’s thoughts.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:3‬ (‭CSB‬‬)

“Proclaim the Lord’s greatness with me; let us exalt his name together

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Running Deep 5/13

 No matter the global location or the specific individual, sin runs deep. With no regard to economic class, background, heritage, or education, we all need the saving power of the gospel. Not just a ticket for Heaven, but each global resident needs to experience the life changing power of His Kingdom in the heart, transforming the way we do business with each other. I wonder if I’ve been disciples into a simplistic worldview, assuming that others have had the minimum of privileges like me. I judge others by my experiences. But being indifferent to each person’s need for Christ puts in question my love for Christ.  Lord, change is to be more in love with You, that we may love others with greater sincerity and intention planning  May we follow your leading and teaching, not our assumptions, in our efforts  

“Throughout the Bible, we see pictures of the global church (which includes all followers of Jesus in all locations) and the local church (which includes particular followers of Jesus in a particular location). Out of 114 times that the “church” is mentioned in the New Testament, at least ninety of them refer to specific local gatherings of believers who have banded together for fellowship and mission. God intends for every follower of Jesus to be a part of such a gathering under the servant leadership of pastors who shepherd the church for the glory of God.” - Francis Chan, Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples

Beneath The Surface 5/12

 I’m wondering if the main reason disciple making doesn’t take place in so many relationships is that we are far too surface in our conversations. Getting beneath the surface takes real effort, self disclosure and vulnerability. We all struggle with sin, our past, guilt, shame, worry, and fear of the future. One day I’m filled with fear and next day faith over rules my anxiety. So many relationships are superficial, seemingly built on the idea that I want to appear better than I am, that I’ve got my act together. But we need each other for brotherly encouragement, helping each other to filter out the world’s influence, keeping our focus on the One we love and adore for all eternity. Let’s pray that we will be men of influence on the lives of others. 

We have to be clear about what it means to help the people God has placed in our lives. We gravitate toward solutions that are quick and easy. When it comes to helping people, we often address the surface level of the problem but never get down to the heart of the matter. When someone is grieving, we might hand him a book that helped us in a difficult moment. But how many of us would take the time to really invest in his life? Would we listen on a consistent basis and offer help whenever we find a need that we are able to meet?

Monday, May 9, 2022

Love Comes First 5/11

 Francis Chan has several blunt and confrontational questions. I’m guilty of having the wrong motives when I’m with others. He asks: What do you think and feel when you are in a group of people? Are you overly aware of the ones who are wealthy, attractive, or have something they can offer you? Do you worry about what people think of you? Or do you look for ways to love and opportunities to give?

I’ve had moments when I’ve sensed Gos leading me to initiate conversations that focus on Christ. I’ve had many others when I’ve wanted to be a wall flower or hunker down in self retreat. How awesome it would be if we would link arms with the goal of becoming identified as disciple makers.

Friday, May 6, 2022

First Steps 05/10

 Whom has God placed in our lives right now that we can begin making into a disciple in Jesus Christ? Whom has God placed in our lives for us to partner with in making disciples?

As I’ve struggles with becoming a better disciple and disciple maker, I’ve been impacted with how my family members Continue to be my responsibility to disciple. What good is it if I miss opportunities to influence them toward a closer walk with Christ? There are no guarantees, but I’m certainly accountable to the ones God has put into my life. But I do not want to.be short sighted to think they are the only ones. Being intentional and on purpose with a few can have a profound impact for God’s kingdoms. I do. It want to be asleep and miss opportunities to connect with those right in front of me.

Equipped? 5/09

 How can you and I actually do what Jesus commissioned us to do? How are you and I experiencing the Great Commission?

These questions have bothered me for a long time as I’ve wondered how effective my witness really is. Am I doing and being the person God wants? Will anyone reach Heaven because of my willingness to be the person God wants me to be? I know that God is in pursuit of men, women, and the next generation far more than I could ever be, but if I really love Jesus, shouldn't I be better at this than I am? Francis Chan hammers away that the great commission is not the great suggestion.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Making Disciples or Not 05/08

 “Why is it that we see so little disciple making taking place in the church today? Do we really believe that Jesus told His early followers to make disciples but wants the twenty-first-century church to do something different?” - Francis Chan. 

What is your response to these questions?  Has the 21st century church drifted away from the Great Commission? I wonder if most church attendees know the Great Commission. I’ve not received much training to be a disciple maker over the years, other than from para church organizations. I think most fear what others think or fear that they do not have the right answers. 

Making disciples is all about seeing people transformed by the power of God’s Word. If you want to see that happen in others, you need to be experiencing such transformation yourself.

Disciple or not? 05/07

 “It appears that we’ve lost sight of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. The concept of being a disciple isn’t difficult to understand, but it affects everything.” - Francis Chan 

I wonder what Jesus would say if He viewed the way I live. Would He say that I’m really a disciple, or just pretending?  Am I actually following His commands, or do I view His instructions as suggestions? Am I surrendering my whole self to Him, waiting for Him to direct me, or going my own way, giving lip service to Him?  

we reduce discipleship to a canned program, and so many in the church end up sidelined in a spectator mentality that delegates disciple making to pastors and professionals, ministers and missionaries. But this is not the way it’s supposed to be.

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...