Friday, June 28, 2024

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can you listen to the Shepherd’s voice with all the noise and distractions around us? If ever we need to filter out what can distract us from His kingdom’s presence, it is now. Hammering out our faith and how it applies to today takes effort, but it also requires His grace  the mystery of the two forces merge into worship and surrender to Him.  He provides the safety and provision we need, but we must to run toward Him.  Whatever interruptions to our plans we encounter, He provides.

Proverbs 18:10 - The name of the LORD is a strong tower;

        the righteous man runs into it and is safe.

“It isn’t the hurts, blows, and bruises that rob us of the freshness of Christ’s beauty in our lives. More likely, it is careless ease, empty pride, earthly preoccupations, and too much prosperity that will put layers of dirty film over our souls.” - Joni Eareckson Tada, A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God's Sovereignty

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bible 183

 I hope to be like a shepherd with the smell of the sheep, as Pops Francis advised. No one trusts a person who thinks they are better than the common sheep. God does extraordinary things through ordinary circumstances and ordinary people. The reality of His invisible presence is made available to us as we trust Him. 

David’s ordinary and common upbringing trained him to be a hard worker who took care of those under his responsibility. His integrity drifted into an arrogant blindness at times, but over all, he lived up to the phrase ‘a heart after God.’  As Nicky states, love and leadership go hand in hand, as demonstrated by Paul. Wouldn’t it have a thrilling experience to accompany Paul or Elisha?  Elisha had so many intense experiences of prayer, compassion, yet confrontation with resistance. 

Bible 182

 I’m guilty of not speaking up to change a conversation toward Christ or more appropriate topics. I’m trying to get better and more skilled to not miss opportunities. We can all drift into negativity which does no one any good. Group talk can go sour pretty fast. I’m trying to remind myself that I am just as prone to sin and be a negative Ned just like the next guy. I should never think I’m above this temptation to let a discussion deteriorate, which is not good for my mental health, not others. Even though Paul talked a lot in this reference, putting one person to sleep, Paul cares deeply. Elisha experiences God’s presence in Elijah, and wanted a double portion. May we have that effect - demonstrating God’s presence in us. 

Bible 181

 Trying to plan ahead with someone who is not a planner drives me nuts. I remember well a student who told me to not bug him about his plans for the future because he wanted ‘to see how things go.’  He said “I’m big a planner; I like to drift from Jen thing to the next.”   But at the same time, I resist being smothered by someone else’s plans. Im slowly learning to trust what God has for me today, and not freak out about what I don’t know might happen tomorrow. One great tip I’ve tried to practice is to do the next best thing with all the information I have right now. Somehow, God has protected me from financial and moral failure by trusting Him. Learning to act upon what I know to be true, regardless of a worthy life goal. Micaiah was faced with Ahab’s opposition, much like a Nazi resister. Hopefully, doing what is right never will go out of style. 

iPhone thumb drive

 If you’re looking for a thumb drive to use with your iPhone 8 for downloading images, here are some highly rated options:

  1. iDiskk Photo Stick (256GB): This MFi-certified flash drive connects to your iPhone via the Lightning port. It offers ample storage capacity and makes file transfer a breeze. You can easily back up photos and other files from your iPhone to this deviceAd12.

  2. SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive Luxe: This thumb drive has both Lightning and USB-C connectors, allowing you to transfer files between your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and other USB-C devices. It’s a versatile option for backing up photos and videos3.

  3. Apple MFi-Certified Flash Drives: These drives are designed specifically for Apple devices and come in various storage capacities. Look for one that suits your needs and offers reliable data transfer speedsAd1.

Remember to check compatibility with your iPhone 8 and consider the storage capacity that best fits your requirements. Happy file transferring! 😊📱📷

Bible 180

 It’s difficult to see how a person could not see that the world is in a contest between good and evil. The evil intent of dictators like Putin, Stalin or Hitler who have had the conscience hardened to suffering loom in my mind to be on guard to lesser evils. Any one person could let their conscience harden to doing wrong. The power of sin affects every person. 

There is a danger, though, in focusing on evil to the extent we live in fear and anxiety all the time. God’s presence protects our minds and hearts from fear. Love conquers our fear so that we can live on purpose for what is good and right. Ahab and Jezebel may have been just as evil as Hitler in their day. The Bible is clear that we need to be on guard, yet live with the assurance of God’s presence. 

Psalm 23-11

 Being anointed / appointed to be the person to stand in the gap is seeing His kingdom at work. It’s easy to cruise along and not consider the eternal perspective in opportunities and decisions. There are so many opportunities, like Queen Esther, that we could consider ‘for such a time as this!’  Could we be the person to pray for a specific outcome, to be the person of character and integrity?  Could we the person to steer a conversation toward Christ?  Could we be the one to participate in His kingdom moving in a group?

“My strength in prayer these days is scant—I’ll confess that. So for all the concentration I can muster in prayer, I must not dissipate it in seeking physical blessings only. Rather, I must spend a good portion of it seeking spiritual growth and praying for Christ’s kingdom to go forth into this dark world. For such prayers are a way for me to know God and to know Him deeper, higher, richer, wider, and fuller—much fuller than if I comfortably cruised through life in my wheelchair.” - Joni Eareckson Tada, A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God's Sovereignty

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bible 179

 I have a difficult time praying for a health miracle to happen in a person’s life, even though I know God is the Creator, often defying the rules He has established in chemistry and physics. Perhaps my faith is weak but I’m open to His working, should He choose to do what doctors cannot so. I tend to think more of these miracles happen in unchurched areas of the world, drawing people to Christ when they would not have been interested. The same God who did miracles in the Old and New Testament times is the same God today. 

Elijah experienced a dramatic miracle in front of the idol worshipping priests. God detested such rebellion that He wanted to show the nation He meant business. We often get to witness the miracle of changes lives after the person has responded to the invitation to follow Christ. The change may be over night or over a period of time. Regardless, changed lives make a difference. 


 Amyloidosis is a rare disease where an abnormal protein called amyloid accumulates in organs. The symptoms and severity depend on which organs are affected. Here are some key points:

  1. Symptoms: These vary based on the affected organs but may include:

    • Swollen ankles and legs
    • Severe fatigue
    • Shortness of breath
    • Weight loss
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Tingling or pain in hands, feet, or wrists
    • Enlarged tongue
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • Diarrhea (sometimes with blood)
    • Easy bruising or skin patches1234
  2. Types of Amyloidosis:

    • AL Amyloidosis: Abnormal antibodies from bone marrow deposit in organs.
    • AA Amyloidosis: Linked to chronic inflammatory or infectious diseases.
    • Dialysis-Related Amyloidosis: Affects long-term dialysis patients.
    • Hereditary (Familial) Amyloidosis: Rare and runs in families.
  3. Diagnosis:

    • Blood and urine tests
    • Echocardiogram
    • CT scan or MRI
    • Biopsy of affected tissue
  4. Treatment Options:

    • Chemotherapy with stem cell transplant
    • Liver or kidney transplantation (depending on type)
    • Treating underlying causes for AA Amyloidosis

Remember, early diagnosis is crucial for managing organ damage. If you suspect amyloidosis, seek medical attention promptly! 🌟

Psalm 123- 10

 Forming a habit and life rhythm of being grateful is a challenge worth the fight. We live in a culture of negativity and entitlement, thinking that we deserve better than we have it. What better way to worship our Triune God than to be thankful for His plan from the beginning to rescue, redeem and restore us. The process will have a ripple effect into eternity where we can fully appreciate His provision and protection. 

“...all the beautiful things that have entered into the heart, mind, eye, and ear. God is saying 'These are nothing compared to what lies ahead.' I still don't know what this means. But I've found that God never places any real emphasis on the present - except as a preparation for the future. We only have a limited sense of reality. This doesn't mean I'm preoccupied with heaven and the hereafter. It just helps me put things into perspective.” - Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni: An Unforgettable Story

Bible 178

 I sometimes would like to know what is in the near future, but it’s probably best to not know. My what if….worry list is long and I’d probably worry more if I knew the outcome. But God has promised to NEVER leave us, and we can trust Him to provide what we need at the time of our need. The apostle Paul could walk into any situation has the right words to speak. 

The story of Elijah is another example of the Bjble being honest about God working through ordinary and weak people. Elijah may have been no ordinary man, but he teaches a point of exhaustion and desperation. In his weakest mkments, God provided through ordinary means, reassuring him that all would be well. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Psalm 23-9

It sounds simple that God will provide comfort through His presence. But I have found His presence to be just that - comfort and assurance. He promises to NEVER leave us or forsake us. When my Dad was killed in a car accident in 1975, I knew that God was present. I had a lot of ‘why this has to happen’ questions, but His presence was constant. There have been many crises and chaotic events since, but He has been there. Even though my fears about the future loom in my mind, I am confident He will always be there. 

“I finally realized that embracing God’s hard will with a grateful spirit is the highest expression of faith in him and the most glorious experience a Christian can have.” - Joni Eareckson Tada, The Practice of the Presence of Jesus: Daily Meditations on the Nearness of Our Savior

Monday, June 24, 2024

Psalm 23-8

 My what if….list is long. Some days I do pretty well keeping the list in check, either ignoring my fears or by praying out my anxieties. Many days I don’t do well, hiding my inner turmoil from most everyone. I used to handle my fears better because I thought I had some control over my circumstances and God had left it up to me. I don’t think my theology was correct because few circumstances are in our control. Life seems to be designed to being us to our knees, to pray more, to depend on Him far more than we ever imagined. 

How are you learning to handle dear and anxiety in light of His promise to NEVER leave us and walk with us?

“Gut-wrenching questions honor God. Despair directed at God is a way of encountering Him, opening ourselves up to the One and only Someone who can actually do something about our plight. And whether we collide with the Almighty or simply bump up against Him, we cannot be the same. We never are when we experience God.” - Joni Eareckson Tada, When God Weeps: Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty

Bible 177

 Developing a rhythm of praying about everything takes practice and a change of mind. I have been very guilty of praying only in spurts with only selfish requests for things to turn out like I wanted. I’m learning that praying changes me, learning to not be so self sufficient, seeing life from my viewpoint. Looking back, I can see that my weak prayers have resulted in changing circumstances and in softening others’ hard hearted attitude. The apostle Paul prayed boldly and in the crisis of the moment. He didn’t hesitate - a good model to follow. 

Regarding the division of Israel after Solomon, some of the kings in Judah knew the only solution was prayer, even if no one else followed along. One lesson for me is that you and I need to continue developing a rhythm of praying, even if it seems like no one else is. 

Psalm 23-7


There is no denying that every single person will face a crisis. Either we are in a crisis, have just left one, or headed for one. It’s not a pessimistic view but a realistic outlook. Psalm 23 reminds us to depend on our Shepherd, because He will never leave us. He is always with us through the valley, over rough terrain, and in the dark. His presence protects us from an evil outcome, because He is good all the time. 

“You remember in Hebrews 11:6 we are told (forgive me, but I still like the King James Version): “He that cometh unto God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that halfheartedly seek him.” Oops! Was there an error in there? I meant “diligently seek him.” Now, diligent seeking is an expression of a number of things, not the least being faith—confidence. When we are halfhearted in our faith, we are halfhearted in our thinking. And the halfheartedness defeats the whole project.” - Dallas Willard, The Allure of Gentleness

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Psalm 23-6

 Our culture is built upon the idea to pursue your own happiness, to be your own person. It’s a great place to live and develop our dreams because God has given us a free will to choose and make decisions. But the Scriptures document God’s call to live on purpose for a depth of meanjng beyond our own happiness. I’m guilty of being driven to improve my resume and to look good as a Christian. That attitude is not walking with our Shepherd for His name to be known. I’m learning that living for Hos name to be known is practicing His presence, conversing with Him, asking for His wisdom, not promoting myself. In the process, He shows me and teaches me who He is. 

(Page 59 The Practice of the Presence of Jesus, by Joni Earekson Tada)

“Although God remains preeminent in my thoughts and hopefully my in my motives, I do not view my life in Christ and others as a hierarchy like God first, family second,’friends third, co-workers fourth, and finally, me, last. My love for Christ is more homogenous than that. More fluid, like coffee. When you make a daily habit of practicing the presence of Jesus, your Christ infused influence will undoubtedly spill over into the lives of others, for He said, “Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said:  Streams of living water will flow from within him.” (John 7:38). Keep yourself close to Jesus, and His life-giving stream will fill your heart, effervesce up into an ecstatic fountain of praise to the Father, and flow out as a steady river of encouragement to everyone around you, bringing refreshment and renewal.”

Bible 176

 I can get bogged down by the burdens and misfortunes of others. I try to remind myself that I could try to do something about all that I know but end up doing nothing for those closest to me. I’m coming to believe that God has placed us in this time and place with specific responsibilities and roles. I cannot plug holes that I vanity reach. The apostle Paul focused his primary efforts in building up / encouraging those that could take over what he himself could not do. His multiplication principle was effective. I want to be that guru, to encourage those that I can reach out to, such as you. Encouraging you to become what God has intended is the goal. It seems that the history of Israel is marked by a failure to train up leaders to continue a faithful witness to God’s work in their nation. Effective leaders do not promote themselves but train younger leaders to be all they can be. 

Bible 175

 It’s seems rare to have a close friendship outside of marriage. Developing a limemmkmdes friendship takes time but it requires total acceptance and respect for each other. I’ve had closer friends much much younger than me rather than a close friend my age. That’s not always true but I want to nurture relationships into acceptance and respect, even though there may be differences in preferences. No two people are truly alike on everything. The apostle Paul and Barnabas are an example of acceptance and respect, having differences, yet partnering to accomplish much. The Bible is also honest to point out examples of dishonest, manipulating people who use others to get ahead. Life can be disaster working with such people. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Bible 174

 One of the great things about the Bible is it’s honest, realistic view of our world. There are many references containing complaint and lament, yet combined with worship and awe. The mystery of God the Creator allowing human choice to choose between good and evil is mind stretching. Even though we may want to do what is right in life, we will still experience the chaos and stress of wrong choices, even by others. Paul and Barnabas, even though doing their best to honor God, had their disagreements, yet they continued to do their best. We may not agree with like minded people, but God can bring good out of our weaknesses. 

We may never understand how Solomon made such dumb decisions when he was so smart with wisdom. He had everything he needed but wanted more. His character development didn’t match his accumulation of wealth and knowledge - great lessons for us. 

Psalm 23-5

 We each need rest from the turmoil and chaos of our culture. But do we really believe that His presence will restore, renew, and renovate our hearts?  The strongest enemy to our restoration is that we are in too much of a hurry, impatient to wait for His presence to change us. We want change immediately or at least tomorrow. We want what we want when we want it. But our Shepherd may be leading us to a greener pasture, to a place where we can truly rest and be fed. He may be training us to be ready for the next assignment. 

“He saves us by realistic restoration of our heart to God and then by dwelling there with his Father through the distinctively divine Spirit. The heart thus renovated and inhabited is the only real hope of humanity on earth.” - Dallas Willard,  Renovation of the Heart: Putting On the Character of Christ

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bible 173

 Proverbs 15 has insightful statements that describe our world today. Solomon had observation skills that summarizes most intentions. The apostle Paul May have been expert in Solomon’s wit, giving him an insight to stay focused on what was most important. Paul had left a life that he thought was so important, defending tradition and Jewish customs. But God had called him to live a different life. As Paul’s grew in his purpose and meaning, joy increased, despite his circumstances. I want to live out my life full of meaning, encouraging guys like you to develop a life rhythm of searching for what God desires, transforming you to be different than our cultural expectations. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bible 172

 Experiencing God’s for me is an increasing awareness that He is present in unseen ways yet nudging me to look for Him in all that I’m doing. It’s difficult to put into words but the Bible comes alive with more reflection, praying and expecting Him to be with me. I’ve not had the dramatic happen as in these passages or as Nicky describes, but know of those who have had those experiences. I think it would be easy to profess a dramatic occurrence in order to manipulate a story , to pretend it happened or even imagine it happened. One has to be on guard that self promotion is the goal rather than closer communion with our Triune God. 

Paalm 23-4

 We never know when the next storm will blow in. Some storms last a while, requiring us to double down in safety, doing everything we can to protect ourselves and those we love. Jesus knew all about storms. The Creator Himself was in the boat when the storm came. Even the experiences fishermen were scared with the strong winds, but the Creator was asleep. When He got up, He calmed the winds. 

When we face chalks and turmoil, He is the calm presence in our lives, enabling us to cling close to Him. He will NEVER leave us. 

No matter what storms I face, His very life and strength and vitality is poured into mine. It overflows so the cup of my life runs over with His life…often with great blessing and benefit to others who see me stand up so well in the midst of trials and suffering.” - W. Phillip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Psalm 23-3

 We need still waters in our chaotic noisy world. The peaceful view of a calm lake or stream is a calming process to anxiety. Jesus knew exactly what we needed by portraying Himself as the Gold Shepherd, leading us to calm waters. The author of Psalm 23 knew exactly what it meant to be beside the calming influence of a peaceful body of water. Being outdoors, in the quiet of nature, is a theater for His presence, empowering us to be in gratitude to His order of creation and and peace in us.  

No matter what storms I face, His very life and strength and vitality is poured into mine. It overflows so the cup of my life runs over with His life…often with great blessing and benefit to others who see me stand up so well in the midst of trials and suffering.” - W. Phillip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

Bible 171

 Reading the Bible has an impact like no other book. It portrays God’s character and system of justice and orderliness of the universe. Without Scripture, we would be clueless of God’s love and character. With the Bible, we see history as sequential and linear, leading to Christ’s intervention in time and space, His resurrection, and the moving of the church to change individuals and groups. Much of today’s thinking seems to be self oriented, with decisions made in a gap hazard manner, rather than to fit into God’s bigger story. We like immediacy without delay of any return. But God’s way of changing us is a slow process with great eternal reward. 

Psalm 23-2

 In the Exodus reference, the Hebrew people grumbled against their leaders, Moses and Aaron. It doesn’t take long to listen to our culture, and we have grumbling from every direction. I do not want to be ‘that’ person who is found negative and complaining. I want to walk with the Shepherd, listening to Him, observing Him, with His presence close. I am safe in His presence because He knows me and I know Him. Regardless of my circumstances or situation, He is present with me.  He will NEVER leave me or forsake me.

(fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. --Isaiah 41:10)

Contentment should be the hallmark of the man or woman who has put his or her affairs in the hands of God.” - W. Phillip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

Monday, June 17, 2024

Psalm 23-1

Sheep need a shepherd, someone who will look after them with great care. A sheep can easily wander off into danger, vulnerable to a predator or getting lost. The Bible’s picture of Jesus as the Great Shepherd and we as sheep is no accident. We need His caring presence because we are prone to wander off without Him. We are safe in His presence and He provides what we need for each day’s journey. One day, one step at a time with Him is the life I want to live. 

“But because the sheep ( followers of Christ)  belong to Christ and have recognized Him as Lord and Master of their lives, their owner and manager, they are permeated by a deep, quiet, settled peace that is beautiful to behold.” - W. Phillip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

Pray 8

 My praying in the past could not be characterized by the word confidence. I’ve doubted whether God was really listening to me, not because I doubted His ability, but that I wasn’t important enough. God had much more important things to respond to than me. But my view of God was far too small. He is able and willing to listen, but He wants me to talk with Him. God knows if I could handle an answer the way I want, and He sees the big picture through His sovereign rule. Mature praying seems to be a continuous process of seeking the practice of His kingdom and His righteousness. Praying with surrender and honesty changes us just as much as the a situation. 

“Edmund P. Clowney wrote, “The Bible does not present an art of prayer; it presents the God of prayer.” We should not decide how to pray based on the experiences and feelings we want. Instead, we should do everything possible to behold our God as He is, and prayer will follow. The more clearly we grasp who God is, the more our prayer is shaped and determined accordingly.” - Timothy Keller, Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God

“Sometimes Christians speak of each decision of their lives as though they were launching a moon-shot where a single miscalculation would send the capsule into a trackless void. Even space scientist do better than that, correcting the flight of their space-probes by radioed signals. God does much better. He knows that we are often incapable of distinguishing trivial decisions from momentous ones, and that we are foolish and imperceptive. He knows---- and keeps us in his hand.” - Edmund P. Clowney, Called to the Ministry

Spiritual Formation

 Defining spiritual formation:

Spiritual formation is transformation, not conformity to the world (to systems, programs, or our usual efforts for self improvement). Spiritual formation is our personal surrender to God’s word, to the leading of the Spirit, practicing His presence through a disciplined and reflective life. Thoughtful reflection is moving away from our impulse to have life our way. It’s moving away from our desire for self importance, recognition, possessions, and power. 

The transformation that happens in us must happen in a personal intimate way that cannot be compared to anyone else, yet it is encouraged and nurtured with others. Spiritual formation is a mystery of our efforts and His work in us, stirring our hearts to love Jesus more and more. 

What is happening in Kearney regarding spiritual formation?  I’m not sure other than the traditional Bible study groups, conferences and intentional efforts to put faith into action through good works.  In addition, one on one discipleship efforts, support of missions efforts to the unreached people groups of the world.  

What are the learned practices to foster spiritual formation and vulnerability among men?  Group discussions following Bible study groups, one in one discipleship efforts, journaling and reflection in these one to one efforts, building relationships between young and older men.

But how do we create spiritual formation in ourselves or others?  It results from asking God to show us how He wants us to be involved in His kingdom. The more we become acquainted with Christ we know Him and trust Him. As a fault a fire is ignited in us to follow Him and surrender ourselves to Him. In the process we form a vision of how we can participate in His kingdom. We become intentional in discipleship, disciplining ourselves with reflection. In the process, God reveals the means we can participate in the kingdom. 

What is preventing our participation in His kingdom movement, in the practice of spiritual formation?  Perhaps the roadblocks are unique to the individual. Perhaps the hurdles involve our obsession with comparison to others, grasping possession and power, or pursuing a good resume, power, or prestige  all the while we are driven to build our own kingdom, missing the call to participate in His kingdom   

The miracle of transformation involves a change in the way we think about ourselves and others. The sins of comparison to others and the world’s standards are no longer obsessive compulsions. Our identity focuses on Jesus, not what we don’t have, what we think we are entitled to, or how we have been taken advantage of. We are compelled to be honest and vulnerable with our Triune God. Instead of grumbling and complaining, we become curious to what God will show us next. Real change is not a one decision and done deal. It is a repetitive process of choosing to live rightly, repeating a rhythm of practices that may seem boring and out of touch with a trending culture. Real change happens individually but in a communal vow with others, to live for the honor of our Triune God. Transformation in us is formed by an eternal perspective, a vision that our efforts today have a ripple effect into tomorrow and for all eternity.  

How can spiritual formation be attractive?  To me, it’s a combination of asking God to show me who He wants to be in my life.  Who has God already out in my life that I can nurture transformation.  It is repeating to myself that I need to seek His kingdom in the here and now.  Where is God moving and working? How can I participate? He does the extraordinary through ordinary people and ordinary circumstances.  It seems to be that I need to create a vision of participation, then be intentional about it.  It’s creating a curiosity to His work, fed by podcasts, discussions, books, stories and listening to others.  

Our curiosity to His leading brings a calm assurance that He will NEVER leave us, but will always be present, regardless of the circumstances. In addition, He will lead in our hearts and through His word to reach out to others, and to rosins to the Spirit’s peompting and nudging.  This curious way of living is asking each day, “What will God do next or what will He teach me today?”  Our formation of the Spirit’s leading is a private moving, yet it is openly demonstrated in a public way. Our transformation involves deeper relationships with others, led by the Spirit, to mentor, disciple and be discipled. If we are not actively sharpening the minds and hearts of those He beings into our lives, our growth is limited. 

Bible 170

 It seems as if life is filled with challenges and dilemmas that enable us to choose How we want to live, and who we want to become. Each experience is a sequence that builds who we become, either stagnant, retreating to the bad habits we seem to be wired to have, or renewed into someone God could only do in our hearts. 

Like the story in Acts about a man who manipulated for personal gain, we see many in our culture who do exactly as he did. But true character change into the likeness of Christ has no manipulative strategy. The change is God’s doing.Solomon’s gift of having wisdom must have been astounding. He was able to make decisions with clarity and justice. But as we will see later, Solomon seemed to miss judge the wisdom of his own character development  to be involved with multiple women. His lust for personal pleasure got him into trouble. Wisdom must be matched with character.  

Pray 7

 Close friends know each other well. Bout our Triune God knows us better than we know ourselves. Surrendering my independence and self sufficient attitude brings Him into my life as a friend closer than a brother. His presence brings a calm assurance that He will NEVER leave me, despite my fickle wandering. His presence brings a boldness of being honest and vulnerable, and a humility that I cannot fix my issues without His help.

…”we cannot truly know God better without coming at the same time to know ourselves better. It also works the other way around. If I am in denial about my own weakness and sin, there will be a concomitant blindness to the greatness and glory of God. There is no greater example of this than Isaiah, who when he was given a vision in the temple of the holiness of God, said immediately in response, “Woe to me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty” (Is 6:5). It was because he’d seen the king in a new way that he saw himself in a new way. They must go together. If we are not open to the recognition of our smallness and sinfulness, we will never take in his greatness and holiness.” - Timothy Keller, Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bible 169

 I’ve underestimated the power of praying. Answers may not be like we want them to be or may take longer than we want. If we could see our situation from God’s view, our praying might be a lot different. But God is also interested changing us as we wait. If there is any request to make while praying, it involves asking for wisdom to meet the challenges of today. Like Barnabas, I want to be a person who encourages to be their best and to honor God with their decisions. Perhaps our legacy of praying will be transferred to others, especially our family and the next generation. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pray 6

Allistair Begg has a way of diving deep into familiar words. Even though I may have asked God to prevent us from temptations many times, do I really mean it?  Temptations are like sneaking in the sack of candy when no one is looking. It’s allowing myself to wander down a path of thinking and imagery that could bring a downfall. Pastor Begg asks, when does a test result in a temptation?  Tests for me can be predicaments and dilemmas with no easy solution, and no clear answer from God. I can doubt God’s presence and wander with my mind to inappropriate places, neglecting Hos presence. This especially true when observing conflicts and heated exchanges. But practicing His presence within me and beside me, my focus is much more clear  

Fanny Crosby’s hymn “On the Victory Side”:

  1. Our souls cry out, Hallelujah! And our faith enraptured sings, While we throw to the breeze the standard Of the mighty King of kings.Refrain: On the vict’ry side, on the vict’ry side, In the ranks of the Lord are we; On the vict’ry side we will boldly stand, Till the glory-land we see.

  2. Our souls cry out, Hallelujah! For the Lord Himself comes near, And the shout of a royal army On the battlefield we hear.

  3. Our souls cry out, Hallelujah! For the tempter flies apace, And the chains he has forged are breaking, Through the power of redeeming grace.

  4. Our souls cry out, Hallelujah! And our hearts beat high with praise, Unto Him, in whose name we’ll conquer, And our song of triumph raise.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Pray 5

 Bitterness and resentment can prevent gratitude for the good that is currently happening. The trauma of the last can have a ripple effect into the present and future. No one knows the personal hurt that has happened but God. The agony, pain, persecution and loneliness that Jesus experienced on the cross is a great source of strength during the darkest of days. Forgiving a perpetrator can be very very difficult as we think of usually think of forgiveness. Some individuals can only be forgiven in the context of circumstances, and lives from a distance. Reframing what has happened maybe the best we can do with our weakness in a sin infused broken world. His grace and mercy are new each day with each memory. 

 To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”

“Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.” - Lewis B. Smedes, Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve

Bible 168

 It would seem foolish that any one would want to oppose God’s viewpoint. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things and His view surpasses any other opinion. Yet we have many voices today that challenge what has always been taught as right and moral. When we each want to be independent and self sufficient, our unity for the common gold falls apart. When we lose sight of who God wants us to be, we wander to a million tangents. May we ignite a fire for the truth and freedom that Peter and Cornelius experienced, so that we do not destroy ourselves by our selfishness. David’s successor had challenges throughout his life, despite the lessons everyone should have learned. May we learn from our mistakes and the wisdom of studying the lives of others. 

Bible 167

 One of the best things about the Scriptures is the brutal honesty and reality of human life. The mystery of human suffering in a world created by a loving God does not seem to make sense at times. God’s silence or how allowance of pain and predicaments is beyond our understanding. We do not see things from His view and we cannot experience a perfect world yet. I want to trust Him regardless of what may happen around us or to us. He has promised to NEVER leave us in the dark, even though a stretch of days may seem dark. Trust requires a faith that all will work out in the end. Our world loves statistical research and is becoming a data driven world. David trusted his research more than He trusted in God’s presence. I want to be found faithful to Him, not in our world’s accomplishments or my achievements. 

Pray 4

 Asking God to provide for us each day sounds short sighted for our fast paced culture. But it hit me as I read this that Gkd is asking us to slow down enough to appreciate Hos provision and protection. The Hebrews grumbled and drifted into a negative mindset, forgetting all that God had done for them. Gratitude each day, as we pray for daily provisions should never get old. He mercies are new every morning. 

By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.” - Thomas Merton

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bible 166

 The change that happened in Saul the persecutor was dramatic. There was no mistake in the change he experienced. The early church was afraid of him but later was taught and expanded under his leadership. Following Paul (formerly Saul) throughout his life would be an interesting story. 

I recently had a former student (in his 50’s), who has lives a wild life, tell me how God had changed his life in a radical way. He know sees life entirely different and wants to make sure other know about the changes he is making. There is hope for all of us!  I want to live my life in such a way that there is no doubt who I follow. 

Pray 3

 Praying that His kingdom come is a counter cultural mind set. Our world would like us to think that this world is all there is and we had better manipulate our way and grab all we can get. But the reality of that thinking is hopeless and despair. His kingdom in the here and now gives an unshakable hope and assurance. His kingdom to be in ful is even a greater hope. god is with us and will NEVER LEAVE US or forsake us. I need pray that way, with hope and assurance. 

First, I took several months to go through the Psalms, summarizing each one. That enabled me to begin praying through the Psalms regularly, getting through all of them several times a year.27 The second thing I did was always to put in a time of meditation as a transitional discipline between my Bible reading and my time of prayer. Third, I did all I could to pray morning and evening rather than only in the morning. Fourth, I began praying with greater expectation.” - Timothy Keller, Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bible 165

 History shows that much good has resulted from the efforts of Christian churches, regardless of denomination. Great good has flowed through the work of faithful Christ followers who were committed to issues of community development, child welfare and justice. Hospitals and universities have been established under the mission statements of church groups. As Western Europe and the U.S. drift away from these commitments, perhaps the gold efforts to help humanity will be led by the flourishing church in third world countries. 

As you and I develop a rhythm of faithful prayer and faithfulness, the peace and power to be resilient grows. David endured many roadblocks and detours in his life, but he consistently returned to his rock bottom foundation of faith in God. May that be true for the both of us. 

Bible 164

 I’ve never liked much change in my life and have lives conservatively, not taking a lot of risk. This may be true with my faith as well, afraid to rock my comfortable boat. Loving conservatively, I’m wondering if I’ve tried to protect myself from risking things by hiding behind my walls of safety. I know there is great wisdom in balancing risk and safety. But concerning faith, I want to be more open and vulnerable witb our Triune God, allowing Him to lead rather than me hiding in safety, afraid of what a faith called life would mean. Saul (later Paul) thought he has everything figured out until his conversion experience. He was eager to at the record straight by persecuting the early church. But through his own suffering, he learned a deep faith and a source of purpose that he never expected. David experienced suffering and ridicule but he did not give up on his loyalty to God. 

Pray 2

 I am guilty of praying to our Father like an estranged child sulking and hiding in the corner, not sure that He is listening at all. I’ve prayed half heartedly thinking that He really doesn’t care all that much. I’ve prayed out of guilt that I’ve not prayed enough or very often. I could go on and on. But if I’m full adopted and loved as His own, what do I have to lose by being open and vulnerable. He knows me better than I know myself. Many of my prayers have been a form of self talk, seeking earthly blessings rather than simply worshipping my Father. 

Prayer is awe, intimacy, struggle—yet the way to reality. There is nothing more important, or harder, or richer, or more life-altering. There is absolutely nothing so great as prayer.” - Timothy Keller, Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God

Monday, June 10, 2024

Pray 1

 I used to view my prayer life with guilt and shame. It was a checklist of whether I had prayed or not. I had my mental list of prayer topics but rarely invested much time in praying for each issue. But I’m learning what it means to be praying at all times, often sporadic, in the moment, impromptu. I want to have a lifestyle with that rhythm of praying.  As I’m learning to do this, my awe of our Savior has increased and my guilty conscience  has disappeared. As I’ve been in prayer groups and heard prayer warriors Mary with intensity and clarity, I’m overwhelmed at the presence of God. 

“Our prayers should arise out of immersion in the Scripture. [We] speak only to the degree we are spoken to. . . . The wedding of the Bible and prayer anchors your life down in the real God.” - Tim Keller

“Trusting God when the miracle does not come, when the urgent prayer gets no answer, when there is only darkness—this is the kind of faith God values perhaps most of all. This is the kind of faith that can be developed and displayed only in the midst of difficult circumstances. This is the kind of faith that cannot be shaken because it is the result of having been shaken.” - Nancy Guthrie

Bible 163

 It’s a given truth that no one is perfect. Every person makes mistakes. We can beat ourselves up and never make another decision to move forward or we can gloss over the good up as if nothing bad happened. But a better way to look at our imperfections is believing that God is good. If He is good, He will provide the mercy and grace to overcome and bring good out of the bad. If God is good, we need to act like He is good and seek His care. 

Davis made plenty of mistakes but believes God would continue being the same God David always believes in. Stephen demonstrates courage by giving a hostile crowd a history lesson about God’s provision and protection. I want to live and act under His provision, and not cave in to today’s negativity and gloomy predictions. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 Certainly! The house you’re referring to is the yellow beachfront home built by Warren and Pam Adams in Gilchrist, Texas. After losing their previous home to Hurricane Rita in 2005, they constructed this new house, which stood 14 feet off the ground on wooden columns. When Hurricane Ike struck in 2008, it devastated most of the roughly 200 homes in Gilchrist. However, the Adams’ yellow house was the only one on the Gulf Coast side that remained standing. Although it survived the storm surge, the interior suffered significant damage, rendering it uninhabitable. Despite the loss of many belongings, the Adams family was grateful that their home endured the hurricane’s wrath. If you’d like to see an aerial shot of the house, you can find it here1. 🏠

Michael Sprague


Perhaps the most memorable image of Hurricane Ike from September 2008 was the famous yellow house, the only house left standing in a neighborhood of Gilchrist, Texas (see picture). This little peaceful and serene seaside community of 200 homes was known for its colorful houses, sidewalks, beautiful landscaping and retirees. After Ike,  it looked like a bomb exploded. There was nothing left to suggest there was civilization there except for one lone house that stood strong and defied the wind and the watery wrath of the storm. This was one house out of 200.

The owners were Warren and Pamela Adams. Warren was an electrical designer. He added additional fortifications to retrofit the house when the foundation was initially laid and the house was built in anticipation of the hurricanes of life. He hired an engineering company to oversee the contractors. In the end, it was shocking to see only one house standing, but the backstory of the faithfulness of the builder shines light on the ability to stand. 

Such is the story of our lives. Jesus told the famous story of two men who built homes or should I say built their lives. Outwardly, both looked strong but it wasn’t until the storm came that the individual foundations were revealed. The exhortation from this story in the Sermon on the Mount was to build our homes/our lives upon the rock and not sinking sand. Jesus is that Rock.

All our homes/lives will have cracks and scars from the storms, struggles, and seasons of life. Yet, we will stay intact if built on Jesus, our firm foundation. As I like to say, we may shake upon the Rock, but the Rock will never shake under us. 

Stay steady today in the storm my friends. God is faithful. He started a good work in you and will finish that work. He is able. He is a rescuer … sustainer … deliverer … keeper. Get to know who God is and who He says you are. Get to know His voice and be careful of the counterfeits of the enemy. Be less impressed with the famous and more impressed with the faithful. Abide in Jesus and don’t be afraid to speak his name and his deeds of faithfulness to you.

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 1:24-25

Psalm 23-12

 Our weakness and inadequacies show us that we need His strength. The chaos and trauma of this world cannot be handled by ourselves. How can...